When you look at it normally you realize that this is exactly what the average American hoped would happen. Racist, sexists, and missoginists would tune out and drop out, while people with empathy and feeling actually watched. These are the people that actually matter. Not these people that voted for trump, etc. they’re a dying breed.
We’re there a lot of f*** white people jokes? Yeah, but, that’s the point. F*** white peoples. I hope that in my lifetime (I’m 19 for reference) I’ll be able to see an Oscars where there is NO white people.
Next year i want to see a trans actress on state picking up the reward for best performance, and you know what? We’ll probably lose even MORE viewers. And it’s totally okay. I’m okay with it. White people have had representation for so long. I just want them all gone from my television, my movies. We need more black panthers not supermen. More wonder women not harry potters. and movies with strong female roles and POC in lead roles, not freaking white people.
The Oscars were better for me than they have ever been and they were like that for a lot of the other people that I know too. The people that matter. Real people.
You guys are totally missing the point about these Oscar ratings
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Nice bait, dude. Honestly, I'm pretty happy American cinema continues to be proudly left-wing. Right-wingers can't make good movies.
I don’t disagree. Right movies are either too preachy or they’re just vapid and mindless violence. Left movies seem to strike a decent blend. That’s my opinion tho
stupid bait is stupid, this was the whitest oscars ever.
You're conflating "right wing movies" with the genre of christian movies, or niche political movies, which is hardly a fair comparison. Conservatives and right wing folk aren't advocating for nothing but "passion of the Christ" remakes, we just want movies that are non political, that can just tell an interesting story without shoving a political opinion down someone's throat.
>left wing movies aren't preachy at all
how fucking delusional do you have to be
this whole thread is fucking preaching from the left
what a joke.
rational, normal humans are laughing at the left doing everything it can to be unappealing to the masses
Wasn't Dunkirk considered a right wing movie since it didn't have any POC's or women in it?
Never heard of Clint Eastwood?
It was definitely less white then last years dude come on get a f****** grip. It’s progress, and that’s what matters. And like I said hopefully next year will be even better
Where's this pasta from?
I appreciate your honesty user. So you understand then, you are my mortal enemy and in order to secure a future for my children you need to be wiped off the planet? As long as we are both in agreement that is.
Fucking sage this bait now, Mods!
>sage this because it hurts my fee fees
Entertainment has been political since its inception. This thread is more political than half the garbage on here.
Just google 2018 oscar winners moron, just a sea of (((white))) people. The only PoC I can see is mark bridges, and he's only that way due to an obvious tanning mishap.
>what's American Sniper
and left wingers make shit airplanes
whats your point?
>he doesn't like Mel Gibson movies
what a cuck
>Caring about Hollywood either way beyond its mere entertainment value
>Being taken seriously
Pick one.
Sorry, sweeties. You only had a century to try to make produce something good, but you don't have the talent for it. Maybe you should try going for late night comed- hahahaha, who am I kidding?
Did you miss the part where key and peele won one you f****** r*****?
Explains the lack of quality in modern media. Lefties no longer make good art. They are not the underdogs anymore, they are morally and creatively bankrupt. Everybody knows film and music sucks now. It is a travesty.
OP I do not know why you are happy. Nothing good is made anymore, and we are all divided. It is sad.
they're actually statistically spot-on with representation, dillweed, about 13%
You couldn't be more wrong, Shlomo. Our ideology is spreading far and wide! Numbers are increasing and soon you will be facing the incinerator.
>Explains the lack of quality in modern media
Not only do right-wingers hold the unfortunate embarrassing political positions they do, they're also deprived from having any taste in everything else. I feel for you, brothers.
Why would I care that the American entertainment industry is getting less white? Isn't it more racist if they are all niggers and their only purpose is to entertain the master white race?? Don't see the problem here.
Talk to me when the next great American entrepreneur is a POC.
>implying this shit aint "good"
is Blade Runner 2049 left wing or right wing?
>mah “sci-fi.”
Neither it’s literally garbage for children, as is all science fiction
Neither, it's a distraction.
I can't wait for this. As you will have to exclude more white people, you will have to make more and more compromises. The last oscar film, promoting racemixing, already is ridiculous. You faggots will become the laughing stock for all decent people.
