Stop voting agaisnt your economic interests
Dear white working class
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If Trump wants it, then it means it's good
But I want tax cuts for billionaries. It's a nice thing to do. Don't be so selfish
Yes, tax cuts for billionaires is why those people voted for Trump
Dear liberal elites, stop voting against your economic interests!
Dear liberals,
Bringing in millions of niggers and illegals is not in the white working class's economic interest
That’s all they’ve achieved in voting for him so far froggie lmao
My economic interests:
- Small government
- No taxes
- Death of commies
- Death of all work migrants
- Prohibition of immigration
- Barriers for low-cost foreign goods
And I'm sure as hell voting for them by voting for Trump.
So voting for Democrats who would never give me my "crumbs" back to me is against my economic interest?....Lefty logic ladies and gentlemen!
Peasant please, I doubt you even have your own barony
How do you know what my interests are? Who are you to tell me? GET FUCK
He hasn't done any of those things, though, and some of them he actually doesn't support at all.
Lefties are fucking morons, it's like they think everyone with a job is some 15-hour a week peasant working at walmart for minimum wage. I don't even make much, $16/hr (about ~35K a year) but I'm not eligible for a single government program and I pay taxes. I have never gotten a fucking dime from the government so long as I've worked, yet Obama took $800 from me last year due to the single payer mandate while Trump saved me $1000 per year in taxes.
Can fuck off with your "hurr durr stop voting agaiunst economic interests" I already did
Daily reminder that voting does nothing. The people who make it to the election are both puppets. No matter who gets elected, big corporate America wins. Ron Paul was completely blocked out of the media in 2012 despite having a large following of passionate supporters. In the Republican primaries some notoriously pro-Ron Paul counties in Maine reported zero percent voter turn out. There were zero votes recorded in entire counties, just to ensure Mitt Romney would be the Republican candidate. Ron Paul was in SECOND PLACE out of all the Republican candidates in many pre election polls despite having less than 1% of the air time(compared to other candidates) on all major media networks.
Dont vote. Its a waste of your time. If an independent candidate ever wins(they wont because America is brainwashed) they will just fudge the numbers and throw in who they want.
>Dems decided that they don’t need to appeal to whites to win elections
>Republicans need to stop voting against their interests
>I can't believe these fucking retards cut our taxes again. We're going to """invest""" in shipping more jobs overseas
after the Reagan tax cuts, tax revenues went up in every year of his presidency. If what people want is more tax revenues, cut taxes. If what people want is to score political points while making the situation worse, raise taxes
>hasnt done any of those things
>Prohibition of immigration
He literally banned immigration from some countries(before the lefties preformed some legal shenanigans to overthrow it).
>Barriers for low-cost foreign goods
This was in the news this fucking week. What do you think “steel tarrifs” are?
Are all Canadians this retarded or just the liberal ones?
Turn off the Fox News, it is giving you brain worms. Stop voting agaisnt your economic interests you fucking idiot
The point of the program was that it would cost taxpayers more money if they were uninsured, so that $800 you lost was actually less then what you would of lost, not to mention it provides a safety net that if you ever got fucked you could also get the same benefits.
Get fucked. You don’t know my interests or anyone else’s.
you people are the biggest fucking retards on the planet i swear to god
Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year
I'm pretty sure you're a Russian shill using retard logic to try to get America to bankrupt itself
Voting for whoever promises you the most from the public treasury is niggerish and traitor behavior.
They often won't deliver anyway.
Wow, look another bait thread.
I can not vote for a party that promotes killing unborn babies as a womans right.
Morals and values are not for sale.
Yeah ok. Wtf happened to FREEDOM OF CHOICE??? If he didn’t want health benefits, he shouldn’t have to buy it or be penalized for it. If he got fucked up or sick without it, that’s his problem.
I'm not a billionaire and I got a tax cut.
Explain how importing millions of people who hate me, want to live off my taxes, rape my kids, and kill me, is in my economic interests.
>dubya and obama transfer america's wealth to military contractors and wall street
>DC and New York become disproportionately rich compared to the rest of america
hey dumb rednecks why aren't you granting us even more power?
Stop making this gayass thread every fucking hour every single fucking day you nigger faggots
Because if people opt-out it would of been completely pointless, the bill saved taxpayers more money then it cost
Hospitals are fucking racket these days with modern drug prices
stop people from subsisting on your welfare becoming reliant on handouts then creating class warfare and using them as a voting bloc
> I’m going to brag about breadcrumbs: the post
>He literally banned immigration from some countries(before the lefties preformed some legal shenanigans to overthrow it).
Temporarily from a few countries that were already on a government list of high-risk countries from the previous administration. Trump has said multiple times that he doesn't want to ban immigration, and actually wants to increase LEGAL immigration.
>Barriers for low-cost foreign goods
He hasn't actually done it. Is talking about something the same as doing it? But hopefully he does, so you can pay more for manufactured steel products.
You can now return to reddit and plan your epic "redpilling" on Twitter and Faceberg, newfag.
So AGAIN, you’re missing the point.... Let me see if I understand you.... instead of taking a risk and because pharmaceutical industries have major issues, you want to take his freedoms away?
FYI republicans in congress said they are going to block the tariffs
based leaf
How is it taking his freedom away? You want to be a member of society, then guess what you pay bills. The benefits outway any of the cons, this is like arguing just because people aren't suffering smallpox or measles we should stop vaccinating people.
