What exactly did this soldier die for?
What exactly did this soldier die for?
To defend Saudi Arabia and its monarchy
some sweet footage for people online to gawk at
To defend the trade relations of a nation his parents probably cant even point out on a map.
Im so sick of "our" federal government.
They were doing something to contain a problem. Stop shitting on deaths you don’t ubderstand.
Poor zogbot
September 11... no, weapons of mass destruction... no, spreading American democracy... no, defeating an evil tyrant... no...
the US military's incompetence
Who caused this"problem"?
Man, that's fucked up.
At least it was fast I guess.
>Im so sick of "our" federal government.
Gotta work harder and pay those taxes so that millions of illegal spics can outbreed and replace you, privileged cisgender straight white male scum.
freedom and democracy
This video is so sad. As much as people like to pretend to be hard af on this board, in this video we watch the last moments between soldiers. IDC what you think about their government, absolutely heart wrenching to see this happen to comrades.
>They were doing something to contain a problem. Stop shitting on deaths you don’t ubderstand.
its israeli masters
I think of the little children in Serbia.
What about the little children in Yemen?
>What exactly did this soldier die for?
For his friends to the left and right of him.
Post video please
Their comrades drove off
Ironically they died for Israel and it was Israel that called in their position.
For over 50 years Saudi Arabia has been radicalizing Muslims, paid for by Westerners, defended by the U.S, Trump won't stand up to the Saudis
so israel can continue stealing tax dollars from america
so black men can fuck white women
so america can be flooded with non whites
so the jews can continue to control our media
he died for my cause
Truly the only answer. Thank you.
Youre right. After all, it is a social contract. :^)
For Greater Israel or ISIS.
Not true. The 4 of them died providing covering fire during the escape.
It's all about the glory, well 40% glory and 60% pussy.
How does that make you feel?
Man...imagine willingly signing up to die for israels interests...
Containing the spread of radical Islam.
Every time I see or hear these Muslim fuckheads hurting Americans (or any non-Muslim really) it just makes furious. Fuck all Muslims
A better question: when YOU die, what will it be for?
It's awful, especially when the guy is screaming at the end. The saddest part is when you realize they probably thought they were "protecting America" when they joined, and just turned their brain off when they got sent to foreign countries to act as mercenaries.
US never bombed them, right? That was my point.
Good riddance. Another dead kike puppet.
he was a pawn. no more, no less.
I make me feel something like : '' lol dumb goy''
Hey burgers, how about instead of showing your mutt noses into other peoples business you deal with your nigger/spics problem first?
kek. I appreciate the honesty, jew.
t. fat loser who tells people to "READ SIEGE"
When and where is this video from?
The U.S prevented Iran from destroying the Taliban before Sept 11, after a massacre of Shiite pilgrims, the U.S. sides with Wahhabis and oil rich gulf states who fund terrorist and radicals
Oy vey can you see..
The suppression of Israel’s enemies.
>He seriously doesn't even know how to reply to a fucking post
Lurk for at least 12 months before (You) post again
Weird how the death of this brave hero has been shilled so much on Sup Forums recently.
Almost as if someone is doing a targeted effort to spam the board with the same thread
The problem isn't in the middle of the fucking dessert. It's in our streets. It's in out schools. It's in our tvs. It's in our housea. It's in our bedrooms. And it's in our Minds.
There were 6 million stories just like this in Hitler's death camps
Lots of anons have forgot, but Mali and Niger was for the “bring back our girls” bullshit. White men die for this and for jewish hegemony.
did you get triggerer you militaryb dog?
He was warned before enlisting.
It's the 4 Special Forces guys who were ambushed and killed in Niger last year around October.
Europeans have been fighting Muslims for about 1100 years, I've always wondered how do soldiers convince themselves that they're making a dent in this problem.
It doesn't matter if you're a crusader fighting to reclaim the "holy" land or a modern guy fighting islamic "terrorism" and threats to israel, war is so pointless to me.
I fell for the guys though.
Not feeding the soil.
