Am I the only person who doesn't care about it?
Why are we supposed to care about these negro, Indian and Malaysian admixed "whites" getting killed?
Am I the only person who doesn't care about it?
Why are we supposed to care about these negro, Indian and Malaysian admixed "whites" getting killed?
Can't we worry about bad things that are happening to pure whites?
I don't care about what happens to people who are admixed with nigger blood.
This shariablue shill has been spamming this thread for a long while
Please ignore this thread
This, we care about pure whites.
And South Africans are not pure whites. So we should not care about them.
It's the truth that no such thing as a pure South African exists.
Asshole, there's more than just one white ethnicity in Africa, will you get this through your mutt fucking skull. Anglos that have been here for centuries, Anglos that settles here after WW2, Scots etc. Even if your findings on boers were correct, which they're not, there are still purebred whites you dim inbred cunt
You found that out by looking at the admixture of people in one area, even ethnicities purity differs from area because of their area you simple , simple man
***because of their area's history
I've seen your DNA kits. You all are admixed with nigger, Indian and Malaysian ancestry.
Who about you post your DNA test on here, buddy?
I've asked South Africans to post their DNA results on here 1,000 times, and they never do it.
I know why that is. It's because they're not pure white and don't want to admit it.
Have fun getting murdered by full blooded niggers, you one drop rule nigger. Donald Trump and US Congress hopefully will not let you in as a refugee.
You would legally be a nigger under American Jim Crow laws.
How about you post your DNA test on here, buddy?
I've asked South Africans to post their DNA results on here 1,000 times, and they never do it.
I know why that is. It's because they're not pure white and don't want to admit it.
>I've asked South Africans to post their DNA results on here 1,000 times, and they never do it.
That's because we earn african currency and it's prohibitively expensive, I'm anglo. Purebred. Grandfathers were english infantry, married to anglo diaspora. I am 100% anglo diaspora. You have taken the findings of afrikaners probably from the Cape, and applied it to a whole variety of people. It's much like taking dna tests in new york, and being surpised there is slav dna in Ohio, different cultures and history. YOU CAN'T BE THIS FUCKING STUPID
I'm waiting for your DNA test results, buddy. Time to man up and post in on here. Quit being an unmanly coward.
Do you realise you know nothing about South African history? You're factually incorrect and are to arrogant to delve further. I'm not telling you stop looking, go ahead, get more info from different areas of different white ethnicities, see if you come to the same conclusion
I saw DNA kits from all across the country. You are full of BS.
Of course people in South Africa take DNA tests. This is about the 10,000th lame excuse I've seen South Africans give about why they never post their DNA results.
Oh you just said you're not telling.
Basically you just admitted that you have done a DNA test. And you're not providing me with the results.
I wonder why.
Unmanly coward? You're taking shots at white people being slaughtered across the globe with uninformed , factually slanderous statements about people you know nothing about, and i'm an unmanly coward? Divisive d&c piece of shit
Oh you just said you're not telling me your DNA test results.
Basically you just admitted that you have done a DNA test. And you're not providing me with the results.
I wonder why.
No I said i'm not telling you to stop looking. I honestly can't afford one. Take results from inland, the coast, different cities and cultures and see the variety of results you get. I'm fully aware of my family history, welsh, english, bit of aussie thrown in. I personally can't afford one
You're an unmanly coward. One or two posts ago you admitted you've done a DNA test. And you outright said you're not providing me with the results.
You're a coward who knows from your DNA test results that you have nigger, Indian and Malaysian blood. And you're not going to admit it.
If you got 100% European then you'd post your DNA test results on here.
I know what happened, you took results from SOME boers that were in and descended from the Malaysian and Indian mix in the cape, and have applied it to four and half million people like an autist fuckwit. YOU'RE MISINFORMED
There were 32 results from all across the country.
>One or two posts ago you admitted you've done a DNA test.
