Why are there so many more mtf trannies than the opposite?
Why are there so many more mtf trannies than the opposite?
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Because women have all the political power in the civilized world.
Only men are obsessed with their social role to the point where'd they get a surgery to enforce it, a woman would never have to forge a path so austere and bizarre to "fit in"
More complex entities are more liable to malfunctions.
Because the whole transgender social crusade is organized by taking the self destructive, mutilating, suicidal worst of them as SJW-mujadin for the war to coerce and bully straight men into homosexual relations. It's a psyop to emasculate men. To degrade them in their very masculinity. Once emasculated they are easier to control.
No idea why but I wish it would stop.
>gets silicon stuffed in chest to improve self worth
Because there's estrogen in everything.
Not saying it works or I think it's a good idea but people are doing so, clearly.
Jews and soy
thought failure as a man == success as a woman
truth is they're failures as individuals
Actually this
Feminization of the western man
because men are superior in every way
Far more men who want to switch to easy mode than women who want to switch to hard mode
Far easier to be a women in society, very few women able to or want to shoulder that burden. MtF is weak me coping out looking for easy way out
Because being a white woman is the golden ticket.
All biological males have an X (female) chromosome and in some individuals the X exerts greater influence on brain structures.
Biological females only have X chromosomes so differing brain structures are more rare.
>t. Retarded tranny who should kill him self immediately
because even mentally ill people refuse to assume the responsibility of being a real man today.
Not trans.
CIS bisexual male, like all the rest of trap-fapping 4chins.
>being stupid
user, I love you but sort your shit out
I think one being more than the other is an illusion.
Most people probably see poorly passing FTM's all the time, but because they still look like lesbians (numales/soys are helping a new wave of FTM's to be just like them instead of embodying proper masculinity), people just think they've seen another dumb lesbian.
When you see an androgynous MTF though, you fucking know it's a tranny and you hate it because it doesn't fit in a category your brain wants to put it in.
Kys degenerate
These anons get it.
Because all this lgbt bullshit is powered by degenerates, and their need for sex, more specifically, the need to satisfy their fetishes. Men are more sexually active than women, so that leads these degenerates are going to be mostly men.
Because being a woman is easy mode.
There are very few women that are brave enough to accept the challenge of being a man.
women get free stuff
men get lots of work
This website is 99% porn. Stop pretending to be stupid, user.
Its the last phase of neoliberalism.
The only way to silence that voice in the back of their head that they're a cowardly failure as a man is to become a woman at which point they will be free of male standards and applauded for everything they do.
Because MTF have figured out that desperate men will fuck anything with tits.
And because of this they can garner the wealth from perverts and still be gay.
This requires no education. No form of higher learning of a skill. No concept of how money works except that you need it. Just some pervert willing to fuck a surrogate women.
Because it's much easier to be a woman than to be a man.
This is also the reason there is a viable Sex Doll business model.
why do you ask questions you know the answers to?
I knew one ftm chick, she was actually pretty badass and convincing too.
Sexual fetishism.
I don’t consider myself hateful against transgendered persons, and if I was smaller I may have actually tried to be transgendered myself (6’3” should disqualify you from transitioning); but the transgendered persons I do hang out with are relatively focused on sexuality (as opposed to gender). Perhaps this is me projecting, but I see that a lot.
Also, heavy interest in non traditional competition (ie vidya, speech and debate, etc.) seems to be there. Maybe that’s just because it’s easier for those groups to compete as opposed to traditional areas (sports) where gender ends up being a bigger issue (male vs female teams as a result of hormonal differences playing a large observable role, putting trannies in a grey area).
Why do you say that? There could be as many.
This. Feminization only requires that you surrender yourself to degradation and embrace weakness, Masculinization requires you to ennoble yourself through discipline, hard work, and competition.
changing into a man is a downgrade in oppression points
Because its like moving from the penthouse to the basement.
Because men specifically are under constant attack from the left and the weak simply can’t handle it and break down
it's easier to cut a dick off than to sew one on
Because you're not rewarded for being a man. In fact, you're discouraged from it.
my thoughts on the matter is gay men who can pass as convincing women open up to much bigger markets of men then if they just stayed gay men.
a lesbian women has better luck finding a woman as a woman than as a male.
but wtf do i know about this shit to be honest.
Men are more prone to deviant pathologies and extreme manifestation of those pathologies. Men tend towards the extremes in nearly every regard. Its why the worst woman is limited to smothering infants and making people, people who are neurochemically extorted into valuing their opinions and validations mind you, feel bad. Meanwhile in men you see shit like this.
Its why passing, attractive traps/MTF are also proclaimed on places such as this as 'more feminine' than women. Because a male transsexuals pathological indulgence in and pursuit of femininity is simply deeper, more complex and thus, when successfully emulated more fulfilling and erotic than when women are themselves.
> X chromosomes
This is not correct.
The X chromosome is fairly large. The Y chromosome is one of the smallest ones, almost all it does is create male-related proteins.
