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Raws available for download when?
Why is this show so shit?
>Why are Apocrypha threads so shit?
retarded spoilers about a shit that isn't fully translated yet.
dedicated shitposters ith zero creativity who never tire of infinitely posting the same shit, bullshit, shitposts, memes and pastas all the time at all the Apocrypha-related threads.
New OP and ED are godtier
Webm with new op and ed?
>Fate/Apocrypha OP 2
wait is astolfo fucking dead?
Nope, Sieg becomes Astolfo's new master.
Mana transfers?
Astolfo's old Master dies
by the same method as in the light novel by Mordred's sword.
Man people really don't give a shit anymore do they?
here on
I can't wait to see Sieg shoves his great Sword on chunni priest's ass
It's on now
I saw ep1. I did not know that Siegfried was dead. I'm sad. Why killed him.
Jesus Christ, she is literally bizon 2.0
Dropped at ep 4.
Should I pick it up again?
Not worth, from now on is gonna be Sieg Pandering the anime with Jeanne attached to his hip ready to suck him with Astolfo
It's fucking garbage like 98% of modern Fate.
This show is dogshit but I will admit episode 12 was good. Vlad's pathetic screams of agony as he transformed were pretty great and Darnic is an absolute madman.
How did Mordred travel back in time?
Yeah worth, but you have to remember that from now on the translation of the novel is not complete and everything's based on headcanons and shit spoilers spoiled by dedicated shitposters like
I decided to drop this show because I can't stomach Astolfo, Jeanne, and Sieg anymore, but this webm is making me rethink my decision. If I decide to continue, but only watch scenes with Semiramis. Am I going to miss anything important with her scenes?
Would Semiramis be a good mother and wife?
>that Seig reaction
Even Seig is scared!
Please stop posting bait to attract other shitposters and derail the thread.
No one cares, just watch the anime and decide for yourself.
This show still has plenty of entertaining characters even if it's main purpose is to circlejerk over Seig and Jeanne.
I watch it for:
jap reactions to this shit are great. It should either never have been made or went full original.
Whats really funny is that literally ALL this series needed was no Jeanne or Seig and it would have been really quite good.
The setting is solid, the idea of a Grail War fought by teams of Servants rather than just a free for all is great and opens up lots of potential for interesting combinations and the historical figures used are all generally interesting and compelling (with the exception of Avicebron).
All it needed was a correct decision in regards to its main characters.
hey samefag, source?
>Whats really funny is that literally ALL this series needed was no Jeanne or Seig
It needed better animation to be quite honest. There's a distressing amount of QUALITY present.
Well yes, that too. Its a shame since some parts have been animately really nicely. Atalanta's 1st Phoebus Catastrophe looked excellent
Why? WTF? I liked Atolfo at first but he became annoying as fuck. Can't they just kill him?
Is just me or A1 picture wasting all their budget on this episode on creating high quality op and ed?
>pasty jap otaku still anally devastated Sieg took their waifu.
>pic related mfw
Definitely prefer this opening to the previous one.
This show is finally starting to get good.
>literaly eggs dee
christ wtf
Does anyone even care about the rest of the cast anymore?
I find people that are reasonable and hate Apocrypha for its terrible execution but the majority of haters are disappointedly all about having their waifu stolen.
They need to save the remaining budget for the last 6 episodes.
Next episode looks like it's gonna be good. I'm actually excited.
Jannu a KEK
nande reeee
Karna seems quite strong. He is not going to die an asspull death, is he?
I hope Mord goes full evil and kills some fags. I like her.
Sieg will kill him.
He gets farted on
Oh, please, do tell me which spoilers, *specifically*, you think people should take issue with. I might be so magnanimous as to debase myself by proving them true, here and now, if you can give a real answer to this request.
What's with the atrocious use of those commas? Not the user you're asking by the way.
Only vols 1, 2 and 4 were done, but 3 has been unfinished for years and no one has touched 5.
SoHo, sometimes written Soho, is a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City, which in recent history came to the public's attention for being the location of many artists' lofts and art galleries.
Your reply to my response is about as relevant as this one is to yours. Answer my question or get nothing.
Which 'spoilers', specifically, are supposedly found to be dubious by the community?
I only ever gave a shit about Mordred. Fuck everybody else
poor quality
Vlads fight with Karna was the best.
Achilles wants to suck the Chiron's dick
Um, what? That example literally has nothing to do with this thread. That user explained to you why we can't fully accept spoilers when they aren't completely translated and we haven't read it for ourselves. We can't create our own opinions on Apocrypha without our own experience. We only got wiki style summaries and generally those can't convey the big picture of the novels. All we got were the opinions of others and they might have heard from hose summaries as well. We are completely ignorant of the finer details within the novels and such spoilers plague our minds to hate it. I rather read the entire novel before making my opinion on it
torrent link?
>That user explained to you why we can't fully accept spoilers when they aren't completely translated and we haven't read it for ourselves .. We are completely ignorant of the finer details within the novels
>I might be so magnanimous as to debase myself by proving them true, here and now, if you can give a real answer to this request.
No one has yet given me so much as one 'spoiler'.
Committed sudoku to save some homuncules for no reason
Is Spartacus the official jobber of apocrypha?
That would be sumanai
Is this from the first blu-ray?
Astolfo is always so QUALITY in every shot do the animators hate him.
That would actually be Fran.
アニメディア 2017年 09 月号
from Animedia September 2017 Issue