You can't be this stupid. I never said that. Quote me, I said I wasn't telling you not to look further, i'm not hiding anything, I want you to do more investigation on history and dna tests
Where across the country? What areas and what ethnicities? I went to school with Polish and Serb immigrants, did they have Indian and Malaysian admixture too? Admit you're a fool and stop this malarkey
You are a D&C kike shill, and your neck won't be sparred from the rope when that day comes.
IDK what you meant when you said that.
All I know is that an American DNA test result thread can be created on here and you get dozens of responses within 3 minutes. By the time the thread is archived 20 or more Americans might have provided their DNA tests.
Every time I create a white South African DNA thread the responses are crickets. Nobody provides me with a DNA kit, and the South Africans all call me a faggot. 90 minutes will pass and I still will not have a DNA kit. At around that point Sup Forums will archive the thread.
And I have seen South Africa DNA kits on websites other than pol. The kits all looked horrible. Until I actually get proof to the contrary (ie South Africans posting kits that are 100% white) I am going to assume that those horrible kits are representative on the general "white" South African populace.
I want you to stop spreading bold faced lies about my people and you call me d&c? And threaten me with the noose? While condemning my countrymen i'm imploring you to do more study on? You're behaving like a disingenuous fucking snake. I asked you what areas those tests were from, and what ethnicities. Are you going to ante up?
Oh, fuck off. I'm an anglo, my family came from Uk and mainland Europe. Many of us will still fight beside the boer. Fokken bliksem.
If they're immigrants then they should be pure whites. But seriously how many white immigrants have come to South Africa since 1990?
Are you or your parents immigrants?
1990? WTF are you talking about? There have been slavic waves of immigrants throughout the 1900s, 1950s, and again in the late 1980s with the trouble in eastern europe and in the 90s with the fall of the berlin wall, English immigrants at all times over the last two centuries, same for scottish
1990? WTF are you talking about? There have been slavic waves of immigrants throughout the 1900s, 1950s, and again in the late 1980s with the trouble in eastern europe and in the 90s with the fall of the berlin wall, English immigrants at all times over the last two centuries, same for scottish..
That's funny. I've seen posts by South Africans on here bragging about how rich you are.
So now you're claiming that you don't get DNA kits because you're too poor?
Just admit it. White South Africans get DNA kits. And South Africans don't post their DNA results on pol because they don't want to admit to non-white admixture.
Based Rhodesian blooded brother.
I hope I can fight for the Boer and south Africa soon.
Once a Slavic immigrant mates with a South African then the children will be mongrels. Immigrants unfortunately only stay pure for one generation. The only way they can remain pure in the second generation is if they mate with another immigrant.
Admit something you can't possibly know either true or not that I strongly believe isn't true? Look, when you post a DNA thread about Americans, you're talking to an audience of the biggest white population in the world, with the most disposable income in the world. When you're talking to South Africans, you're talking to a very small population (4.6 mil) of that 1.2 mil in abject pover, and the middle class being poorer than you're lower class. I'm very happy people here claim to be rich, more power to them, that's not true for the vast majority of our people. Or do white people deserve genocide when they've been forced into poverty by an African communist government according to you?
What if they mate with anglos who've maintained their heritage? Don't apply rules to something you don't fully understand. Boers and Anglos have very different history, as do the scottish and portuguese saffers. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALK ABOUT, LEARN MORE
Being an anglo saffer doesn't make you a rhodesian
what the fuck is this thread even about is this made by a bot? sage
How do you feel about the Rhodesians that migrated to South Africa then?
Usually I get responses from South Africans on my DNA threads. The responses are "you're a fag" or "shut up." There are enough white South Africans in existence to provide these responses.
I mean seriously imagine if Americans said "you're a fag" and "shut up" to anybody who asked for their DNA tests.
The Americans on here act like men and provide their DNA test results. Which usually are 100% white. Even on the rare occasion where an American has 0.5% black or Native American ancestry they'll provide those results.
IDK what their DNA test results are like, to be honest.
Have no idea if they had a race mixing orgy in their early days like South Africa did in the 1600s.
