How is this allowed?
How is this allowed?
By blackmailing nations and nuclear threats with an illegal arsenal.
It started as small settlements but then the Arabs chimped out and started a war. They got BTFO and the Jews took the land as a spoil of victory. War happens. It only seems to be in the last 50 years that the losers complain about losing.
How is this allowed?
Israel is illegitimate and what's going on today is incomparable to hundreds of years ago. You kikes openly violate international law and disregard basic human rights.
Do the majority of Israelis have any sympathy towards Palestine or are they viewed as total enemies?
Who would you say is the 2nd biggest enemy? Iran? Egypt?
Jews are incapable of empathy.
>Who would you say is the 2nd biggest enemy? Iran? Egypt?
Every non-jew is the enemy
Why does the RoW still have to put up with jews is what I wanna know.
stay mad, faggot
There's no difference between israel (or Canada or Australia for that matter) and america in that regard
Since when Sup Forums love muslims and arabs so much?
Why does the West completely ignore the plight of Palestinian Christians?
You people are less than human. You're literally animals.
The Jews of the west side with Israeli Jews. Who knew?
>can't argue against this
>resorts to memeposting
At least read the links, brainlet
I'm fat?
>is the juizeeee
I'm pure loser?
>is the juizeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Why no girl talk to me?
el mutt proved it again
Canada is a Israeli puppet state
Because of the six million.
Because Protestant """""Christians"""""" only care about Zioneers.
I think this image sums it up.
Because Brits are honorary Jews.
>Goy calls a Jew animal
lol wut?
Simple. That land was never the ragheads in the first place. Bunch of Jordanians and other assorted scum that were squatting before getting kicked the fuck out.
If the kikes can do it, then so can South Africans, rite?
Hey jews arabs and americans
Can you all just go to Mars and leave the word alone
6 trillion died in shoa FACT
JIDF has arrived
Nice, you lost hard. Why did you think you can beat the Jewish?
>How is this allowed?
fuck off rainbow boy
Sure we'll be glad to.
Just as soon as we've got the rockets built and enough nukes to glass your asses so you can't follow. You can keep the Jews and Arabs though. We dont want em.
long live the Jewish peoples!
No dice. I just hate the Arabs more than I do the Jews buddy.
Because take it from us Europeans - Arabs are impossible to live with. I'd rather live next to a jew than next to an Arab. At least the women don't get raped.
but when you consider the scale of Islam the idea that they cant give up a pennies worth of land to people who have no land other wise is crazy
you must devote to Islam??
Palestine doesn't actually exist
because the fake people from the fake place you refer to as palestine are shitskin nomad convicts. If they were worth anything, just like the refugees, the other arab countries would welcome them with open arms or step in and help.
they are bottom feeding, terrorist breeding pieces of shit that don't deserve the air they breath. fuck them.
The six day war
THE israeli-Arab war of 48
Because us goyim must follow what Fox News tells us, which is to support our greatest ally. Sure we kill Christians and sacrifice white lives, but our greatest ally MUST be taken care of at all costs.
>Palestinian land
Jordan and Egypt occupied those places before they got beat
England doesn't exist, god gave that land to the Irish. Return now you evil pricks
Because most of them live in the west because of Muslim chimpouts
I don't care if Israel exists I just want America to stop funding it with taxpayer money. It's not that hard.
If Arabs could be arsed to fight a modern war even half effectively for once in their collective history things wouldn't be half as bad.
But in short, (((them))).
>Do the majority of Israelis have any sympathy towards Palestine
The truth is most Jews in Israel do not want to genocide the Arabs and create Greater Israel. If they did they would've chased them all out after the 6 day war. For as much influence as the Zionists have, they've been forced to go about this whole thing incrementally for 70 years because of this fact. And part of this plan has always involved working behind the scenes to get the most radical Arab groups into power as a pretext for "self defense". They could've had peace with the PLO in the 90s, which is why they had to be destroyed and replaced with Hamas.