Other chromosomes affect things - a gene for sex hormone-binding globulin is on chromosome 17, and is available for men and women, but if is defective in men their testosterone levels are lower than normal.
that's not how chromosomes work
to get the pussy/disabled/trans pass
Social alienation is much higher among men in the modern world. Causing men to adopt dumb shit for attention or just go nuts from the social isolation and anti male slant to modern western society
Dykes figure there's no fun in being an utter manlet with wide hips. It may be hell for mtf fags too but I suppose they're delusional thinking they'll be part of the 10% that make it.
Because life as a woman is much easier.
Broken males can't fit into the social hierarchy nor create new competition hierarchies so they transition to woman. The same way that a male mammal in the animal kingdom start to act submissive if a more dominant male beat the shit out of him.
Basically the competition of this brave new world broke them.
Also because faggy parents and single mothers can't prepare them for this complex world.
Also obligatory reading:
> As a therapist, I have spoken with hundreds of parents of teens who have announced a trans identity “out of the blue,” and I can corroborate Littman’s initial findings. The majority of these parents have a daughter aged 14 or 15 – an age at which teens are particularly susceptible to peer influence. These teens often have one or more of the following factors that contribute to their social struggles: they are academically gifted; they are on the autism spectrum; they are same-sex attracted; they have experienced trauma or major disruption; they have other mental health diagnoses such as anxiety or depression; they have a learning disability. Parents often report that their child made a sudden announcement about being transgender after spending increased time on social media sites focused on trans issues, and/or having one or more peers come out as trans. Some teens have even admitted to their parents that they have come out as trans “to fit in.”
Quality b8
we are working on it... in a few years time you will see more ftm trannies..
just give it time
Women are probably more accepting.
If a FTM tried to banter with men on the jobsite for instance, they would instantly be found out because of their little bitch feelings
not bait
Because being a woman is playing life on easy mode and some failed men deluded themselves into thinking they can become a women.
It's just submissive gay guys taking it one step further, there was always loads of gay guys, now transgenderism is rammed in their face and they can have a fake pussy instead of getting fucked in the ass all the time. So, loads of mtf retards
Then you're retarded. A women would never have to forge a path so austere and bizarre to "fit in?" Nigga what the fuck is make up? What is cosmetic surgery? What are silicone implants? Shit, it's not even singularly just for breasts anymore! Ass implants too! Years of life gave your wrinkles that are normal? No problem! Just inject botulism poison into your face to iron them out!
Enjoy your (you) faggot.
it sounds like I struck a chord? Are you a woman who's had a ton of work done or something?
All I'm saying is very few women fall out of society to the point where certain men do, and such men feel as if becoming a woman is a solution.
Because trannies are just men who idolized their single mothers. Everything they learned in life was from the perspective of a female, and since men cant get away with what women get away with then they have to become women to put what they learned from their mothers into practice. Which is, being an impulsive overemotional cunt who can scream and cry her way out of any situation. There arent as many single dads raising daughters to ruin.
pic related
Retard, he disproved your point that men care about "muh social role" so much. Women care much more.
>what the fuck is make up?
facepaint, an activity enjoyed by children of all ages and mental capacities worldwide
>What is cosmetic surgery? What are silicone implants?
Impulsive wish making paid for by others and undergone without pain or negative short term consequences
Neither of those things indicate that women are more likely to take such extreme measures to fit in. Women care about fitting in more. They care about succeeding in a goal they set far less. Another can always succeed for them. Even in receiving validation, others can go out and retrieve it for you as a woman.
Because mtf inherit female privilege. Women that become men downgrade their privilege
>entire post mocking women for being vain and getting vast amounts cosmetic surgery
>"it sounds like I struck a chord? Are you a woman who's had a ton of work done or something?"
Is this the power of leaf intellect?
Easier to remove a dick and create a "pussy" than it is to turn a pussy into a trunk.
That is, until you start having to wedge a dildo into your gaping cuntwound every day until eternity to keep it open.
I think you're missing the point, our American friend is equivocating makeup and breast implants that women get for cosmetic purposes with sex reassignment surgery that men get as they feel that's the only social role they can fill.
I'm saying that if you think those things are the same you probably have skin in the game.
>very few women fall out of society to the point where certain men do
This is literally because society gives women special treatment in every aspect to the point where it's impossible for them to fall out.
Why do you think that the cure for men who fall out is to become women?
And to your previous point:
>Only men are obsessed with their social role to the point where'd they get a surgery to enforce it, a woman would never have to forge a path so austere and bizarre to "fit in".
You're deluded if you think men obsess over their appearance and social hierarchy more than women do.
Like I said before though, women don't need surgery to "fit in" because they fit into society just by being women.
>I think you're missing the point, our American friend is equivocating makeup and breast implants that women get for cosmetic purposes with sex reassignment surgery that men get as they feel that's the only social role they can fill.
They're not equivalent, but not in the way you're implying.
Women who get cosmetic surgery already fit in, but they're not content with not being as beautiful or as high up in the social hierarchy as everyone else.
