Purging them too?
Scenario: Euros win the race war. What do with interracial children - born and unborn
Deportation to genetic region
So to america?
Jokes aside, good idea, but what about the retarded mothers crying after their things they call children? Mental help? Therapists funded by the state?
Whatever happens to them they don't stay in the white nations. I would back deportation to any non-white country.
deport to new world
race mixers get put up against the wall first so how would there be any mothers left to cry?
send them and their parents to the new african colonies
You don't think we'd keep their mothers do you?
They would be deported along with their child/children. If their family members have any objections, deport them too.
Mass deportation of these undesirable non-whites would create a largeish redbone race in Africa.
A user back in '17 meant theres some sciencshit that can eliminate the dna from shitskins. You know the sperm/dna redpill that women absorb the semen and shit?
is there any truth to this or what
But what if some of them are looking good. I mentioned here about science user
I can't find this fucking screencap, also we seriously need redpill threads between those (((slide))) and (((shill))) ones
Euthanize or slave labour, together with leftists.
Lets call it 'affirmative action' then :D
With the absorbing DNA? Most probably. That with the eliminating shitskin and other mens dna from the women body/womb (or wherever). I believe this could be true although we need to ask smarter persons about this.
Any scientist on Sup Forums tho?
Socially ostracized and let to their own lives. They will receive no help or support. They will form resistance groups and when they break the law they will be jailed and deported.
They get deported as well
Is this actually good for the economy? Like Daddy Addie had only his volk back then and it went fantastic after some years. Also slaves stealing our jobs and shit
Either enslave them or crush them beneath your boots, niglets grow up to be niggers no mercy for them though shit
Deport to Brazil which is a mixed up hellhole.
Women don't absorb the sperm, but they will absorb the cells from their non-white child.
I always wondered what Brazil was before. How the jews created this nowaday hellhole. Were Brazilians white? Is Brazil the perfect example of what the jews want?
i have pondered this, if they stayed, they'd obviously genetically eventually fizzle out (if they were to carry on breeding), I think they generally feel closer to their white parent? it's the black father that tends to fuck off first and even in groups i think mixed people are shunned by full africans, this is strictly black/white though. Ideally they'd all get shipped to Israel
This theory is based on a lickbait article that sited a fruit-fly study. It's absolute bullshit, when you look at how their anatomy is designed, females are tailored at NOT accepting DNA, except by the best sperm. It's designed to be hard to procreate
You kill them obviously and kill anyone who objects to it even if they are white.
Did you idiots not learn the last time? Look at North America, just replace them like we did with natives. No slavery, only replacement
God damn I have this redpill on the folder on my PC. Why aren't we having redpill threads. Like did someone screencapped the polskis quadpost about to be the chad alpha vs the virgin refugees or swedbrothers redpill about why the jew promotes cuckoldry from another swedbros post where he asked why the jews chose especially sweden
>Purging them too?
Forced Sterilization
Dont enslave them just kill them, stop looking for excuses to not kill them. Remember what happened when we enslaved shitskins the last time? Yh they are now free and destroying our society because cucks like you cant just kill humans.
I don't wanna those mutts soiling the gene-pool
no offence
No you idiots, deport them to Africa so that it becomes fractionally whiter
We could have a serious talk about this, but so many well written threads are getting coincidencely slided while gib guns and muh asian qtard gets bumped
What ever, just don't think of them as humans cause their only half a piece of shit. Exterminate with extreme hate
Why would we care about Africa? Just kill the mixed breeds so we wont have to deal with nigger DNA ever again.
>keeping the traitors
Traitors get the first bullet.
they should have gotten the rope as well for being race traitors.
Checked gonna make a redpill thread before I go sleep meine lieben Freunde
Whats with the tranny and the hard on?
Send them to Israel and J.K. Rowling.
Males get sterilized while females are to be bred with European men for the next 8 generations with their male offspring being sterilized as well.
The 9th generation daughter will be considered white.
MSM machine broadcast ethnic cleansing all day 24/7 365 days a year with special death events for holidays until there aren't any left.
Sacrifice them to Moloch, so he dies of intoxication
It's a double win.
Just groping for straws and ideas how to keep at least the god looking ones, but yeah, the shitskin DNA is the problem
Send them to South Africa and let the niggers figure it out.
Yeah, i can't wait for us to rebuild europe from the ashes. Plus i am looking forward to civil-war to cleanse our continent
Hysterical nonsense. If we get white birthrates back up then miscegnation ceases to be an issue.
Nazis would have been better off deporting Jews to Madagascar and then controlling their German nations. Nazism would not have ended and Europe would be a better place now.
I didn't even noticed it ...
God damn catholic serb that's J U S T
Fuck you, I don't want your Molochisch scheißdreck only Yahweh and Yeshua the Messiah nigger
Who gives a shit if they're good looking?
You can't start a movement based on ethnic identity and in-group preference and then keep everyone who betrayed their tribe just because they are good looking.
>females are to be bred
No they are killed just like the men, this reasoning is why Americoons exist right now because stupid faggots like you couldnt stop fucking niggers.
No this is just a fucking excuse they use to destroy us from within, the birthrates would fix themselfs eventually. It is just a kike excuse to destroy us
Dumb dumb DUMB.
Why tho? What is wrong with Belgium? To me personally you're like Switzerland - I never hear something important ot cool from your country
>I didn't even noticed it ...
Well I know what the means for me..
Make them forever middle class citizens
Kill. All. I hope this.
Or soft Euthanasia or deportation to colored shitholes
I know, but trust me allot of shit-skins here too.