This is the same reason why they had to start destabilizing the entire Middle East 15 years ago. Zionism is militant ideology that cannot exist in a (relatively) peaceful and stable world.
Jews are scattered and involved all over US and Europe's politician sphere, media and central banking they have the influence and power for impunity and when ever somebody calls their bs they play the holocaust and antisemitism card
>Uh Holocaust
Rabbi, do you have any infographics on the Holocaust?
I'm curious on the number of lampshades and bars of soap that were produced.
>i'm the occupier
>logic based on who was there first
Jewish mythology literally says they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before God told them to kill a bunch of people and steal their land.... so yeah, you are, by your own admission.
They have a seat in the UN. Palestine is recognized as a nation. So yeah, that's actually how countries exist: by most people recognizing it as such.
>No nation of Jews had ever existed. Crusaders are INDIGENOUS to this land, and by 1099 it was recognized as the Christian homeland under international law.
that sinai looked good under israel honestly
coz they gods chosen peoples nigga stfu bout shit u don't know shit about lmao y leafs always gon off bout dumb shit lol??
it started as a fuckup by the brits. Following WW1, they unilaterally made a plan to turn over israel to become a Jewish/Palestinian state/self government in some x number of years.
in 1947, that turnover happened, and a new Jewish/Palestinian state was formed.
The problem is the Arabs flipped out, basically Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan decided they hated the Jews AND Palestinians, and launched a 4 way proxy war to split the new country into 4s between them, to do this they incited and armed the Palestinians to exterminate the Jews. The soviets, interestingly enough armed the Jews, the reason being the soviets saw the new Jewish/Palestinian state as a great place to exile all their Jews, so they didn't want the Jewish/Palestinian state to go away. The USA/British had no real stake in the conflict, though our weapons were used by the Egyptians against the Israelis, and holocaust guilt lead the west to pressure the arab states supporting the Palestinians to sign an armistice
The root problem to the Palestinian/Jewish conflict came in the solution to the 47 war. See the Jews had captured vast sections of the country, because the Arabs were more interested in carving up Israel for themselves and not in working together (remember they wanted the Palestinians AND Jews dead so they could take the land) plus the Palestinians sucked and the soviet weapons were good. Because the Jews were self governing with a democratic parliamentary system, by winning so much territory, they now had a demographic problem. there were almost 8 Palestinians to every jew in their new won territory. And the Palestinians all wanted the jews dead. Their country would be destroyed after their first election.
So they exiled the Palestinians to Jordan. Jordan of course hated the Palestinians as much as they hated the Jews, so they stuck them in concentration camps on the boarder with Israel, starved them, and gave them guns to kill Jews. (continued)
>Both Semites
They're the same thing, you retarded piece of shit.
>getting rid of anglos
>putting in potatoniggers instead
replacing shit with shit desu
you would know all about that wouldn't you goyim
By being a dumbass palestinian who won't do anything more than throwing a few rocks even after DRUMPF declared Jerusalem Israel's Capitol.
always kill a traitor before an enemy schlomo
more land grab planned - source is watermark
How is this allowed? Because america let is happen! And this also!
Because Israel isn't a bunch of backwards tribes that fight eachother
yeah, no shit. Israel also does not exist, its christian clay
Manifest Destiny! I support Israel to conquer the region for safety and security. Though I think you should have a bit more friendly terms with Assad. Win Assad over from Iran, but if you guys have dirt on him that makes that impossible it's your duty to share it with US citizens so they can understand the issue better. As it is I rather not be in the region.
Modern day Jews are not indigenous to the land of Israel at all. Most Jews these days that live there come from different parts of Europe. One could argue that the Palestinian people are more Semitic than your modern jew and therefore have more of a claim to the area.
the 67 war was yet another attack by the Arabs trying to kill off Israel. This time the USA had allied with Israel and the soviets had allied with the Arabs (they changed side for several reasons, one they already exiled most their Jews to Israel so they didn't see the point of it anymore, two they were mostly trying to seize the suiz canal from GB, in addition to oil interests just typical cold war posturing, the US was mostly interested in selling weapons and keeping the suiz canal out of soviet hands so their support was tepid).