>There are enough white South Africans in existence to provide these responses.
Do they have the disposable income to get DNA tests ? Do they? You seem not to understand how differenct currencies have different values across the world, and what might not be so much for you is a motherfuck in Africa, it's relative. Stop trying to make it about masculinity and being a man, that's how women argue. I'm asking you , what about the anglos in the country, the slavs, the Rhodesian population that migrated, are they non-white?
Where did the people you got those DNA tests come from? City or province and Ethnicity, tell me and i'll tell you their history. Be a man, you made the claim you had the data, i'm asking for it
The anglos are probably whiter than the Dutch. With that being said the Anglos became mongrels when they mated with the Dutch. To make it worse there was race mixing in the 1800s as well, after the Anglos arrived. Not as much race mixing as there was in the 1600s, but there was still some.
I've seen both Anglo and Dutch kits and they both looked pretty bad.
IDK about the whiteness of former Rhodesians.
The slavs in your country would become mongrelized as they mate with the Dutch and British. The only way to save their bloodlines would be to get them out of the country before they have children. Although I'm sure there are some recent Slav immigrants in South Africa, I'm pretty sure you're exaggerating their numbers.
>The slavs in your country would become mongrelized as they mate with the Dutch and British
That's only based on your fuckwit false premise that anglos are mongrelised to begin with. You're claiming to have data from Anglo DNA yet have yet to provide, I think you're caught in an autistic assumption you made from findings with some admixture and have applied to an entire race like a sperg that doesn't grasp history and nuance.
>I'm pretty sure you're exaggerating their numbers.
Does this look like a mongrel to you?
Does this look like a mutt, you 56%er?
I'm speaking to the other burger that's an obvious shill. Look at the ID's.
Is this a half breed?
White men know how to admit when they've made an error in judgement. All evidence would suggest i'm whiter than you Jamal
Some of the kits were Dutch, some were British, and some were a mix. I didn't see a huge difference in whiteness between the Dutch and British kits, to be honest.
Although I'm not positive I'm pretty sure that the kits came from all across the country. It didn't say where in the country the kits came from. Actually it didn't say if the kits were British or Dutch either, but you could tell by seeing where the European blood in the kits primarily came from.
Sorry bro, caught in the crossfire. These threads make me lose my shit.
>It didn't say where in the country the kits came from. Actually it didn't say if the kits were British or Dutch either, but you could tell by seeing where the European blood in the kits primarily came from.
You've just proven everything i've said, you don't know where they came from, you don't know the ethnicity, you have no personal , first hand experience with south africa and are making errors in your leaps to come to a conclusion. You don't know what you're talking about
Non-white admixture doesn't always show. That doesn't mean that nigger, Malaysian and Indian blood doesn't exist in almost every South African. It just means that it isn't always visible.
And sometimes non-white admixture does show in "white" South Africans. For heaven's sake Eugène Terre'Blanche was a white nationalist leader in your country. He wasn't just a random person in your country- he was a fucking white nationalist leader. And the non-white blood in him is extremely obvious.
What a joke when a WN leader is visibly non-white admixed.
You're a dumbfuck,Sir. They're coming for us next - just look at the BLACKED Oscars. The brown horde is coming for all white people.
We need to hang together or we'll all hang seperately!
Only 3.5% of white Americans have any nigger ancestry whatsoever.
As compared to 100% of "white" South Africans. Except for recent immigrants to South Africa anyway.
>And the non-white blood in him is extremely obvious.
Of boer descent, which means swarthy European ancestry like French and Portuguese, and work on farms. THESE MEN WORK IN THE PUNISHING AFRICAN SUN ALL DAY FOR DECADES ON END. That Iberian blood gives them a dark hue. I have personally seen white men develop an almost permanent tan when they work in the African sun on a lot. You have admitted you don't have factual evidence to back your claims, no personal, hands on experience with South Africa, and are making assertions to save face when you are clearly wrong.