Scusi? Lol
faggotry - the post
Idk user i'm not into sci-fi but I watched it as a couple friends said the film had interesting and compelling views on the philosophical question of "what does it mean to be human", I'd recommend it, on top of that it also has amazing cinematography, solid plot, and is entertaining generally speaking. I'd also say neither but for different reasons you leaf faggot cuck, also a reboot like Blade Runner definitely isn't for kids, it's mainly for fans of the original who are in their 40s by now (I never watched it)
Finding a way to exploit people in order to make money might be respectable in our (((capitalist))) society, but I am referring to actual change that improves my quality of life. What has she done that has had a positive impact on my life ?
She’s given a voice to those that don’t have one, and whether you realize it or not that’s going to be the most important thing people have done for the world in the coming generations. Trust me.
A distraction from (((((them)))))?
Sup Forums is pathetic, but having nothing better to do other than write paragraphs to stir up underage users is even more pathetic.
>everyone that disagree with me is a troll because I can’t fathom someone having an alternative opinion
This is bait. The f***'s gave it away. That said solid effort, and very much worth a (you). enjoy the rustled Jimmie's OP. Well done
>let’s make an inflammatory post that will epically troll those Sup Forumstards
If you had an actual point to make then I would he happy to discuss it with you, but clearly you don’t and this is how you vent.
ooh wow, best screenplay for a totally token movie. I'm sure the whole black community is rejoicing at this moment because of that 1 victory.
I actually saw that movie cold, a friend invited me to see it and I knew nothing about it going in. It was shit, nothing in it made logical sense, (white people are implanting there brains into black people somehow? Never really explains this to any degree) there no horror at all to it, hell it was a better comedy than a horror movie. They should have dumped the attempt at horror and made it into "scary movie 4"
if god father was made by a lefty, they would have completely written out the whole "let niggers sell our heroine" and changed it into some faggot ass snappy joke session. Thats just my opinion though
The point is that everyone here is rejoicing about the Oscars hitting an all time low in ratings, without actually thinking about the implications of what that means.
jackass... nogs have always had movies, what are you 13?
Whom do you think has run the industry all this time?
More Germans by sheer numbers in USA.
Yet Jews run the industry, are you jsut ignorent or blind, or most likely a jew. In that case your post is gay.
It's a movie that criticises the idea of the soul and pro nihilism. It is also a criticism of humanism and socialism, so I don't know what it is.
I watched the entire thing including the red carpet shit that comes before and I'm a "bigot". Also most award winners were white dudes.
This whole thread reads like a teenager wrote it
No country for old men and there will be blood, were all conservative movies. They're probably the best movies of the 2000s.
dude, if you want to watch nigs giving each other hand jobs go watch BET. go be a cuck some place else.
It could also be because traditional media is on the way out. Regardless, marginalising most of your audience for a fringe group is not going to lead your organisation to success.
>The point is that everyone here is rejoicing about the Oscars hitting an all time low in ratings
Nobody here gives a fuck about it. Open the catalog and Ctrl+F "oscars" and all you find is your gay thread and 1 other thread talking about autistic liberals screeching about the Oscars. The only people giving a single fuck about the oscars are liberals pussy's like yourself.
inb4 "then why are you in here talking about it" Because you created a stupid thread about it, so of course we will respond.
Because it’s a big thing
Alienated is an accurate word for how I feel. Not only from new movies, but from audiences. I used to sense audiences were responding to a film within the spectrum of my experience, not to sound faggy. But now? I can't relate to this primitive Pavlovian please clap pandering faggotry that reached an apotheosis with Black Panther and Wonder Woman. I feel completely alienated, and the Internet does nothing, except assure me of widening disconnect. It's not that I want super complex films, but even with popcorn "junk," there used to be reciprocated respect between audiences and filmmakers. There is an American bond to Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Scream, Speed, Jurassic Park, Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, even crap like Twister and Under Siege. Fast & Furious was the obnoxious revving of globalism, saturated shirts-off product placement for unwashed apes. Close to p0rn. Same with 50 Shades, compared to Basic Instinct or Strip Tease, it's oppressive in its faux-shock, like a popular sex dungeon at the world mall. Tarzan like cars. Jane like sodomy. Sponsored by MyPillow.
Marketing has killed what little appeal remains. Few things are as over explored and explained as movies now. There was still a little magical evening mystery around Scream, Blair Witch, even Cruel Intentions. Nobody followed box office really, I did because I'm retarded. Now movies have a concurrent box office narrative, like sports, and a concurrent production narrative, like with WB/DC problems dwarfing their movies. You could make a dramatic movie about Snyder, Whedon and Affleck being difficult fags on set, and honestly it might make decent money.