It was the 73 war that did in the Arabs as a threat to Israel. Yet another war started by the Arabs and yet another war lost with massive land gains for Israel. By this point in time the USA was pretty solidly in the Israeli camp (holocaust guilt mostly, we certainly didn't get much else from it)
Meanwhile ever since the 47 civil war, the Palestinians, fueled mostly by Jordanian weapons and starvation, launched a nearly endless terrorist campaign against the state of Israel from the camps on the Israeli/Jordan boarder. It was those camps and the deplorably inhuman condition of the Palestinians in them that turned world opinion against Israel. A master stroke for Jordan and the Arabs, that their intentional extermination of the unwanted Palestinian people who were exiled to Jordan, turned into a JEWISH crime.
Anyway, in the end Israel won, mostly as a check against the soviets seizing the suiz canal, the soviets needing a place to exile their Jews, AND due to western holocaust guilt. The Palestinians are a somewhat tragic people mostly because they've been hated by everyone throughout the conflict and used and broken by their "arab" allies time and time again. Though by this point no one is blameless, so don't feel too much sympathy for them.
honestly after i hope a war starts when i enlist so i can do some pest control
It's Muslim refugees making these threads.
>Poor Muslims, how could Jews be allowed to defeat Muslims.
I don't even know. All North America is rightful US clay.
>Assuming people care about Palestine at all that was a shitstain collective of tribes that had been under British rule previously
Is english not your native language?
Mexico or Canada first? Cucks to the north, moochers to the south.
I think his satire of the comment went overboard and made him sound stupid.
How is this allowed?
2016? Or whenever /sg/ started being a thing.
>How is this allowed?
Saudis Arabia is Sand Jew clay aka Sauds. Mecca was built by Moses and others the make up a false pre600 ad Muslim history are liars.
Statute of limitations on that has run out, Goldberg. Not for your sorry excuse for a people, though.
How is it illegitimate?
Because Arabs sucked a lot of Jew dick in all the Arab-Israeli wars. I mean, holy fuck, before Israel got nukes, they had every chance to wipe Israel off the map. Guess what, they didn't. Oh wow.
I think they can.
wtf is this
Technically, it isn't.
What do you think about this man? He unironically beliefs that Palestinians are crybabies.
>Do the majority of Israelis have any sympathy towards Palestine or are they viewed as total enemies?
the Palestinians have carried out a terrorist insurrection against the Jews, killing their women and children with suicide bombers and assassinations, and wars since the start of the state of Israel. The Israeli people on the whole generally have very little patience for Palestinians in any way whatsoever, view them as a near daily threat to their lives. While many Jews in Israel do view the Palestinian situation with sympathy, that sympathy is pretty limited. And finding an Israeli with enough hatred to want to slaughter the Palestinians to the last woman or child isn't that hard. probably 1 in 4 people are that entrenched against them.
Oh no....what would we do without MORE mudshits? There are 24 Muslims countries, they are invading Europe and they still want more.
I support Israel's mudshit ass-kicking
It's not. That guy just likes words that sound like enforce his point without effort. The British owned the land through Conquest and directly transferred it to the Jewish ethnostate. The rest of the land was claimed buy Jewish Conquest.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe there is a law against conquest of lands
It is beyond my comprehension how anyone can believe we all come from some kind of intelligent design. I could agree that God is some kind of metaphor. I agree that we fail to grasp the mysteries of the universe; but to go from there and believe some kind of arbitrary God? Dear God.
You don't have to believe in god in order to understand geopolitics.
the wailing wall is part of a roman fort KEK. the real temple spot is to the south down the hill.
i think jews know this too but it would be humiliating to admit it publicly.