>tfw you will never be American
why even live
>tfw you will never be American
why even live
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kill yourself you traitorous piece of kuffir garbage. sage goes in all fields
I am not Kuffar. I am still a Muslim. I just wanna live in America
Trump didn’t ban Pakistan you’re welcome to move here we need more based muttpedes
For me that's one of the reasons to live.
I am too poor to afford a ticket. Maybe I could apply for H1B visa. I am currently employed as a Software Engineering having Masters degree.
Pakistan is a shithole. Things are getting worse everyday. I just wanna escape this nightmare. I know America isn't perfect either but, it's far better than this dump. Guess...I'll just die and get buried in my land. I feel alone
Based come MAGA with us
Someday user....someday...
America is not a nationality, anyone can be American. Now you can never be a White American, but few White Americans are even White so and still LARP, so give it a try
arabs are classified as 'white' in america
Americans are classified as 'niggers' in Europe.
jesus christ the_donald really has taken over
stay out of the anglosphere paki,we dont want anymore grooming gangs
non white americans are not american
Why would you want to go to US, make your own country better.
Europeans are classified as Communists in America
>mfw not amerimutt
Then you must convince your entire religion to dissolve and bend the knee to Christ
Man the term American is already arbitrary as fuck. Imagine if France one day decided to refer to themselves as "Europeans" and said the rest were not, then it would be like what Americans are doing with their nationality
Well oy fucking vey...we just can't have that goyim
Americans aren't people.
Shut up Aaron, you're the kike here if anything. All I am saying is that the American revolution was a mistake and you should have remained British. Would have solved your modern identity issues
Good one.
>saving this
>being this
As long as you aren’t going to practice your barbaric conquest doctrine and are not a welfare leech you are welcome fellow Caucasoid
worship Jesus or you can never be as cool as us
Holy fuck that guy looks like the USS Liberty right now.
I have the identity of being able to own a firearm and being able to say whatever the fuck I want
Get your fucking ass over here
That's a perk, not an identity
This is my identity
Don't come here paki indians are happier than us. The kikes and zionist have destroyed everything and dehumanized us everything you in tv and movies are jewish propaganda. The vampires have taken over everything and are literately syphoning out our blood, mind and organs. Love your own people and whatever problems you have over there can be fixed if your loyal and strong. Immigration is for the weak, egotistical and traitorous opportunists. In some cases I understand it when its a stateless refugee because thats basically a death sentence in todays jew controlled world. And frankly your biologically incompatible with our population and people can smell blood and wont trust you and you'll develop a serious of psychological harm along with the inevitable social alienation your children will go thru. Social degeneracy is rampant to a historically unprecedented level and the republic is falling and frankly we may be the unhappiest nation in the world at this point because of the jews. Also most important my anglo-saxon heritage is being tarnished and destroyed and another paki is just one more problem.
We’re gods.
Fuck off Hans
To make your country like America.
This dude had the freedom to get monstrously obese and then monetized it. Truly an American hero.
Woke American. If white American thought like this all the problems in the US would be solved tomorrow.
And in exhibit B here we see the people that allowed the US to become a pile of shit. Good job man, looking forward to see where your based beaners and jewish magapedes will take your country in the future.
reminder that if you are pro-am*rican, then you are pro-jewish
all white Americans*
The earth is flat. Space does not exist. Your identity is a lie.
Picture is photoshop
>We’re land-whales.
Consider me your personal autocorrect. Now send me bitcoin you Ameri-Jew
There will be no beaners in the ethnostate
Then Christianity is the only true religion
Isn't India a tragic example of such a failed experiment? Even got Bollywood and McStreetshitter
Well yes, and it's also an identity. Here we go
Don't be sad and hopeless bro, but I would suggest considering becoming a Traditional Catholic, our God is the True God and is infinitely good, He will help you, the god of islam is the devil and is very cruel, pray to The Virgin Mary for help
>Immigration is for the weak, egotistical and traitorous opportunists
>entire population is descended from immigrants
Oh shit just got a little chub on.
His country wouldn't be a hellhole if he didn't worship the devil.
He idolizes our nation...he idolizes Christianity
The virgin Mary isn't God. Praying to a human being is heresy.
I've joined with a local ministry that aims to convert my entire college to Christianity
We ventured out into the abyss to learn more about this world and we met and bred with the native mongols and lived in harmony. The genocide was done at the hands of the Spaniards and the French [S. Europeans] not by real pink-white people. Also fun fact all white supremacy stems from S. Euros and Jews along with the entire history of the slave trade. The Mohammedans purchased and freed the east African slaves first from Eritrea and Somalia and conquered the slave empires afterwards. All slave merchants were jews. The Atlantic slave trade reignited everything again when Al-andalus was destroyed and all the muslims genocided in 1492. Iberia was a necessary logistical location for slave ships. The jews werent the merchants this time they were the profiteers and boy did they get rich from it.