Your hurting everybody else by not being insured
It might be bread crumbs for you, it’s major for some.
>the party of gibs is condemning Conservatives for getting their OWN money back.
>lib + logic.... DOES NOT COMPUTE
muh greater good. nothing kills billions faster
Only urban and inner city retards voted for Hillary.
People who love America all voted for Trump.
How do you figure? Welfare, food stamps and nigger gibs hurt “us” worse than some random asshole getting hurt and having to pay his own bills. How does one having their own bills going to hurt you?
no, we done here?
And how does that change the fact that Trump has done something about it?
Lefties only believe what they want to believe, they'll actively avoid everything that goes against their world view hence their love of fake news outlets such as CNN & MSNBC.
Hey dipshit, those breadcrumbs won’t be major help when republicans raise the cost of your healthcare insurance dumbass
this is such a a naive marxist thing to say.
it basically says taxes should be a form of wealth appropriation and redistribution.
Not really, the amount of money people on handouts cost us is actually really small, its merely millions when we have a trillion+ economy
They are only costing us pennies
Also freedom of choice alone by itself can also being stupid, you can argue that i should be able to murder people and not go to jail because it was my choice
It has limits when you decide to do something that effects all of society
Is this simpler than it looks or am I too dumb to understand.
The government doesn't subsidize the cuts for the billionaires, the billionaires are just better able to take advantage of them. The cuts apply to all Americans. The wealthy save more money by donating or buying specific vehicles or items which are tax deductible.
What am I missing here?
Meh my point is what trump did is nothing, He tried but congress has no intention in following through
Without support from congress there's very little trump can do
Lol okay. Says the party of gibs.
We find ourselves in an unprecedented moment of pervasive tribal anxiety. For two hundred years, whites in America represented an undisputed politically, economically, and culturally dominant majority. When a political tribe is so overwhelmingly dominant, it can persecute with impunity, but it can also be more generous. It can afford to be more universalist, more enlightened, more inclusive, like the WASP elites of the 1960s who opened up the Ivy League colleges to more Jews, blacks, and other minorities — in part because it seemed like the right thing to do.
Today, no group in America feels comfortably dominant. Every group feels attacked, pitted against other groups not just for jobs and spoils but for the right to define the nation’s identity. In these conditions, democracy devolves into zero-sum group competition -
pure political tribalism.
That's what this is all really about. White angst.
The Democrats are against economic tariffs and the Republicans are for it now. Democrats are also for uncontrolled immigration. Republicans are for controlled immigration. How are the Democrats more pro working class when Republicans are the only ones pushing for tariffs now?
>Vote for our party that fosters the hate for white males as we cheer on your extinction
>How could you possibly vote for tax cuts for rich?
>Us wanting to demographically replace you while trying to cuck you at every turn is minimal and irrelevant
Its funny how most people dont see how Obama fucked up the dem party. Ever since he got elected they are stuck on appealing to every group besides white men. If they would just protect borders, cut down on immigration, and cut the white male self loathing the republicans would have a much harder time.
>to be this blatantly communistic, brainwashed & RETARDED. I’ll keep my freedoms. Thanks.
Cool when do we bring back slavery and deny women the right to vote since it's in my best interest?
Oh wait..
Liberals: We should end slavery and give women the right to vote because EQUALITY, who cares about YOUR ECONOMIC SELF INTERESTS!!
Dbl chk
Republicans are NOT for the tariffs, they have said they are going to block them
Hell yes
>Hurr durr, how come you so useless da dumb mexicans can compete with you? You should have just gotten a degree thats out of their reach. I say this as an open minded liberal
>Are all Canadians this retarded or just the liberal ones
just the liberal ones, but too many canadians are liberal
If you cost me money i should damn well be able to have recourse for your fuck up
By you being uninsured i have to pay for your stupid ass
Dear [insert group of people I don't like]
Stop [insert activity I don't like]
And the argument that i was refuting is that Trump hasnt done anything. How is it Trumps fault if the system is set up to make him fail? He is doing something, the rest of the politicians are stopping him.
yeah more tax cuts. and they wonder why everyone has such contempt for stupid white trash
obongo introduced regulations that hurt my family business (selling insurance/financial products), my family's income went from 500k/yr to 100
now that trump repealed them my family is becoming rich again, and my family got a tax cut, and I will inherit this business
how am I voting against my economic interests?
I'd rather be poor than to learn your gender, faggot.
Oh no i wasn't saying trump wasn't doing anything, i just see alot of people on Sup Forums talking about the tariffs without realizing they aren't going to happen.
Good to know that the Cletus’s and Dales of the world are dumb enough to vote only based on dumb useless wedge issues like muh abortions and muh guns
Why are Conservashits so obsessed with trannies and gender politics ?
Communism Socialism against our interests. See Venezuela
And in your cuckmind is this what they should be chanting?
The only people that get handouts are slutty women and so called minorities. Voting republican hurts their interest, not mine. I'm actually very interested in watching them squirm.
Not if you aren't negligent.
Can liberals even into legality?
Have you ever tried "subsisting on welfare"?
It's literally impossible.
>taxing those with plenty is communism/socialism
's pic sure is handy
>V E N E Z U E L A