The Jews
U.S. provides logistal support, weapons, ammunitions, and satellite data to Saudi Arabia, who massacres innocent civilians, the Houthis have faced persecution and attacks by Wahhabis
He wanted to be tacticool and badass for murrica fuck yeah
>thanks for your service
>enjoy your PTSD and living in a tent
oy vey
So that their wives can get the BBC while they are fighting and the jews can exploit a country for its resources for a bit more.
he died so america could understand how unprepared america is for any war. the war on terror isnt a war. he died so nigs would know they aint shit. he didnt do any fancy cross up he didnt out run any one he just got shot
that other vid with the guys trying to pray away the ghey is for all the cawuhdewty kids. you go play solder your going to be buttfucked and some ones going to record that shit
I will keep them in my thoughts too then.
What about all those Ahmeds, leaving their homes early in the morning, waving goodbye to their sons and daughters to fight what they consider american invaders? What about all the last moments they shared together while an a-10 braaaps them into shreds?
I'm not taking sides here... but this "us vs. them", "evil vs. good" mentality just boggles my mind. I'm not talking about Isis tho, those fucks are just plain cruel and deserve everything they get... but then again, what caused ISIS to exist in the first place?
Shit i wish i could be a normie for once and not think about such stuff.Life would be so much simpler. Satan truly rules this realm.
Yeah I kn... since when does a jew agree to the truth? Fuck you shlomo what mind games are you playing on me now?
He died to kill niggers he got 40 for they got him
Damn shame should have got more
First off fuck you sandnigger I can’t wait for another million of you goatfuckers to die
War is pointless but Islam is a the only religion the perpetuates war in the modern world. It is vile, evil, and disgraceful and I'm sick and tired of hearing excuses for their actions. Something needs to be done about the Muslim problem.
The (((military industrial complex))) and the (((cartells)))
>"evil vs. good"
That's needed to get people to sign up for it. Otherwise it's a draft or mercenaries.
maybe he was just a crazy fuck that liked to fight and all he wanted to get out of it was to kill some people?
>IS in Africa
sounds like China's problem to me.
Drugs and oil not blood and soil
It's nice to see objectivity on here user, I've watched lots of vids of Apach runs and seen the guys trying to run, hide or pray hoping they don't get hit before being turned into ribbons.
shits sad.
This board is literally infested by retards.
At one point faggots would ask the important questions.
Where was this?
Which country is the soldier fighting for?
Which conflict is this?
Why is he by himself?
Wheres the fucking audio?
When was this?
I fucking hate everyone of you leddit children that fucked this board.
fucking die!!
sign up to join the army.. You can fight those evil muslims as well..
Bounty timeline sounds pretty based to me.
Its another example why we should stop working with other nations that play army.
If it were not for the incompetence of the French pilots who refused to provide air support and their rules about unarmed drones, they would be alive and more shitskins would be dead.
t.has a brother in the military
They were separated from the ambush
He died because he wanted to be a soldier.
My bro just went through MCRD, going into aviation tech. Anyway during BCT simulations he was clearing a room and got hit with a few stim rounds. He said it was pretty damn sobering to lie there on the floor with the knowledge youve just died.
Western culture promotes a main character mentality. "It could never happen to me because I am me!"
>What exactly did this soldier die for?
He died because he was attacked while conducting civil reconnaissance mission. He was conducting a civil reconnaissance mission because he was ordered to gather intelligence on the leader of ISIS in the Sahara. He was ordered to gather intelligence on the leader of ISIS in the Sahara because ISIS is our enemy. ISIS is our enemy because they have proven their ability to direct and inspire attacks
against a wide range of targets around the world.
There's your answer.
if you werent a brain dead moron your would already know all of this.
They aren't fighting the religion as a whole, we need mass amounts of people to renounce the religion. Why is it that there is no where in the world you'll find large groups of Muslims that aren't violent? In every one of their countries there is mass oppression of non-Muslims and extreme violence and ideology. They want to spread their crazy religion to everyone else by enforcing law and immigrating everyone. This is a cultural clash of epic proportion
worth dying for desu
I literally got here from vacation. Yet not a single person asked any of these questions.
>Where was this?
Mali, allegedly.
>Which country is the soldier fighting for?
U.S., they were there to train soldiers
>Which conflict is this?
It's not official.
>Why is he by himself?
He isn't, he was in a team of 4 (out of 12) that was ambushed
His gopro, an ISIS propaganda youtube video that was baleeted, and a Russian mirror that had the came footage without tons of editing and dumbass nasheed shit.
>When was this?
Someone said 6 months ago.
Instead of critiquing a superior country why don’t you take the Russian dick out of your ass?