There are many whites who have adopted non white children, be they African, Oriental or Latino.
Have you ever tried redpilling them on racial differences? Have you ever been successful?
Can you redpill whites who adopt non whites about racial differences?
Why do you care who they adopt? Why does it bother you at all? Let me guess, you're a racist piece of shit?
Instead of trying to "redpill" people, how about you try to become a better person? Spend some time in Africa and realize that they are humans who need love too. My wife and I have 2 kids of our own and are looking into adopting a black boy at the moment. Stop being ignorant.
Fuck off racist scumbag
Changing nationalities quickly today Shlomo?
>Cuckoo bird
>It is a brood parasite, which means it lays eggs in the nests of other bird species
See what I mean?
It's what they are.
Adoption is absurd
a white female and a white male faced problems to adopt a white kid so they went for a black one
less paperwork, less waiting time, less judging, less social striptease
the waitingtime was the biggest issue, cause as with everything related with state agencies its a hassle in the west, in africa its easier and quicker
They don't need redpilling. When the kids hit puberty reality will redpill the parents fast. So just let nature take its course.
I can see your nose from here nigger kike
Stop being a piece of privileged shit, Staffan. Do your part and adopt a alcohol fetal syndrome black baby.
>Anonymous (ID: Lr69IhyH) 03/05/18(Mon)22:07:25 No.162874656▶
> (You)
I am okay with this, the children generally grow up having better lives. Different race? Well that just seems a bit racist to me. Either way, still stealing a child away from the birth parent. Dead or alive.
is it just me or does the nog on the right seem like a way better wife's son?
Some white parents die to niggers and their white kids are put up for adoption. Why wouldn't you save them? What if a nigger picks them up and ruins their life with nigger propaganda?
>tried redpilling them on racial differences
Dont have to , they'll find out .