Greatest fight in the anime

>greatest fight in the anime
>gets the worst animation
Who the FUCK let this happen?

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Didn't a famous animator animate for this episode?

Naruto is hot garbage, but I thought we were done bashing smear frames by now. You retards really never let up huh

I enjoyed how wacky it looked

But the animation was great.

>This 1sec sequence is the only thing people can came for justifying the "bad animation"

wew lad

>looks like a low-budget cartoon

Sasuke vs Itachi was a better fight, as was pain vs jiraya

With a face like that I wouldn't argue with him. Wojak edit when?

it looked like shit but the animation was fairly competent and it really communicated the movements of the characters and the choreography (lol)
if you hate it that means you're just a shallow fuck, desu

you really need to see it in motion to understand how horrendously stupid looking it was

>i-it was o-o-only this one f-frame, I s-swear!

>you need deep knowledge about the principles of animation and be very understanding in order to enjoy an animation that looks like shit

>artstyle equals animation




I'd binge the whole fucking series if it was all Looney Tunes

there's a very huge difference between "bad animation" and "this looks like hot garbage"
I've seen some extremely pretty bad animation

People are a bunch of normies that rather see the characters mantain the artstyle and having the animation of western cartoons than having fluid animation.

Just look at the All might vs Bakugo and Midoriya fight, the animation was almost non-existent.

>gee, sorry, I'm gonna enjoy shit-looking animation from now on because despite looking like hot garbage it has a lot of frames
Bahahah, that's retarded.

Still looks like shit.

no u

Enjoy your western cartoons user

suteki desu

>d-don't insult my g-g-glorious nippon c-cartoons!
At least that webm looks acceptable.

>defending shit-looking anime just because muh frames

The whole thing was smear frames user

Sup Forums is actually defending this shit.

>worst animation
>it has weight behind the character's high-speed movement and is incredibly fluid for a TV anime

the dialog is stupid, the whole thing looks terrible, and I didn't enjoy it, but OP is too much of a cocksucking faggot for me not to speak up because he's just that wrong


>incredibly fluid for a TV anime

What does that mean?

It was near-movie quality. Spare me the BnHA webms; for a long-running anime like Naruto that gets an episode each fucking week that was incredibly well done. Bleach had a similar bump in quality near its' end, too.
No other long-running shonen has really shown such nice animation besides these two.

that's just an artistic choice

if anything, the animation in that fight elevates naruto from the usual shonenshit to something that would actually be worth watching

but ofc the narutists get buttfrustrated when they don't get spoonfed their daily dose of mediocrity

There should have been more moments like the Obito-Kakashi fight.

>having no understanding whatsoever of why animators exaggerate movement and poses

>brainlets defend this because it's "fluid"



for a one piece weekly episode, this part is actually well done.

I laugh everytime.

>makes eyes bleed
>artistic choice
Certainly goes with the spirit of modern art.

>looks like shit
>b-b-but it's supposed to be like this, gain some knowledge

>looks like shit
>b-but at least it's fluid

Greatest fight was Gaara vs Rock Lee.

Looney tunes is tonally inconsistent with the series. That doesn't mean the animation is bad. Divorced from the source material the animation is fun as fuck. People not being able to get over how 'seriously' the source material should be treated is the actual bad thing here.

What's so well-done about it?

I remember watching that episode on the internet back when it came out and thinking it was literally a joke.

That's more like Sup Forums tier desu.

>Using the same stillframe of a fluid artstyle to declare something bad animation

I´m sick of seeing this thread over and over again

Every single user talking about the pain fight does nothing but say "haha look omg it's so stupid", without giving any actual reason why it's bad, or at least a very in detail one (I like the fact that this user, although blandly, at least tried to voice some of his/her concerns with the fight), I personally loved the dynamic feel the whole fight had, and call me stupid but the entire fight was beautifully made. The speed made everything squash and stretch and everything being a blur, or out of proportion at times made it so satisfying to me coupled with the fluidity which is severely lacking in the later stages of the Naruto anime. There might be an objective and insanely good reason why this fight is bad, but I personally don't see much and it's purely up to the viewer, similarly to how people were saying kill la kill was badly animated for having thick outlines and rushed details and lines which were made specifically to give a feel of speed, power and more.

that's going too far, user
replace every single outright compliment in this rant with an "it worked and was okay I guess" and you're where you need to be, in my opinion

Anybody got the webm of him being pounded into the ground that ends with him with only his head sticking out saying "do you hate me?"?

I think the guy who posted this on youtube originally was not ironic so I don't know if it can really go "too far"

why were you in a youtube comments section to begin with, and why did you think it was acceptable to repost it here?

This looks better than most Shippuden fights though?

OP isn't serious. He's a shitposter.


Kekkai Sensen, episode 1.
I dunno, my dude.
I honestly think this is good pasta material

Good pasta material this is not. The guy is more or less correct. A good pasta will upset people and bait them into replying. You can't bait people in with the truth.

Naruto's cringe never cease to amaze me.

thank you friend

>you can't bait people with the truth

>jokes are now Sup Forums

Sup Forums lingo is Sup Forums

the fight against Pain had 2 really bad moments that were the "my pain is greater than yours" and the looney tunes running, the rest was amazing, this is the unbiased truth

Okay narutard, that's enough for one thread, go away.

What is this fluidity everyone keeps talking about?

Between absolute shit and shit, it's still shit.
Madara's fight excluded.

Me dicking ur mum yesterday wasn't serious either.

Don't see you fags crying about Sup Forums whenever someone baneposts.
You cunts just look for an opportunity to bitch about Sup Forums.

>the rest was amazing
It only had amazing bits.

Are you congratulating the animation of that fight or insulting Shippuden as a whole?

i enjoy it. its drawn. you can do crazy shit sometimes. so why not do it.

>it has weight behind the character's high-speed movement


It's a showcase of animators who follow the legendary Satoru Utsunomiya style of animation. This is animator expression at its finest, model sheets be damned.

>>>>>>first episode
Kill yourself
Im serious
You have nothing worthwhile to contribute

There's actual weight behind the movements. It feels really realistic, even when the character moves at above 100 km/s.

Delusional or shills.

I'm saying that using this as an example of bad animation out of all the fights in Shippuden is the dumbest fucking thing you could do, regardless of whether or not you believe it's bad.

It's funny that people still have bitchfits over this episode years after the fact.

What the fuck
