Remind me again, why don't we consider veganism to be red pilled?
because it pretty much is
Veganism: a red pill
My saliva and sweat are acidic e.g. I rot leather watch straps in about a year. Therefore, I am an omnivore.
If we were meant to eat only veggies and not meat, then we wouldn't have cravings and uncontrollable instincts to eat meat.
Why don't cows eat meat even if you give them? Because they're weren't meant to.
But kill that cow and serve me a steak and I'll fucking eat it whole.
>Alkaline solutions can't corrode stuff
This is how retarded vegans are.
we have acid in our stomach, dumbass
Then why do we have incisor teeth?
you are a mongoloid retard, we as humans have literally been primarily carnivores for most of our existence. in fact if anything veganism and vegetarianism is wrong and unnatural as mass farming is a relatively new aspect towards total contribution of human diet
Everything about that image is wrong. Adults have a salivary pH of around 6.5, which is acidic. Dogs, who are carnivores, have alkaline salivary pH:s of around 8.5.
And since when is meat broken down in the mouth?
because habits
post body
we are omnivores
Our incisors are a joke. There are apes more herbivorous than we are with much larger incisors.
What is the salivary pH of chimps and other omnivores?
But our saliva is acidic.
Carnivores also don't have exclusively acidic saliva, some are basic.
The digestive system is not exclusive to saliva either.
Our ancsetors have literally eaten another. Or are there many examples of arnicores evolving into herbivores,
Do you get hungry when you walk into a stinky barn?
Humans are omnivores. We probably have too much meat in our modern diets and not enough vegetables/fruit. Simple carbohydrates and refined sugars are the real killer today.
>Humans aren't supposed to eat meat
Then why is it so easy to live off of meat?
Most saliva in the animal kingdom isn’t for breaking down food. That’s what stomach acid is for. The saliva moistens food and breaks down some plant fiber and muscle fiber.
ive been a vegan, pescaterian, vegetarian and ate everything, now i am eating keto. my doctor said my bloodwork has never been better and ive dropped even more weight and cut muscle, got his seal of approval despite him not liking all the meat and animal fat i am eating. vegans get fucked.
I have a friend who stopped being vegan because they had too many nutritional deficiencies and was losing too cucumber weight because a vegan diet is unnatural
What type of fact is this? Humans are primates and primates don’t use acid saliva , that’s what fucking sneaks and lizards use
Is this a serious thread and you’re so fucking dumb or is it a slide ?
>pic related , if you’re not eating veal parmigiana and eating grass from your back yard, then you have a fucking mental issue
No thanks :)
Humans have extra copies of the amylase gene and their saliva contains amylase to begin breaking down starch (complex carbohydrates) as soon as it enters the body.
Vegan here. Your pic is stupid as fuck. Being vegan is red pilled because you are taking personal accountability of your diet and making a conscious decision to eat in a way that does not involve dependency on animals. Independence is the core of the red pill. Being dependent on anything is failure to be a man and provide. If everything is a tool and your success is governed by how you use the tool then your diet is just one more area for you to take ownership.
Now there are a bunch of liberal hipster vegans who give it a bad name and don't understand what being vegan is. Google top vegan recipes, you'll find half of them contain eggs, yogurt or butter. It's like Yoga, western housewives have appropriated an eastern exercise and use it to stretch out their nasty vaginas and assholes. Fuck them.
Ha, my aunt went Vegan, keeps getting hospitalized for low potassium, low iron, her doctor says, "You need to eat meat." She says, "No! I don't!"
Ends up in the hospital again, for heart problems related to low potassium and iron again...
too cucumber?
Your yoga class sounds insane.
No dipshit because only vegans would eat cowshit.
Yes, we know.
flesh of any animal is completely dissolved by your stomach acid quickly. your human digestive track CANNOT break down plant cell walls. even cooked its simply passed through the body. plant cell walls are a type of natural plastic. go eat some water jugs you vegan faggot and lets see how healthy you are in a week
Fruits and vegetables are high in potassium. Just what is she eating?
And we also have a sack of hydrochloric acid to dissolve the food with. Animals that cannot eat meat don’t. It’s in their instinct.
You're a cunt, herbivores have gigantic guts humans don't have big guys designed to break down plant matter. If anything, were designed to eat nothing but meat and fat. We don't even need vitamins C or D if we eat enough fish to go with all the delicious animal fat.
I make "slide threads" for fun because it's hilarious seeing Sup Forums freak about "muh boogeyman"
Sup Forums is full of underage retards and r/the_donald crossposters, it's gone to complete and utter shit since the election
Notice how It's Okay To Be White died out? Funny how effective that was then suddenly died.
A real carnivore would get hungry upon entering a stinky barn, because that is the stink of animals, their food.
I get hungry looking at cows. Humans can eat raw meat but it is better when it is cooked.
Dude, I've tried taking the vegan pill but some of the shit tasted so bad and had such unnatural textures that I'd actually gag trying to eat it.
Like it's just no substitute for real food. I'm already skinny as it is and I'm trying to change that, knowing I had to eat more vegan trash made me dread eating.
because it isn't
also adult people have acidic saliva, you idiot
So why do I feel better with meat in my diet? I still eat 5 or 6 servings of leafy greens and broccoli. Lots of nuts and seeds. And alternate other low carb veggies. But I feel a lot better having meat, fish and eggs. My lifts are better, I have more energy and my shits are even better
I tried replacing meat with tofu, tempeh and wheat-meat. The protein just did not keep up with my needs and over a year of being vegan I'd lost a lot of my muscle mass despite working out the same way. It almost seems as if a balance is superior for my body
hahaha megameat/pol/fags galore
upwards of 95% of the worlds soybean production is for livestock feed. it bioaccumilates. yet meatfags give it the biggen everywhere with the "i don't touch soy never, soy be Jew potion nigger"
you meatfags are an army of Soygoons of Cuckedhard
hahaha up ye
yes... that's why we can digest meat
I can't believe how much false info there is out there
>not meant to eat meat
our ancestors would have died and we all wouldn't exist if the first humans couldn't eat meat
(ignoring the fact that that was the majority of their diet)
out of the proteins available to prehistoric man meat was by far the most efficient
it literally would not have been possible to survive before agriculture if we couldn't digest meat
and even after it would have been extremely difficult
only modern times gives us the option to subsist without meat with things like peanut butter or gluten or whey powder
Veganism is the final red pill
Fascists BTFO
dont eat death