Here's to another glorious Saturday that won't be ruined by forcing yourself to watch an episode of Re:Creators!
Here's to another glorious Saturday that won't be ruined by forcing yourself to watch an episode of Re:Creators!
Camden Jackson
Ethan Reyes
And the dumbest hatebase award goes to..
re:creators of course
Colton Robinson
People really force themselves to watch a show? What's the point ?
Daniel Clark
Please just let me forget. Even the livewatch threads were fucking miserable.
David Wood
Meteora would be better if she'd actually keep this form
Julian Hall
Don't remind me. I wish there was still more weekly cute Altair.
Charles Walker
I drop this show every week
Austin Myers
Anyone want to give me a summary of the second half?
Jaxson Collins
Slightly smaller breasts would look better on her, to be honest. I like the tanned skin and the outfit, but these just don't look like they belong on her.
Nathaniel Barnes
Altair is a god, but she's still Altair.