New Shonen Jump mangas

New Shonen Jump mangas

D. Gray Man Generation Next confirmed.

y tho

>We pokemon now.

More like Hello Doggy am i right?

Golem Hearts MC now looks more artificial than in oneshot.

The other one guy, the Fulldrive manga, it seems is going to be about ping pong

Did DGM end?

no, it publish one chapter each 2 months or so, can't remember the magazine tho

I'm somewhat looking forward to "Fulldrive", but the other two don't really interest me.

One chapter every 4 months in SQ Crown.
Chapters have around 20 pages.

it's a ping pong manga according to 2ch

This saves WSJ

He looks like Meliodas and Allen fused together.

That thing is apparently a boy. At least it was in the one-shot.
The design reminds me of Hello Kitty mixed with Strawberry Shortcake.

Weekly Shonen Jump #45
Cover, Lead CP: Tomatoypoo no Lycopene (New Series by Kouji Ooishi)

Weekly Shonen Jump #47
Cover, Lead CP: Fulldrive (New Series by Genki Ono)

Weekly Shonen Jump #48
Cover, Lead CP: Golem Hearts (New Series by Gen Osuka)

#46 has no new series for some reason.

Lycopene's Kouji Ooishi was the mangaka of Inumarudashi. Of this new batch, he's the only veteran. The other 2 had one-shots published before, but this will be their first serializations.

In Gen Osuka's case he did 2 Golem Hearts one-shots already so seems like he's really invested in that idea.

Why doesn't Jump do the 6 new manga gimmick again? It reeks of just throwing shot at the wall and seeing what sticks, but it worked out well for them. They got 3 out of 6 moderate successes out of it, which is better than their normal batting average.

They need some space in the magazine to do something like that, which they had back then because of multiple series ending.
Starting 6 series at the same time now would mean cancelling the same number.

Why do I feel lime all will be shit?

[saves your magazine]

Starting 6 new ones at this point would mean having to get rid of popular stuff like Bokuben.

They only had such a giant round like that because Toriko/Bleach/Nisekoi/AssClass/Kochikame ended + World Trigger hiatus.

Tomato manga first chapter is only 20 pages?

Isobee should watch his back

Both look kinda shit

Why do they need the 20 series limit, anyway? They could probably add up to 25 if they wanted, albeit with a small price hike.

>Generation Next

Why add more stuff and pay more artists when you can stay in your comfy zone and sell the same amount of magazines anyway. 5 more series won't magically make significantly more people buy the magazine.

you mean all three

we do have color preview

Shit and shit. Couldn't they find something better?

we do have colored preview

for this, dunno why you deleted the original pic

the tomato thing look foggy so I increased the image contrast and reupload

>#46 has no new series for some reason.
Please be World Trigger returning

Heroaca anime s3 cover announcement?
Kimetsu popularity result cover announcement?
SW#1 one year anniversary cover?
Gintama anime starts?

royal jump square

I want to eat the tomato

Is that My Melody's cousin?

>My Melody
Why do you know what this is?

Because I know.

>Inb4 L O N D O N or tits