It's on

Russians are out training for attack on Norway

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Don't you guys have the F-35 in Bodo now?

Prepare yourself. I know I have, just look at me

actually don't know if they are there, or at orlandet as they are suppose to be, see the range they got ? whoever choose to place them as far away russia as possible is a real cuck

I wouldn't even be worried judging by the fact you guys have the F-35 on your soil. Them along with the F-16's could easily dispose of the shit tier Fencers, Foxbats and Badgers.

They are not operational yet, they are still going through testing phase. We only have 2.

Only two? Shit. Well I'm sure if the situation went sour the US would get the operational, similar to what happened with Israel.

Think I got time to dig a hole in the ground ?

Yes, we have ordered 52. They will be delivered within 2025.

Is it thawed enough? lol

If russia wanted Norway, they would have been able to occupy it within 2 hours

Takk Erna

fine, we'll see how their welfare state handles that

Why the Ruskies attack your shit country? They have plenty of resources to the east.

There is that ofcourse :-) maybe if Putin can hold off the invasion to september maybe

This,the entire russia narrative is just mainstream media bullshit

Hahaha. Erna har ikke skylda det er arbeiderpartiet-koalisjonen som har styrt forsvaret i dass

Probably because Trump want us.

>it's on
Leaves on date stamp from last year

Nice aviation club, now make a magic carpet or broomstick

(((Trump))) wants Norwegian refugees...... Coincidence?
If NATO didn't exist, we would've been Russian or British territory today.

Time to rip a hole in Norwegian space time continuum again

2-3. It'll be hard to kill their 10 000

Norway is a year behind

haha yeah like when under Jeltsin we almost made you guys push the nuclear button.

>invading nordic countries from the north
>Hurr durr Russian beart

Are they even fucking trying?!

Quality over Quantity you know, probably don't need more than 2-3 to beat them.

They will also cross the border in Kirkenes if they were to attack by ground

Dat Scandinavian chicks are pretty hot tho.

They can't attack us. It's all bullshit and fake flexing of muscles. I wonder if Russians don't understand why they're disliked.

What is this? I'd expect them to play out every possible scenario and be sure the Pentagon, the British and the French do the same.

Norway is a NATO member and I don't think it implies your Parliament will have to ratify where will the foreign friendly troops go.

Hvor har du disse bildene fra?


>Russia invades Norway, through Kirkenes
>Norway calls in all former Grensejegers
>have close to 50k troops, in groups of 5
>Only purpose is to do gorilla warfare
>Still not enough
>Norway becomes a shithole

I can imagen that Trondelag would be somewhat safe. The americans have stored too much weapons in our mountains and rednecks hate all foreigners.

They're not flexing muscles. They're testing reaction times.

Took us a year to notice... almost a new record :-)

>refugees are ruining Norway
>"quick, come up with an imaginary threat as a distraction"

Deep breaths fjeldabe. This is nothing new. Sure they have been quiet for a while on this. But go back a couple of decades an both you and we had to 'guide lost Russian military jets back to their own airspace'. The official explanation was always that they 'got lost'. While they clearly testet if we would actually send up interceptors (Sven never joined in for this). Short of the long. Keep showing them their way back home, not because you (or we) could really do anything if they got serious. Except, they need to know that we WILL pester and delay them until the superpowers get time to muster.


Kek the 35 Sukhoi shit all over the F-35

Just do it!
All that fake slavshit might, they need a lesson once for all!

Artic resources and end of American sphere of influence.
>your shit country?
Btw your head of state said indirectly that their country ain't a shithole, respect for them.

Go do some more spinning tricks, Ivan. We're talking military here, not air shows for propaganda purposes