Thoughts on it?
New PJW video is up
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who?
>being this new
>I'm not 12
reddit is that way kid ⇀
>Still watching meteor man
>Unironically following pjw
Have you watched the video?
He speaks the truth and dropping red pills
>Lives in Britain
>Cries about US politics
I hate this faggot so much
good video
This guy knows everything, from art, to architecture, to politics, music, movies, science, aliens. He literally knows everything, hence his completely valid opinions on basically every topic ever.
Genuinely a genius.
Never managed to wind him up on facebook several times. Ever. He is definitely not a bell end who thinks Marilyn Manson is original rock music. Nope.
Pjw is the best Alex Jones fucktoy I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. his lips look soft.
I don't want any brainforce TM.Go away.
Red pills? Those natural man-tit supplements he shills for Alex Jones?
He crushes CNN
/leftypol/ shows up to hate on him
Nice try /leftypol/
im not watching this Jewish cuck. Fuck off
>No sources
>Base-level observations
>Vapid arguments
>Factual incorrectness
>Associated with Alex "Mad Lad" Jones
I sincerely hope I've missed your sarcasm.
How does his cum taste faggot? Hes a jewish shill everyone knows that.
>No sources
You clearly havent watched the vid then. For every argument he makes he shows the source and evidence.
t. boomer
I out grew PJW years ago.
It's funny to think of a time when he was considered
cutting edge.
Does he ever leave his house? You never see him
interact with people, I remember the time h
debated Bill Mitchell and got completely destroyed
by him, that was funny.
I want to give the succ to pjw as he tells me about the lies in the main streem media
Same here, I thing that got me to leave his channel was his really cringy use of memes.
Yeah I saw one recently for old times sake and he was going on about soyboys. But he doesn't even know what he is on about and even conflated the term with bugman.
He is an ignorant arsehole.
CNN honestly BTFO
I cant wait until someone goes for the high score at CNN HQ. Fucking media phonies have it coming.
this guy is shit
>Sup Forums tier arguments
>shitty humor
>his videos are under 6 minutes (signs of a brainlet)
>shitty voice
>dick sucking lips
He's right in most of what he says but he's annoying.
Like BPS, annoying but correct.
Why not target individuals, instead of buildings full of innocent people who only work there because that's who hired them and have no loyalty to the place? Your intentions are not bad, but your execution intended execution is sloppy, lazy, and bad optics. No one would care if you took out Anderson Cooper. We could meme that forever, but if Sandy Sweetpuss just out of college and a bunch of other innocent people die, you are the bad guy and accomplished nothing.
Most of the new voices are faggots, like Douglas murray.
Jesus will you Reddit Faggots please go back to The Donald.. Fuck every thread is some gay ass Alt-Light thread now.. FUCK OFF
Sup Forums is a Anime Nazi Racist Catholic Basket Weaving forum
>douglas murray
Go to bed Paul your gay lover is waiting.
Also take your shilling to reddit.
>Sup Forums tier arguments
>shitty humor
Personal preference
>his videos are under 6 minutes (signs of a brainlet)
Not everyone is a basement swelling neet like you who has plenty of time in their day.
>shitty voice
>says the beaner
>PJW unironically shilling his video on Sup Forums
What's going on?
This man really cannot meme.
>someone always posts this fake tweet
>Taking Paul Joseph Watson seriously.....
>unironically shilling this twat here.
go back retarded brit
>Shitting on PJW video
>pretending to be edgy and cool, when you are just stupid losers who've done nothing in life.
meanwhile Paul Get's Shit Done
>le epic youtube kekistani redpills
> (OP)
>>Lives in Britain
>>Cries about US politics
>I hate this faggot so much
He's doing his job, what are YOU doing faggot?
Oh yeah, nothing...
piss off, paul. fucking edgy brainlet smelly nigger-lover
>Red pills? Those natural man-tit supplements he shills for Alex Jones?
Who do YOU shill for, you larping faggot?
Paul "I don't see a big jewish influence. jewish people aren't really that present, you don't really notice them anywhere" Joseph Watson
I'd let PJW ram me while he calls me a faggot
>im not watching this Jewish cuck. Fuck off
And yet you took the time to tell us you weren't going to watch him. Sounds like YOU are the cuck.
Fuck off cuck.
It's real retard:
>>No sources
>>Base-level observations
>>Vapid arguments
>>Factual incorrectness
>>Associated with Alex "Mad Lad" Jones
>I sincerely hope I've missed your sarcasm.
You jelly brit-lib cuck? Maybe you could put some effort in your life and do a tenth of what he has done, instead of being a traitor to your country.
Complete Kike who thinks Israel is better than North Korea, literally fishing for money so he can buy a dildo to push into his lips. America is poorland that wants to starve North Korea, not other way around. Unlike North Korea, USA is muttland with broken marriages, where men buy prostitutes as wives, can't afford apartment and CNN/Fox News are both capitalistic news. American Jews are getting desperate with their desperate attempt to paint the sides of politics as extreme opposite, when they both the same, exactly the same, even have same sponsors. When are Amerimutts going to deport Mexicans and build a wall? Fake promises.
>How does his cum taste faggot? Hes a jewish shill everyone knows that.
t.some ignorant shit who doesn't even read the posts of the other ignorant shit he is responding to.
How DOES that cum taste faggot?
So you are lefty cuck now? Figures.
I'm sure you could do better, right?
Let me know when you post your video
It's an unfortunate reality. So many innocent people get caught up in supporting a tyrannical regime. This is how bureaucracy works. They take an impossible task and split up the responsibility into a thousand different parts and nobody feels like they really have the responsibility for the end product. By doing this they circumvent the issue of trust in their workers. We can no longer afford the outlook of a "clean wermacht". We must hold these people accountable.
> (OP)
>this guy is shit
>>Sup Forums tier arguments
>>shitty humor
>>his videos are under 6 minutes (signs of a brainlet)
>>shitty voice
>>dick sucking lips
You think a lot about sucking some dude's dick?
No one says stuff like that except shit eating faggots.
Glad you outed yourself, shit eating faggot.
Hello PJW
>New PJW video is up
Which threads from Sup Forums is he reading and passing off as his own ideas this time? This guy is just Sup Forums as an audiobook.
>when jews jewed you so much, you start jewing others for free
Fantastic as always
His style of delivery is just so fucking based
>his videos are under 6 minutes (signs of a brainlet)
>Implying it's not the sign of someone who gives literally no shits about youtube ad money instead of forcing himself to reach the 10 minute mark
Alright buddy. Isnt it past your bed time?
haha leftists are mad
An hero peas
When are you going to deport illegals and build a wall?
>there are people who still actually watch this shit
>democrat flag
>there are people who actually believe in their shit
>getting so easily baited
typical of alex jones/pjw/milo and other e-celeb fans
>it's just a bait lmao, I was just being retarded on purpose
Yo go gurl! That'll scare them back to plebbit.
Maybe he wants to be able to blame /pol when his (((youtube))) channel gets deleted.
I thought this was a Swedish furniture and grenade throwing forum.
Leftists hate PJW so much, hilarious to see the shills going apeshit in this thread
this, all these plebbitor teenagers are going full out rage over this based man.
Wow. This is not even a case of "Lurk more, faggot", this is basic shit you are supposed to know before you even come here.
Memes like him actively damage conservative causes
>Memes like him actively damage conservative causes
how so? The whole soy boy thing comes from here.
15 makes you a big boy now, amiright?
You suck at life.
Right wing memes won the election, dipshit
Fuck off, Paul