We do not need to hang together with people who are admixed with nigger blood themselves. And who pick Eugène Terre'Blanche as a WN leader because he's considered to be a white guy there.
100% of older settlers? And you make that claim on what information? Lets say you analyse an area where that 3.5 percent of Americans cluster, poll 32 of them, then claim you have irrefutable evidence all Americans have African admixture. You are doing this to saffers
There are few if any people of French and Portugese descent in South Africa. And the French aren't particularly swarthy anyway.
Anybody who isn't South African can tell that Eugène Terre'Blanche isn't a pure white. Maybe you can't tell since people like him are normal in your country.
These were randomly selected Boers. They weren't deliberately selected kits from people who have an abnormally high amount of non-white admixture. As you want us to believe.
>And who pick Eugène Terre'Blanche as a WN leader because he's considered to be a white guy there.
No one picked Terre'Blanche as a leader you dumb cunt. He led a very small group of fringe Afrikaners almost two decades ago. That's not representive of the white population in any manner, again, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, YOU HAVE ADMITTED SO
Well that supposedly fringe group of South Africans accepted him as a WN leader. IDK how big his following was, but he was pretty famous.
>These were randomly selected Boers
I thought you didn't know the ethnicity, you assumed
>They weren't deliberately selected kits from people who have an abnormally high amount of non-white admixture.
You don't know that, the area or sampling group prove that entirely. You are making baseless statements masquerading as indesputable truth
>There are few if any people of French and Portugese descent in South Africa
There are entire Portuguese communities and festivals, Portuguese sailors were amongst the first settlers and are the part of the ancestry of boers, you have proven in this thread you literally don't know what you're talking about and are stupefyingly wrong about everything you have said. Screenshotted, thank you
>IDK how big his following was,
Again, I don't know what i'm talking about, but i'll make rash conclusions based on nothing but my ignorance. This isn't internet lingo, i'm not slamming you. Are you autistic?
So I guess I was wrong. South Africans aren't just Dutch and British mongrels and wastes of DNA like I thought. They are also French mongrels and Portugese mongrels. It's even sadder than I realized. I underestimated how many groups of white people became mongrelized when they moved to South Africa. The Slavs in South Africa will be the next to be mongrelized, to the extent they haven't been already.
Since the segregation in SA ended much later, whites did not mix, especially considering what they're surrounded by wild pack of niggers. All they have is themselves.
Grandparents, and my parents are immigrants. I was born here, however.
OP has been repeatedly posting his autist threads every day since shit started getting hot in South Africa. I'm not really sure why anyone would take the time to shitpost like this but whatever.
This, I am a soutie through, and through, though my accent is close enough to be
For God's sake this isn't about what white groups South Africans are admixed with. This is about the non-white groups they're admixed with.
And South Africans are primarily British and Dutch. There might be some French and Portugese but those are a pretty small minority. It's like citing Russians as a major ethnic group in the US. Sure there are some but a very small number.
Segregation in South Africa didn't begin until 1948. I know half this site believes apartheid began in South Africa in the 1600s.
Before 1948 there was plenty of mixing that occurred. It's not like the mixing was undone by apartheid.
See Why are you so autistic? Why do you keep trying to bully the South Africans? They don't even want to go to the US and if they had their way they'd have their own country all to themselves so it isn't really your business whether they're mixed or not so why do you care?
>South Africans aren't just Dutch and British mongrels and wastes of DNA like I thought. They are also French mongrels and Portugese mongrels.
You have proven that you are not willing to look at the facts and come to an unbiased conclusion, you have admitted you don't know the group from which you're analysing and taking data from, and making unfounded claims based on flimsy, incomplete information. You have come to your conclusion and no amount of contrary evidence will sway you, you are either a shill or an idiot, my money is on the latter.
>For God's sake this isn't about what white groups South Africans are admixed with
You made the claim there wasn't much portuguese in us or lived here, we have them in both categories, proving you are an uniformed fool.