Not only did I not watch the Oscars, I literally prayed some of the Jews would die and explode. I finally understand how 60% of Americans live without following movies. And why they choose so. Globalism will support Hollywood, but Netflix is faddish now, like Starbucks, part of a grating stagnant lifestyle. The Shape of water? A shitter in Tijuana.
No it isn't
Celebrities are so gay and boring.
I'd rather be watching scientists and doctors accepting the nobel prize for their research regarding surgery and biological improvement for the human genome.
exactly freedom and capitalism guarantees everyone freedom of speech not a right to happiness
the right to PURSUE happiness.
the left have lost the plot
the American Way
means all ways
not just minorities or gays
or jews ways
the days of jews running hollywood
running the banks
running the media
The American WAY is not exclusively
Jewish or Black or Gay.
Majority rules.
You can have a say according to
your allotted percentage
beyond that is socially destructive to the country and fucks
up the world.
all i know is that Gal Gadot looked smashing in her silvery dress. the rest can drop dead.
I can understand why you'd think that is important, but she holds no power, like gates or steve jobs or the owners of google. imagine if jobs was alive now and he said "today all iPhones will terminated will be deactivated not able to connect, we are ending the iPhone" that would be drastically change people's quality of life. oprah, or any person of color, will never gain that type of non political power.
> sad
Kek you didn't watch the oscars
None of this matters. Once an ice age hits again, all niggers will die, other than the ones in Africa, where "most" of the ones in Africa will die because no whites will be able to help them. Women won't be able to do shit because it will be a very "physical" world. It will be a white man's world. So no matter what you do, doesn't matter.
also in terms of capitalism
it's not profitable to cater to
anti white whites
or even atomized individualist white
when in reality whites still as a group entity
are the largest economic and voting
no matter how much the media
tries to spin it and lie
if you exclude the largest economic group
from your industry
you might as well be committing
commercial suicide
someone else will swoop in
and pick up your bankrupted ashes
this happens all the time in many industries
Hollywood is no different
the reckoning has only started
who remains or survives
remains to be seen
they will have to be smarter
more politically incorrect
and more appealing to the majority
and they will win
it's not that the other groups lose
they were just never the majority
not off on the fringe of the map
where no prospecting has been done
same principles with social media
you are for free speech
or you lose
the tech industry race
others will spring up
and undermine your market share
cause of your attempt to control
you do not have the right to happiness
you only have a right to pursue it
that is the American way
we believe in free speech
for all
including the minorities
including things we don't like
but that maybe no guarantee that those
groups will find happiness or succeed
you can dance and act like an imbecile
the cold war solved this argument
when the soviets and their oppression lost
also they are not our enemies
if we fail to stand up for freedom, then why should they bother as well?
by your actions you affect the world
censorship at your own demise or peril
it's your market to lose
your business to fail
Keep dreaming faggot
The point is he isn’t wrong though, it wasn’t real communism. Just a perverted version of it.
Hey op I think you are on the wrong site. Take your ass back to tumblr and complain about your shit there.
What is the frequency of white? 110.0 Hz.
What is the absence of light?
Black = 0 Hz.
Guess we are more PoC?
if it can be perverted then it
is not perfect
perfection is not possible
only approximation
communism fails
not just cause it was used in such a destructive manner
but it fails cause it can be used in a manner
that one cannot predict
capitalism and a republic
with layers of democracy
layers of delegation
as the founders created
gives room for failure
and tries to prevent
a runaway system
the right to firearm ownership
the right to speech
communism fails on those fronts
the urge to destroy can only be
tempered not eliminated
controlled yet free to pursue happiness chaos
is better than totalitarian chaos
Hollywood is a ship of fools
>I'm 19 for reference
Thanks for your nuanced,contextual breakdown of the Oscars no-one cares about.
>Fucking faggot.
>I’ll be able to see an Oscars where there is NO white people.
You do realize that this whole show is run by the Jews and most of these "white" people you are seeing are actually Jews? You think the Jews won't give themselves tokens anymore for who's the best progressive propaganda master?
You'd have to be 14 to think this was worth posting.
>implying a 19 year old can’t be intelegent
Have you seen who half of America voted to be the president? I would say I’m equally as smart as any of them