Men who become women couldn't care less about being at the top of women's social hierarchy, they just want to fit into society.
kek underrated
sissy porn watching incels
this is amazingly accurate
>This is literally because society gives women special treatment in every aspect to the point where it's impossible for them to fall out.
>Why do you think that the cure for men who fall out is to become women?
See above
>You're deluded if you think men obsess over their appearance and social hierarchy more than women do
I never said men get sex reassignment surgeries for cosmetic purposes, I said there are men who have failed to exist in society and they believe becoming a woman will allow them to have a more meaningful role.
>Women who get cosmetic surgery already fit in, but they're not content with not being as beautiful or as high up in the social hierarchy as everyone else.
Men who become women couldn't care less about being at the top of women's social hierarchy, they just want to fit into society.
Wow... That's what I've been saying. I could be tongue and cheek right now and make fun of your schooling system but you guys have plenty of your own problems as it is.
>sources: wikipedia, youtube
Trannies becoming prevalent is related to the outbreak of the femin virus
First and foremost, testosterone is almost entirely created in the testes and adrenal gland, but the enzyme aromatase, responsible for breaking androgens into estrogens, is produced in the liver, fat cells, brain cells, skin cells, and bone. It is rather easy for males to, through stress or insulin issues, obesity, and non activity to convert the unused androgens into estrogens, thus increasing fat deposits, giving gyno, causing more stress, and snowballing the production of aromatase producing tissues where the androgens become swamped in a way not biologically possible for women to accomplish with their androgen production.
This is compounded by readily available male hormones being illegal, making doctors and the medicinal community hesitant or unwilling to prescribe the treatments like they would Estrogen pills. Getting an aromatase inhibitor prescribed, even with it being very common for women to take, is a pain if you're a male, and tested for as an anabolic steroid in drug tests, locking many people from ever being able to take it.
The catch 22 situation directly causing transgenderism is the necessary need for aromatase in the neurons, the greater amount of connections compared to women, balanced between androgens being necessary and used by all male cells, all while existing in a system that is prone not only to rapidly losing equilibrium, but being able to lose it forever without replacement. When their test crashes heavily and snowballs, they fail to build and replace proper neural connections, leading to schitzophrenia, and thus transgenderism.
For a child undergoing puberty, living in a society demonizing masculinity, male bonding, and any possibly unsafe childrens activity, their awkward first years of puberty can utterly shatter their psyche, leaving it broken before they have a proper concept of self. This is the result.
>tfw spend a long time writing a non shitpost response and it's dead
>pruned immediately after posting
transpeople don't exist just homosexuals who watch too much porn, it's about sexual gratification, & in general these people are unsuccessful with women so they become so sexually frustrated that their mind starts to deteriorate in the quest to get off. girls just become men for attention (obviously) but you cant really explain people like bruce jenner, he was successful in every standard of measurement but for some reason decides to become a tranny? maybe it's because he ran somebody over, who knows.
Traps still are in a sense male. They have male chromosomes and skeletal structures. It seems this mental dysfunction could be the result of childhood trauma/rape. As could homosexuality. Both seem to be coping mechanisms for childhood trauma/rape.
So if you're passable (asian) you're home but if ugly (white,nig) your autogyn?
Because a woman can do most masculine things and still be considered a woman. Wear trousers, get real jobs.
Men can't wear dresses and waste their life without having to admit they're trans
the reason is doctors approve FTM less than they approve MTF and most people who transition do so with a doctors approval.
the reason so many FTM get rejected is most are seen as dykes (Most still prefer girls) who simply want to improve their body to be more like the dyke ideal asthetic (flatish chest).
while in the case of MTF most are approved because they are seen at risk of suicide.
basically doctors think most girls are superficial and most guys are suicidal.
also look up the rates of hormone use in FTM most FTM don't even want to take hormones I met a FTM that even made up some dramatic story that they tried hormones and it turned them into a slut so they stoped. when clearly they where lieing and they just wanted breast reduction surgery because its aesthetic to be a "boyish girl"
you probably don't realise how many people are actually FTM because they don't stand out at all. but I'm not talking about hormones being effective I'm saying most FTM don't take hormones is its easy to pass them off as just a dyke or a boyish girl. or a boy in afue cases.
Unironically this
>full of ways to make yourself look more fertile than you actually are to trick men into reproducing with your low quality genetics so you can steal half his shit
>life's so hard being a vag
most FTM want to look like young boys not 20+men so they don't take hormones this makes it harder for them to get breast reduction surgery.
Also are you going to notice a flat chested girl? I doubt it.
basically the truth is FTM don't want hormones and the minority that do is small.
the actual number of FTM is large you just simply dismiss them as dykes if they don't pass or don't notice them at all and think they are 16-18 year old boys.
99% of FTM want to look like boys or young teens not 16+ men.
Why would women want to be a man, and lose all the rights and privileges afforded to her because of her sex? A lot of trannies are just failed men thinking they'll have more success as the opposite sex.
t. biggest LGBT parade in the world country
trannys are a useful tool in dethroning women from the cultural power structure