Post sauce or face the oven you fucking shill faggot
Races self segregate in South Africa, have since before we got here, even happens to a smaller extent amongst the whites. Again for the umpteenth time, you don't know what you're talking about
He's not bullying us, he's proving himself to be an idiot. Also, nice digits
>French are a small minority
There were 300 Protestant Frenchmen settled during the 1600s in the Cape Colony and created the Cape Winelands, by 1804 the total white population numbered only 20,000. By 1904 the Afrikaners numbered 600,000. Today, globally, there are as many as 3.5 million Afrikaners.
FW de Klerk, last white leader of South Africa and Francois Malan, the first leader of Apartheid South Africa were both of French ancestry. Overall the Afrikaners are primarily descended from a few thousand French, German and Dutch settlers who arrived in small numbers to the Cape in the 1600s with later admixture from British ethnic groups.
French, Dutch and German are not distinct groups within South Africa, it is akin to Leonardo di Caprio claiming to be a Russian-American as he has Russian ancestry despite his surname being Italian. The Afrikaners are, to varying degrees, a combination of several European ethnic groups whose surnames and vestiges of the culture they brought with them survive in various ways in modern Afrikaner culture.
Also you're a faggot.
I remember you making this stupid fucking thread a while back and you posted a stupid fucking picture then too. Get the fuck off my fucking board you phoneposting ugly faggot
I'm not a faggot. I'm a truth teller.
I am posting the truth about South African DNA.
Can any South Africans provide a DNA test please? If they want to prove they're whiter than the kits I've already seen, why don't they put their kits here?
Because we can use it as agitprop against the black nationalists. We make a fuss about boer genocide to draw black twitter into the discussion. The we cherry pick blacks saying they are pro genocide and spread those memes to the four winds
And BADABING fresh memes for a week or two
>the truth
>Although I'm not positive I'm pretty sure that the kits came from all across the country
>Actually it didn't say if the kits were British or Dutch either,
>the truth is you don't know
>why don't they put their kits here?
You have been given an answer to this. Stop playing dumb, I can see you and will continue to shit up your threads. You were given an answer
Lol a single webpage with a login is not sauce you sniveling filthy jew. Into the fucking oven you go
Some of the kits had Dutch ancestry, some had British and some had both.
Fuck off, faggot.
If you create an account you can see the kits.
You don't know the ethnicities or areas of these people, so you can't know if they were from the majority group that have kept their heritage intact or are outliers. You don't which groups admixture was more prevelant in, or to which part of the country behaviour like that was assigned to. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING
Here are six of the results from that thread.
6.3% sub-Saharan African, 2.5% South Asian, 0.7% East Asian
4.8% sub-Saharan African, 3.7% East Asian, 1.5% South Asian
6.9% South Asian, 5% sub-Saharan African, 2% East Asian
4.2% sub-Saharan African, 3.2% South Asian, 1.5% East Asian
3.4% sub-Saharan African, 3% South Asian, 2.3% East Asian
4.3% sub-Saharan African, 3.6% South Asia, 1.4% East Asian
calm down tyrome. dont get mad because he isnt mad that the sons of obama are raping little white bois. keep your rage in check. dont let them see you cry. stay strong nigger
That sounds like what i'd expect from certain communities in the cape. Sample size, ethnicity, area which they came from? You claimed to personally have the data. Why won't you provide it?
I provided a url to the thread.
I'm not clicking on random links. You personally claimed to have information from 32 samples, why aren't you providing it?
Here is a different thread about white South African DNA from the same website.
The kits on this thread aren't visible anymore. However, it was stated on the thread said that the mean results were as follows.
95.0% -- European
64.1% -- Northern European
03.0% -- Southern European
00.2% -- Eastern European
27.7% -- Nonspecific European
00.1% -- Ashkenazi
02.1% -- Sub-Sahran African
01.3% -- South Asian
00.5% -- East Asian
01.1% -- Unassigned
I provided six of the samples. I'm not going to spend time typing out the results of all 32 samples. If you don't want to view the thread yourself than that's your problem.