She's 27.
Why is Emma Watson ageing so badly?
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too much jewish cock
I use facial program and this what she will look like in 5 more years
You prob wouldnt look too good if you had to take a pounding from Harvey Weinstein every time you went to work
Britons in general age like milk on a hot summer day.
Looks like she needs some child blood.
British genetics
is it cus of her jaw? cus if thats it then thats not her aging badly, just her genes
she's a witch there suppose to look old and ugly, duh.
weinstein used her up.
The English don't age well, but New Zealanders age the worst. They look 20 years older than their actual ages
Slowly she is getting that rectangle jaw known for making anglo women disgusting
One of these things is not like the other
One of these doesn't belong
Wtf she looks like a gremlin.
Not a single person pointing out her fucking meme tattoo with a misspelling?!
best Emma coming through
This, she's hit the wall
That is shooped right?
She looks fucking beat too. She's not even 30 and she looks like someone's haggered mom.
>go to celluloid jew and sell your soul
>pay the toll
The reason hollywood is addicted to botox and plastic surgery is that the very nature of what they do behind closed doors rots them mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Because it's just a dude in drag. Look at that picture you posted, and be honest with yourself.
Bad genetics.
Some people are very lucky and look young and hot almost forever but some people are only half lucky and the look hot up until their 20s and when they fully mature and start nearing 30 and above their looks start fading fast.
But still better than those poor cunts who were always ugly and always will be
My god, she's turning into McGonagall
its not emma. emmas chin wasnt as big and dont give me that shit about chin growing as you get older j lenno isnt a million
its a different person. her last real appearance was at the UN. when she was shilling her 10x10x10 shit. some one probably molested her. hell half of them probably gangbanged her
i doubt she knows what the brits do to get support for policies in the UN or at least i doubt she knew at the time. they put a spice girl in the UN to suck and fuck brits interest into agreement by the UN
she probably took some time off. she might have been killed for "the greater good". can the UN function if every one knows how evil they are? sadly if they did kill her it was years after they stopped mattering and even if she wasnt killed it was a waste of her time as the UN lost all authority by showing blatant racism
Third and fourth from the left are fuckable.
Makeup products absolutely destroy your skin.
she's british. i've been to england and your skin is shit. mediterranean people like me have oily skin which can be not esthetic, however our skin ages slowly and we dont get wrinkles.
I'll do the LOT OF yas...
She's English
She looks like my virgin sister in law who just turned 40
She's just got a bad haircut and a shit expression there.
When you have lifetime PTSD from taking all of the jewish producer cock for the last 2/3rds of your life, you don't hold up well.
>suicide by patriarchy
>join the 27 club
>still be a dumb cunt
whydontbyou fix that
Weinstein sperm is toxic from years of coke.
The Lindsey Lohan diet, my friend. Cocaine and vodka, erryday.
Because white women age like dogshit and the worst of them all are brits.
#4s tits
#6s face
#7s hair
And stick it on #5
Because she's a 27 year old woman.
Women age like milk. Especially british ones.
drugs and alcohol
I wish I could but she is a staunch Mormon and will only fuck a husband. Actually my 40 year old sis-in-law looks much better than Emma tbqh
she hit the wall like other roasties, plus she's a shit for genetic for being a britbong
It's unbelievable she used to be pic related. She got gangbanged by so many fat producers she became shell shocked
She wishes she had the grace and dignity of Maggie Smith
red dress waifu claimed
she was never extraordinarily pretty, just famous
Tranny. Cara Delavigne and Alicia Vikander are two obvious trannies in hollywood. Pic related.
Most women are losing their looks in their mid to late 20s. Some start to lose it even earlier.
In fact, a lot of beautiful women in the 24-27 age range are well aware they're starting to lose it as they compare themselves with younger chicks all the time. They know they're fighting a losing battle even if everyone around them still thinks they look great. It's just the nature of feminine beauty.
Reminder that pic related is 9.8/10 in Bongland
Men age like wine, best when older;
Women age like milk, best fresh.
Emma is English and the women there age VERY fast.
the magic of camera, lighting, angles, editing and makeup fades eventually, she's just reverting back to her natural self, as with emma
This is is.
Her public persona was a reasonably hot, but very smart, girl.
Both were false as shit - but that's what was sold to the public.
She's not that smart, and now she's not that hot.
She did, however, take miles of weinstein cock....
She is not aging badly. She is just British female.
Being around the Industrial "music" industry didn't help her moral decision making at all, either.
She always looks positive and happy. Character goes a long way.
drugs and narcissism.
The tat seems temporary DESU. Her new look is probably for a new movie role. The person she's portraying is a feminist in all likelihood.
She was never attractive. You could tell early on she'd aged poorly.
That was exactly the age when my female friends started getting extremely angry and bitter whenever anyone points out an attractive woman.
>yeah she is a pretty hot.
>I like her shoes
>She's basically a high schooler still at 21. What are you, A PEDO?!
>She's so stupid. Do you like stupid girls?
Bitter is the roastie
go back to Sup Forums
Her Times Up.
The molochcock drained her youth
She's 27. That's why she looks old.
Honestly, what's wrong with white people ageing so badly?
times ya?
The worst part of this picture is the absolute loss of innocence from her eyes. She used to seem like a young, happy girl about to live out her dream.
Now, she realizes the dream was actually a long fucking nightmare. But she's too entrenched in it to get out.
That stare....1000 cock stare caused by one fat jew.
I never found her sexy, her pretentious I’m oh so smart attitude makes me want to stick my dick in a shredder
*licks lip*
*breaths in*
Emma Watson is a MtF tranny.
That's what happens when trannies age, they fall apart.
Isn't she like a bit of a lunatic?
stress. also needs a kind, genuine, and smart spouse that would honey dick her for gibs.
Ever Live in Providence Rhode Island, it takes years off your life
Also Brits
Agreed. She wasn't ever cute because of that giant wall of a forehead. No offense to her personally. I've never even heard her speak. I just know this website was obsessed with her when she was a teenager. It was really pathetic. Of all the little cuties this weirdo board could've been obsessed with they meme'd a girl with one of the worst foreheads I've ever seen throughout humanity.
wtf tranny swapping has gone mainstream already?
look at sam
She could play her in the inevitable Harry Potter remake, but we all know by that time every important role will be played by blacks, possibly tranny.
That tatoo will be so fitting when her looks hit the wall and she has no kids.
Emma Watson probably had too much cheese pizza.
she's aging like cheese
the tattoo is not finished yet. it will say
Times Yaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss Queen
Go suck Harvey Weinstein's dick and see if you come out of that experience the same.
It's all the binge drinking.
We're up amongst the worst in binge drinking, sexual partners and sexually transmitted disease rates.
How in the FUCK is this politics? Are the Mods really this lethargic?
#5 is non-ironically qt
that fucking chin mate
>This is a solid 8/10 in bongland
>All the fucking trash on the ground
Actually pretty attractive in this pic, shes got that trashy amy winehouse loom
We ought to thank her for not breeding
this is why
Can you even see the ground in France anymore? I thought African homeless covered every inch