Italy/pol/ Renzi Resigned [PD on Suicide Watch Edition]

Senegalese killed in Florence "Fascism is now mainstream in Italian politics"

34% of Italians Want to Expel all Foreigners, Recent Survey Says [English]

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration [English]

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna [Eng Translate]

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples [Eng Translate]

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" [Eng Translate]

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union [English]

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" [Eng Translate]

Giorgia-chan (Fratelli d'Italia): "We will outlaw Antifa when in govt" [Eng Translate]

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" [Eng Translate]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore [Eng Translate]

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/4400ce08d3549d97ad37a684ce49f2a248ed19b822a002ee8c7bd91569eff7a5.pdf

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So the good guys won?

Renzi officially resigned?

Best result of this election.

KILL MERKELS REICH ITALLY. You are our last hope ...until the next elections

itanons question

who is the mafia "voting" for? do they even care who wins?

>>Just neck yourself, coward. Embrace the entropy if anything.

Mafia vote PD, Lega and FI


>do they even care who wins?
all they need is public subsidies to grab and steer

Give it to me straight Italyanons, what are the odds of a bunch of M5S people jumping ship to the CDX?

They don't vote M5S because they pretty much want a state of police and burn alive every criminal

PD and 5s

south voted M5s...take your guess

FI, like always.

Fucking hell, lads.

Are Casapound any good?

Fuck you, half of the people elected in the south are from anti-mafia

FI/PD is their best bet because they know how not to step in the wrong toes.

I think the odds are good. Berlusconi can definitely work his magic, but if he’s caught it’s all over.

The South can't stand the corruption and mafias anymore. It's stifling.

Yes. Ourguy and his coalition won the election. The second party is also strongly anti-globalist and anti-eu. The major left leaning jew shill party was humiliated and btfo. All hardcore pro-lgbt-multiculturalism leftist parties where obliterated into nothingness.

Grasso was from antimafia too, yet he still is a traitor.

>Padanianon on suicide watch

Pay for my sheeps filthy continentale

how is that working out?

neat. you macaronis dont know shit it seems

PD is more likely.

The absolute state

So m5 is quite decent when it comes to immigration isn't it?

Very pleased by election results. Also check this photo out.

PD and FI usually. Actually even if I would've prefer more votes to the right (but Salvini is avaiable to South only since a month and Giorgia-chan party is only 3-4 years old) its refreshing a lot of southeners voted for these people when the only thing sure about them is that they dont like illegal stuff.


they are pretty good but they got

anchovy rub your feet on me pls

Or more likely they sniffed those sweet neetbux.

He’s right you know. Analfabetismo funzionale is the biggest issue in Italy right now, it effects like two third of the population.

How many extra seats the CDX needs?

Note that both Lega and M5S, the 2 biggest parties right now, are also anti-mafia.
This is gonna be gud.

Around 50.

I really dont follow Itally politics, but for what i understant, /our/ guys won right?

ah, bene, si sono imfiltrati anche nell’antimafia adesso?

will he work his magic?

has he learnt his lesson?

does he even care?

/bersc pill/ me pasta boys

about time...

>Luigi di Mario

The absolute state of spaghettistan

Fuck...50 non-cucks might be hard to find in the M5S.

True but that equates to a 500% increase in votes for them and 259,343 supporters. How about Forza Nouva?

nobody got a majority, but /ourguy/ is on top,
so we wait and see now.



I just heard on radio 2 that 5 stelle wants a coalition with PD and Liberi e Uguali.
Lmaoing at grillini retards. They spent a whole 7 years railing against PD to end up in a coalition with them

they're a consensus machine
after south italy, the next socialist objective are immigrants

civil war

Che bello ha vinto la Lega!
Adesso finanzieremo cliniche per il cambio di sesso aggratis in tutta Italia, proprio come stavano facendo in Veneto!!!

if 5s + pd makes i will lose my sides

He will deliver, he always did.
He is fucking loaded to the point he is pretty much untouchable.
Communists tried to put him in jail for 30 fucking years and failed miserably.

I think he definitely cares. He is not as nihilistic as some people think he is, there is sincere ideological believes in him, he really believes in the "center-right/classical liberalism with Christian roots" thing. He also has the strong believe that Russia must be pulled back into Europe, in fact this believe is what probably got him ousted in that (((color revolution))).

