Say goodbye to your pewpews Burgers
Say goodbye to your pewpews Burgers
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Based Trump doing what Obama couldn't and saving Amerimutts from their senseless massacres
as though this will go anywhere
there are even more preposterous bills proposed that also won't get a hearing. there are dozens and they are just as non-viable and it's only about signalling
>ma, I posted it again
Faggot. That bill is going nowhere. Go look how much the gun lobbyists pay politicians. Political figures don’t bite the hands that feed them.
Business 101
Never ask what you want, exaggerate then meet in the middle. Translation: you still lose.
That's great but gun manufacturers don't vote, people do.
no you don't
the idea is you ask for more, and then you agree to "meet half-way on this", and you're still getting what you want, because you made what is basically a fake concession because you asked for more than you'd ever think you could have gotten to begin with, and now you're making a compromise. everyone knows this but it does take some balls
notably this has nothing to do with some jerkoff bill proposal to erode a god-given right that everyone knows SHALL
Should've worded it better.
What I meant: Democrats ask for more and then meet half-way getting what they want.
Repubs agree and take a loss
assault weapons are illegal already, retard
Won't pass so go fuck yourself and even if it did good I want a violent uprising.
maybe in your shithole
oh yeah definitely
and it's because the republicans are insecure. they think there is something to be gained by compromise on basic, fundamental principles. like they think some nigger is going to be like "wow yeah i'll vote for this stuffed suit white man because he worked with democrats to erode society"
the republican party needs to understand that it is now the party of white people and any ground given to the party of muds and weirdos isn't going to net any benefit
Oh so there’s a special election we all get to vote in? No. So it will be just like net neutrality. They will vote the way they’re paid to. But you’re so precious with your idealistic fairy tale. Just wait kid, you will learn I’m right. Net nutrality is one example among hundreds.
You don't need guns if you accept our lord Jesus Christ as our only saviour.
There is an awb attempt almost every year, this means nothing at this stage.
Yeah but midterm elections this year and the left is gonna milk this witchhunt to color everything blue.
Don't know man, looks like Repubs will be systematically fazed out. Democrats the new right and some Bernie bros party the left. Especially if this mass migration wave keeps up
One guy
Good luck getting this bill passed nigger.
What makes you so confident that this won’t have opposition, let alone passing committee?
I hope it does go on the house floor- Democrats are literally doing the one thing that will ensure their defeat.
Why do you approve of politicians that introduce bills that are guaranteed to die?
>bait post
>believes this is going to pass
Is it hard going thru life being a nigger? I mean, you simply do not understand how retarded you are.
>he thinks the current elected officials would actually move this forward
nigger please
even if it did make it to the senate, libs would be officially conceding to midterms
>It is hard going through life as a nigger?
they don't live long enough, so probably not.
As soon as it does we'll have Civil War.
> Day 1 half of congress is separately ambushed, dragged behind vehicles, or just plain disappeared
> County courthouses get overrun and the police start shooting each other or join up since a bunch of them feel sympathetic
> Trump supports the military and common person, orders military to have most of the government arrested for treason
> 10% of the military go rogue for the deep state and are quickly put out of commission
Why does nobody understand this is how this would work? This is the reality when the big line is crossed, and it happens fast because everyone targeted knows with the efficiency of modern day NSA they wouldnt have time to just sit on their asses.
> they arent organized, but they can rally quickly, especially if they see action happening it'll be like birds taking flight.
When they gather their senses and finally come to the table, trump will offer them half (or less) of what he originally offered... just for the inconvenience of having to wait so long for them to quit literally screaming and lighting things on fire