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Fuck Sargon and fuck ((((Yaron Brooks))))
fucking LOL
Wow, sargon took a punch. As much as i hate sargon id defend him from these communist fags
great publicity for (((sargoy)))
Sargon should have died
Wtf i was sure both these guys were on the antifa side. Why are they fighting their own?
>sargon sitting like a autist trying to be LE FUNNY XDD "hi"
how can anyone like him
hes just like the atheists of 2008
>Sargon does absolutely nothing
>Upon them entering he gives them a soft "Hi"
Weak and spineless, just like all his content and views.
He does nothing, he says nothing of value. He could die tomorrow and nothing would change. Same goes for all the centrist "intellectuals" that just want to debate non-issues all day.
He should of steamed in. Rugby tackle
How many "alt-right Nazis" have punched Sargon in the face?
I bet hes going to become a little bit less of a cuck after this and start drifting to the right.
I used to respect Antifa but this was low energy
Antifa lost all credibility after Nov 4th
I work at this University, I should have attended knowing it would kick off.
I Know the name of one of the protesters, went to high school with my gf.
At KCL we have some retarded "Safe Space" policy where (((safe space "marshals"))) have to attend certain lectures hosted at the uni to make sure no-one is committing wrong-think.
>I bet hes going to become a little bit less of a cuck after this and start drifting to the right.
He's a brit, they don't have any pro-white party in the parliament for a reason.
> w-why are you doing that?
Did he stage it? Why would antifags protest liberalisticucks?
>I Know the name of one of the protesters, went to high school with my gf.
Well, let's hear it then
Fucking North Face is Chav Rags nowadays
Elliott Nemrin Daly
Goes to SOAS, he's in another video where you can see the security kicking him out of the strand campus building, has very recognizable hair...
Tried to post the profile link, but it's considered spam
facebook com - elliott.nemrindaly
Is that him? lmao
Came with flag, left without it. kek
This is how you deal with communists:
BASED ANTIFA doing our job for us and shut that fat liberalist skeptic faggot down.
Are antifa /ourguys/ now?
One of the antifa swine comfirmed as Robert liow. Evidence to follows
Pic 2. Notice manlet stature and blue megaphone
>sargon almost banned from yt
>sargon hated by alt right and now most of his fans
>sargon attacked by antifa
Lol sceptics vs commies while the real men practice debate skills on ibs to prep for actual political careers in a decade
where did this happen? lol.
Same megaphone, height and glasses
Same jacket
What the fuck? No wonder you faggots are overrun by immigrants you forgot how to defend yourselves in every way.
>oi mate why are you doing this!
Why didn't the crowd fight back? What the fuck is this shit.
He looks kinda funny. Is he retarded or something?
Sargon is a committed leftist, antifascist and antiracist.
This was antifa on antifa violence.
Those were not antifa, that was totally staged by (((sargoy)))
Fucking liberalists
This is karma for monetizing the world's misery.
>no businesses
>debt bigger than a white man's ego
whatever they are marching for, I am against
Good, this faggot popularised the whole "kekistan" thing, he's partly to blame for the current state of Sup Forums and by extension Sup Forums
I could see him doing it might be real, but Glasgow is full of commie freaks.
I'm a graduate from KCL
Were you there when free palestine fruitcakes attacked that Israel Society event a couple years ago?
honestly this looks like a parody of antifa
you sure sarcuck didnt pay these guys for publicity?
No, I've only been working here a year. I see how the Israel society are very much anti safe-space though. I can figure out why.
He should never be forgiven for that.
Believe it or not, back in 2016 kek and pepe were actually dank memes and not totally cringe. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. That faggot is largely responsible for ruining it.
wtf i love antifa now
>communism is worse than liberalism (tm)
propaganda movie
chinks have a higher k/d among themselves
Just fucking go rampage on them, why ask them "what are you doing mate?". They obviously went there to ruin the talking session.
Ugh.. at least the guy in the suit at 0:18 knew what to instantly do against ANTIFA.
The West is doomed and it's hilarious.
I know, unlike a solid 60% of the people who currently occupy this board I was actually here before the election, and it's gotten so bad since then
>Ugh.. at least the guy in the suit at 0:18 knew what to instantly do against ANTIFA.
