Here's to another glorious Saturday that won't be ruined by forcing yourself to watch an episode of Re:Creators!

Here's to another glorious Saturday that won't be ruined by forcing yourself to watch an episode of Re:Creators!

And the dumbest hatebase award goes to..
re:creators of course

People really force themselves to watch a show? What's the point ?

Please just let me forget. Even the livewatch threads were fucking miserable.

Meteora would be better if she'd actually keep this form

Don't remind me. I wish there was still more weekly cute Altair.

I drop this show every week

Anyone want to give me a summary of the second half?

Slightly smaller breasts would look better on her, to be honest. I like the tanned skin and the outfit, but these just don't look like they belong on her.

Altair is a god, but she's still Altair.