And i am longing for war, i realise most people here are just larping by saying that, but i truly wish for a civil-war
I don't believe white birth rates are a problem, we raise less children but we instil a higher quality of care and education in each one. Combine this with our high technology and increasing mechanisation, and a high birth rate would actually be a problem for us.
>"Low White Birth-rates" is an excuse to justify forced immigration.
Imagine your brother or sister as a race traitor
It's just not their full fault. They got tricked into it 'cause they are literally too retarded to overthink shit like the people on this board. That's why we fucks are so deeply depressed
>Molochisch scheißdreck only Yahweh and Yeshua the Messiah nigger
Godspeed with you and your fellow brothers, hope to visit Belgium once. Alone the name sounds as comfy as a warm blanket
I'm just hoping for alot of white leftist progressive heads to roll
and the muzzies are gonna do it for us
>t. halfbreed
kek Sup Forums larps they hate me, yet they aren't even fixing their countries, voting for meme right wing parties who actively avoid the race issue like cucks
civil war is the only way, and the only way towards it is left wing progressivism, vote lefty, and watch it get eaten by its 'pets'
Its okay not bad not good, es ist zeker kein Deutshland (ich weiss mein deutsch ist rigtige kakke)
This is how it starts first its your family then your friends then before you know race traitors are completely given slaps on the wrist. Look man you can take your empathy and stuff up your cucked german ass ok. All mixed race individuals of shitskin DNA are to be eliminated completely.
Traitors get the worst of end of the stick.
Dood aan alle ras-verraders
This pic is smaller than Turdeuas femdick
>behead feminists in the name of God
>throws head in the air
>shotgun head
just perfect
Send them to brazil so they can live with their race brethen
> Whiteness took thousands of years to evolve through hard natural selection, one drop of animal blood is enough to spoil the whole batch.
Southerners got that right straight ahead with the one-drop rule, will you ?
so my dad's white and my mom's Indian, from a former colony of this country
do I need to go 'back'?
why? it's pretty much neglectable influx of genes, as not even 1% of the population are mutts, and their genes are atleast 50% european
dunno if you've realised but give it 5 generations of pure white breeding, and there is no other dna left except maybe trace amounts
I'm russian and yes although an unlikeable asshole, I have a fucking soft soul
There needs to be another solution ... everything is possible with God, he probably gave us the answer we just need to find it. Or probably the jews knows discovered and hid it
they get the bullet too
it warms me that i see people like yourself and others, with all different flags across this continent, gives me hope - fuck the larping, i quite literally feel the time for discussion is over
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic
You're half a non-european so yes
>it's pretty much neglectable influx of genes
Ah I see you are a jew.
No solution except genocide if you are against genocide then you should will killed as well.
Amen brother, this whole mess can only be solved by violence, the time for politics is over
I'd say the same, my daughter is going to marry a white, and if she comes home with a darkie she's going to get kicked out of the house
how does any of this make me a traitor? my mom votes pvv and she's indian, because she knows western civilization is the best culture around
Hows Portugal going on? I learned literally nothing about Portugal in school except colonialisation of something and done. God fucking damn those jewish schools
Except they literally did that. The Jews that were left got thrown into the camps.ne just they wouldn't leave.
kek I'm not a jew, my nose is not big enough for it
>European flag
stop memeflagging and show us who you really are faggot
>t. german
mate you're basically half slavic
you're as white as me
Yes but indians get a pass, when they live amongst us they behave like real people, same thing with asians all of my message is directed against niggers and mudslimes, not other races that are human but just not white
No escapes
What is the actual number of race mixers in Europe right now, despite it would bring burning tears to my eyes knowing it? Less people means most likely to go back into lowkey incest ... tho
That made me smile desu
She's going to marry a Indian dude, please do yourself and us a favor
Funny I'm full slav osteuro russian
Just hacked the italic election what did you do indi
Leftist hellhole - but cozy
And do not race mix with whites or niggers
>Less people means most likely to go back into lowkey incest ... tho
Judaism intensifies
I can sense the femzillas from here
Mutts can be assimilated there are not so many of them, it's the parents that need to be purged, the kids are half-whites and don't deserve to suffer for the sins of their genitors.
Deportation for the degenerates ones and maybe sterilzation for all of them but nothing more.
Dude I'm just assuming/asking/telling/theorising lmao and you're the one with the meme flag
Talking about mutts in jewusa or europa? But I think we shoudl castrate and tax them for being those creatures they are
Have you learned nothing? Empathy is our greatest downfall, you must stop showing mercy and simply butcher the non-whites.
We don't have enough armed civilians to even attempt a civil war. And coup? Good luck defending against the European Army. Furthermore we're right in the middle of the shitstorm should it ever go down. Best bet would be to just relocate. White flight --- It's the Belgian way
it's a shame tho
I will definitely be reintegrating my blood back into the white bloodline
I could not live with the misery of having brown children when having blond children or grandchildren is an actual option
In europe, I don't interfere with USA business they can do what they want. I don't think we should punish them just because they exist, but sterilzation would be ok, same shit for the cripples, retards, midgets and other untermenschen.
Underrated. Humane, nobody gets to lose their sweet baby who dindu nuffin, gene pool remains clean.
>Male DNA less relevant than female DNA
Makes no sense. Maybe feels right when some bosniak steals your gf or whatever happened to you (condolences btw.) but we gotta be reasonable here.
Better to have half whites than no whites at all
Fuck you, and speak for yourself who says i don't have guns? Besides you really think the eu army would turn on their own people? Its still white europeans in that army dude and millitary personel are notorius for being racist. En die praat geeft belgen een slechte naam angst haas
those get the rope