Redpill me on blood libel.
Redpill me on blood libel
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Is there a connection to spirit cooking?
The popes apparently loved to protect the jews from such accusations:
I don't trust Wikipedia on the subject.
This is a good book. Written by the Vatican's chief rabbi's son. Very legit. Does extensive research and makes a strong case that at least half of all purported accusations of blood libel are credible.
There's a whole class of pedophiles in the British elite. Britain has a bad seed in its midst and it's very good at hiding.
It's the classical seat of Judaic power in the west.
They are just referring to public papal bulls...
Why would the patriarch of the true church protect people who target Christians? Jews still hate the church but are trying not to equate being a Christian with hating Jews lest Christians that waking up again.
That shit could be faked.
It's called Jewish Ritual Murder
Evidence in link:
When your foreskin is cut from your body by savages.
It’s been going on for thousands of years & it still exists today.
The jewish genes degenerate when they are to pure due to having a cursed bloodline
so they steal the blood of children that has many stemcells to survive
>if I don't believe it, it must be not true
The church protected jews several times. When christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, all other religions were banned, only judaism was recognized as a parallel religion. The popes, when not jews themselves, invited and maintained jewish communities in Italy, shielding them from call for expulsion. They also consented with usury monopolies and even the Rothschilds banking practices.
They are not our "greatest allies", as everyone with a practical political goals has recognized... Here is a good quote:
>"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not ... to the Gentiles, ... But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)
"A real case against the jews" is also a good text on that.
Fake and gay. Sage goes in every field.
Quite simply, because the Church does not advocate the physical extermination of Jews. The Church only advocates for their theological extermination.
In Iberia especially, it was fairly routine that the local peasantry would be stirred up against the Jews, molesting their persons, vandalizing their properties, and presumably killing them on occasion.The Jews always appealed to the episcopates for protection, which they were typically granted, most often in exchange for the promise of baptism. The Church cannot be the Church while advocating for the wanton killing of Jews, no matter how wicked they might be.
>The church protected jews several times. When christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, all other religions were banned, only judaism was recognized as a parallel religion
That changed quite enormously after the Disputation of Paris. Prior to that, the Jews were considered guardians of the Old Testament; pitiable people who did not recognise the time of their visitation. Once the Talmud was discovered, the Church's stance toward the Jews changed.
(((they))) are required to make blood sacrifices of animals.
goyim are considered cattle, and not truly human as (((they))) are.
most likely (((they))) get some kind of euphoric drug rush from drinking living blood (which was forbidden to do, in the Bible).
possibly gain mental/spiritual powers.
Jews have been accused for thousands of years, by various peoples throughout the world who have no contact whatsoever with each other, of sacrificing goyim (especially children) in perverse rituals.
>Blood Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder
>Understanding Blood Libel - Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited
It's even older than the religion of Judaism and closer to Tengriism coupled with cannibalism
Thanks a lot everyone, Sup Forums often disappoints, but when it doesn't...
Keep this thread going by all means but I must be off. These pdf's will be read thoroughly, and with a grain of salt, but an open mind.
Because the Catholic Church has been compromised for at least a millennium.
Al history of Jewish subversion in the west:
here you go op