Welcome to the Based Alliance, ltaly
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What does the UK do on the left?
based alliance my ass
>goodest goy muttrica
>brexit gone wrong mays caliphate ...
>hungary and poland under cucked caliphate ...
Do the US and UK really belong on the left?
Not my leader, the subhuman son of a socialist dictator and hippie whore.
>russia and the west on the same side
I'm calling csis you piece of traitorous trash
Full of muslims and subhuman degenerates
You wish bong :^)
Rapefugees are coming because of their bullshit in the Middle East + they're not white.
Yeah you're living in a dream, eternal anglo
Damn son, ur dumb.
>fucking caliphate
muslim rape heaven
northern brazil
big china
small china
non country?
evil pedophiles
20% muslim
>Rapefugees are coming because of their bullshit in the Middle East
Don't blame us for your retarded humanitarian efforts.
>Cause people to move
>Said people are crossing borders illegaly
"lmao not our fault"
memeflag being retarded, checks out.
>it's a brit we wuzing a thread again
>not future caliphate
don't make me laugh
Mate, I...
Anglo cuck how about you sweep mudslims off your streets 1st before you start with based alliance... same goes for Australia.
And don't count for a moment that Slav countries will just submit to our ancient enemies.
Didn't Gibraltar vote to stay in the EU?
Welcome to the Mutt Alliance, Italy!
we're not that based anymore...
"Northern Brazil" t. someone who is literally just Southern Korea
>Full of muslims
Moscow is not Russia. Whe will you understand this?
>what is Chechnya
What Poland is doing in the middle. Eternal Anglos thinks that he is still relevant.
Uhm excuse me but Malta is based as fuck heil the Maltese Empire you kekistani bitch
>not caliphate
Caucausians live in a different reality
plz no caliphate us britbro.
poor leaf
Swap USA, UK, AUS, NZ with Poland and then its accurate
eternal anglo belongs off the list and in the trash
Why is it that the darker the country the more "based" it is, Russia and America have way more non whites than Germany and France "even proportionally"
I'm locked in here with these fucking liberals i can't take it anymore
>Russia and America have way more non whites than Germany and France
Maybe because Russia and America are much bigger than these small countries?
>islamic caliphate
We will be the ones saving your shitholes when the time comes. Be respectful!
>see stupid thread
>shocked that the OP isn't an American
This, fuck Poorland
Are Japanese honorary whites?
>american hating his fellow americans
Don't listen to the jews
place us next to Canada
we are special
also aliances are gay
hello my brother
Welcome to the great uncuckening!
Thracians were awesome, channel their energy, and start beheading the moslems.
:( it hurts. Nuke us, please, before we're 100% pajeet
Hahahahaha lillttke Euroweenie is jealous he’s ruled by Brussels Marxists HAHAHAHAHAHAHA MERKEL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO
yeah portugal is really based man, also uk is really based, anglo countries are all based!!!!! even russia is based isnt that righht pootin huhuyh !!!
uk is polacks and romanians, as well as niggers, us got niggers and spics, italy are LITERALLY niggers, australian are chinks, new zealands are a spook, nippon are old
>The Moor Caliphate of Britain on the left
>Gibraltar as a different "country"
>The USA with all the niggers they have, on the left
It's no surprise to see a Brit made that rubbish.
Have a look at this picture, and you'll see where the true Europeans remain.
I didn't want to be in your faggy alliance anyway >:(
And this one is very clarifying too.
We don't belong in the "based alliance".
Are all Slavs polish now? Kurba.
>Russia in alliance with USA and Japan
Keep on dreaming Ivan.
>Without fail the thread descends into a shit throwing match against the UK for having the balls to stick a knife into the EU's stomach
Never change you nigger faggot leeches. Never change.
Thanks for taking in the trash.
The UK may have had a victory against the EU, but you have very serious problems within your own country. If not, just watch the B.B.C. from time to time, and you'll see the utter degeneracy that it promotes.
Truth be told, I find it funny that Brexit defenders blamed fellow Europeans like the Polish for entering in the UK, but they had no problem with the fact that the country is full of Muslims and blacks. White Anglican British are constantly demonized in your media, your commercials depict interracial couples, and all you can do is to blame the Polish?
We EU members may be screwed up, but you British are no better than us. I don't think anyone sees the British Empire with pride anymore.. how sad.
>fake blondes
B - lacked
A -nglos
S-hit and
This is how I see 'british' posters here.
...and hungary, austria, czechia, and even fucking bulgaria.
The based alliance should also include Switzerland.
sorry, no Chinese allowed
How the fuck are the USA based? They literally have 1 million migrants a year, or even more.
i dont want to hear a word about immigrants from the ones who fucked up Europe 3 fucking times in a row
Q predicted this
i feel bad for leafs, i really do.
hang in there, syrupbros, it will all be over soon.
>masters of our own destiny
Haha haha we win
Aren't they Sikhs? If so I love Trudeau now.
I guess the based alliance will lose, with the exception of Portugal, because they never lose.
>with the exception of Portugal, because they never lose.
Being closer to muslims makes people view them more negatively, really makes you think!
Greece is based though.
>Buys most guns
>hates Arabs
>sends migrates away to Germany