Nationalist trade unions

Hello fellow Sup Forumsacks, lets take a break from shitty maymays and BLACKED threads to talk about something real.

The Huwhite working class are natural allies of nationalism but almost unions are cucky leftist trash. Leftism sold out working whites a long time ago and now is in favor of open boarders. Literally the single most anti-worker position one could have. Leftists do the bidding of neo-liberal capitalists by giving egalitarian moral justification (we are all humans, no boarders no nations) to the capitalists who hate paying workers decent wages. Capitalists can hire a poo in the loo programer for half of what an American would be paid and hire a taco person to pick tomatoes for under minimum wage. They are fucking normal workers in the ass and turning our country brown.

Why not take a page out of mussalini's playbook and start nationalist trade and labor unions. Better conditions for workers without the cucky leftist trash off our current unions. Unions are the backbone of the democrats, by taking them away we could create a massive base of support for nationalism and break the back of the liberals.


>lets take a break from shitty maymays
>poo in loo

really makes ya think eh


>tfw your thread is kill

I've been thinking the exact same thing. It could work.

>How dare those brown people make themselves more useful than us!

>more useful is the same as willing to work for half price
Why do you hate your own people and want them to be poor?


>trade unions
Why would I want to pay for an organisation to bully the government?

Because thats how politics works lad, better them bullying for your interests than against your interests

My interests are that I get paid and the amount I get paid is fair, both of which are met. Have you considered that most unions these days, at least in the UK, are looking out for the more middle class workers?

I was more focusing on American unions which have all betrayed workers

That's their natural evolution. Once worker's have fair rights, what value does a union hold? Their existence turn from advocating for worker's rights to sustaining the union itself.

>vote for us so that you can become a slave for our war machine
Oh how appealing that sounds.


What would be easier? Subverting the existing unions or setting up entirely new ones?

Good question, I assume subversion would be easier in mostly working class white areas but new unions would need to be established if the existing ones are too (((multicultural)))

Before burgers shout muh socialism and communism at me. But atleast here in europe we need conservative leftist parties. That are economically leftist but conservative on nationalist and social issues. It would be instant success with working class flocking to support them. Because as you said current left is totally liberal and has abandoned working class totaly.

So... social nationalists. Which could also be called nationalist socialists. But that's a mouthful. They should shorten it to National Socialists.

This. The current center left/center right paradigm is retarded. Leftism is clearly more aligned with globalism and global capital where the right is much more nationalistic and protectionist. The right being the cheerleaders of global capitalism is in direct conflict with protecting the nation.

I ment with it that some old school commies and socialist are more nationalist than fucking liberal right or liberal left. They fight/would fight with tooth and nails against globalism and importing of niggers and muslims to protect right of working class.

We already have the SDP and basic finns.

old school leftists were alright, in the usa they would fight and die for better condition and against blacks and chinese competition. Modern leftists are a bunch of faggy trannies, mystery meat mutts, and fat bull dyke women. They can barely stand up without a mobility scooter, they would never be able to actually fight for anything.