He will be fully alt-right by the end of the year. Somebody like that will never stay caged in the liberalist camp.
Yeah, there is a militant vein in the uni but this Sargon thing is a new low. Very embarrasing for the uni and I hope they both get a full apology
there's also a photo on his fb wearing the same hat as at the protest
this guy is running for our su
Antifas often look like parodies of themselves. They are the Alex Jones of the left.
All I want is to see Sir Roger Scruton talk at the conservative society, but they won't let him come without pre-planning because of the safe-space bs...
I don't mind some silly liberal fruitcakes every now and again, but this kind of political violence is pathetic, especially because they're such cucks.
Which SU?
King's College London Student Union
wud iz andifa?????
andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.
why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????
Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.
geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD
What a fucking pathetic looking manlet. He's wearing boots and still looks to be 5'2.
I'm not a particularly big fan of Israel actually.
But the whole point of a university is that any idea, irrespective of how people feel about it gets a fair hearing and a reasoned debate.
Given your country's bleak history, you may not have the same concepts of freedom of thought, I don't know or care desu.
Our Marxist, PC infestation has really only been a thing since the '90s and it can still yet be reversed.
>my people
>since the 90s
You're misinformed. It's corrupted the education system since at least the 60s and turned it in to the mess we see today.
Indeed. I did come across a few conservatives in my time at the uni, but they were deffo in the minority.
The only real time I said what i believed was when I admitted that I voted brexit to a professor, and it felt like I was coming out or something.
Bumping for this guy
How come most boomers are pretty redpilled about immigration and that sort of thing.
Brexit for example?
I always love seeing guys in suits beating the shit out of guys in hoodies and bomberjackets, they are so fucking bad at fighting its insane.
"my people" ...? chinks? who?
This is why I hate chinks. Leftist chinks even more. There are lots of them in my uni and they talk loud plus don't integrate to society at all, just herding with other fellow chinks. They rarely interact with other students from Britain or elsewhere. Why the fuck are they here?
Just dawned on me that I work within the belly of the beast.
I spend at least 2/3 hours a day shitposting on the chans at work tho, so not all bad.
Fuck academia sucks
antifa is fucking based now
kill yourself faggot, there can be no restraint against ZOG, hitler knew this
They don't matter so long as they have no meaningful presence in our various institutions. You Dad moaning about pakis as he reads the Daily Mail is irrelevant so long as he votes Labour or Tory and sends your sister to university to learn about the plight of womankind and their non-white pets.
Is he 4'8?
Holy shit that picture put my sides in orbit
>Elliott Nemrin Daly
his facebook /elliott(dot)nemrindaly
Lol what do you want him to do, fight them? That's what they want.
I used to respect Sargon a year ago but not so much now, but literally fuck these masked faggots. Whatever you think of Sargon you're a retard if you support antfa's actions
Again, I refer you to Brexit.
It's not enough, I agree but it's a start
>That's what they want.
and what they should get. It would be self defense anyway and wouldn't look bad on sargoy
>it's a start
It isn't, I'm sorry.
>Lol what do you want him to do, fight them? That's what they want.
This is some Trudeau logic bullshit.
are you kcl?
Wtf is this shit
Fascinating to see Sup Forums defend communists. Nice to know where your priorities lie.
We hate both commies and liberalists with the same passion
>not supporting communists AND fascists
>not being an accelerationist
God why was I born yellow. Almost very other oriental man I know is a shameful, lazy, weak piece of garbage.
Pick one
They are the generation that cucked out on every issue so they could get dat retirement dough.
No it isn't. If Sargon punched that little Asian manlet a huge brawl would break out and the 'news' outlets would say he started it. He was just using his head .
This is how I know you're retarded.
Antifa aren't majority communist? Give me a fucking break.
Haha. Finally came to headway. Cant wait for what he has to say on this.
>caring what the (((news outlets))) thinks
They're anarchists, noted for having attacked communists and socialists too. Sorry to break down your boomer American mentality that commies are ebiiil
I'm sorry but if they were throwing fists that hard, the camera fag wouldn't have been safe, especially going up on stage to conveniently capture audio of Sargon. This seems fake and gay. Even if its real, its real gay.
I don't, Sven. I was talking about Sargon. He doesn't wanna lose his (((channel))) over some scandal does he?