Just gimme those sweet sheepbux user.
My sheep family i need to feed


FN got like less than 0,5% of votes, and they are so much into fascism that they end up looking like just larpers who want to resurrect Mussolini somehow.

They are going to get killed in the streets by their own electorate if they even try to mention that possibility. Probably fake news.

Will fail on day 3

But they made his life miserable with +2500 judicial cases.

Civil war and political suicide for both M5S.
I want a fucking marcia su Roma and Salvini appointed as new Dvce.

>in the middle of the biggest cultiral revolution since 1968
>Overton window moving to right wing at the speed of light
>want to put progressive roots in Italy

Delusion level off the chart.

wtf is this shit italy. the election was on sunday. we're moving on tuesday and you still haven't even given a projection how the actual seats are going to be distributed in senate or chamber? are the officials being paid by the hour to count those votes or what?

Is this election really a blow to the EU or is this just a big larp again?

M5S+Lega is more probable than M5S+PD, r-right?

Nobody was going to vote for them or Casapound. Every sane individual knew it. Voting for those two instead of Salvini was just a retarded way to waste your vote.

Non hanno vinto, non ha vinto nessuno.

>implying the average grillino doesn't support that
Ricordatevi che il 5 stelle è stato fondato da gente fuoriscita dal PD. E non sono fake news, è un commento di un portavoce del 5 stelle rilasciato al tg di radio 2. Tenete accesa la radio se volete conferma


I guess Casapound just have a sharper image than FN.

absolutely not. See

post celebration music lads

Hours? What a shitty unit to count time, here we go by weeks and months.

Renzi reminds me elementary school kids tooking away the ball after losing the game..

We will know the actual gocerment by the end of the week at the earliest, but i expect atleast 10 days before Matarella gives the duty

Issue is the voting law, in 1948 MSI got 6 seats with 2% at the camera and and 1 seat with 0.72 for the senate.

Yeah, then next election Lega 30% Fratelli d'Italia 20%, CasaPound 10%

Yeah I read that Italian voting is pretty funky. How exactly does it work?

What happened? I slept like in 5am in pasta timezone.

That’s a nice looking sheep.

I really think we are at the right wing equivalent of the late 60’s early 70’s shift

Just as the right is excited and happy right now and the left is distraught back in the day the right saw the word coming to an end and the left was euphoric.

Interesting times

> Sez scrutinate: 61.365 di 61.401 - Ultimo aggiornamento 05/03/2018 alle ore 19:52
count is done, we don't know how won lol



The right wing coalition is sitting on a giant bubble.
They got votes because they went full retard against immigrants, but as soon as this problem is getting fixed they are gonna crush as hard as PD.

>hehe so funny someone has a job and actually produces something with love and respect for his land

He would easily beat your ass you polentone subhuman, show some respect

Today I was travelling by train to Milan with my educated Somali boyfriend who is also a surgeon specialized in female genital mutilation in Bologna and a group of retarded looking bigots dressed all in green approached him, 5 of them started beating him up to the point he was spitting blood and other 3 took down their pants and masturbated in front of me and cumming on my chest while screaming "Viva la Padania! Forza Lega! Take this hot gorgonzola all over your polentas, fucking slut!", I told them that just because I had a pink hat and "proud slut" on my t-shirt it didn't allow them to treat me like this.
This is disgusting, I hope Italy will be cleansed from this utter white filth, my boyfriend got recovered in the hospital but he had to leave it because he was an undocumented citizen and was afraid of the fascist police accusing him of starting this fight.
I had to contact my divorced parents in New York and Tel Aviv explaing everything about this horrible and not gonna lie similar to the Shoah situation, thanks god both of my dads offered help to me and my boyfriend even if for some reason my NYC dad only wanted Jamal.
I'm leaving this shitty country, white people once again confirmed they are a threat to the world, fuck you pasta nazis!


would be the best gift for the right wing parties.


>Renzi Resigned

So M5S-PD coalition it is?


This is not how M5S works, things are about to get crazy.

Can we talk for a moment what a huge flop FI was, especially in the South?

Yup. 5 stelle would lose half it's electorate overnight. They are in a tight spot but seem intent on going forward with it

>I just heard on radio 2 that 5 stelle wants a coalition with PD and Liberi e Uguali

Are you literally braindead or just a turboshill?

>l'hanno detto allarradio

are you sure your father payed taxes or he's a furbetto?
coming to expropriate your house polentone ;)

i just wanted to know how many m5s needs to defect to centrodestra