What is Sup Forums's opinion of Estonia?
Is it worth spending 6 years studying medicine there? Is their dying population dire need for multicultural rejuvenation?
What is Sup Forums's opinion of Estonia?
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no to both.
Do not talk about Estonia. It's one of the last ethnostates we have.
You sound like a mutt. gtfo!
You should study medicine here if you are planning on getting an euro diploma and fucking off to France/Germany/England.
Otherwise no.
Why not? I'm unironically interested in this and a local's opinion is the best one could get
I plan to study there only for the General Medicine degree for now. Specialization could be there or in one of the countries you mentioned. In terms of career though, it'd be back in my own country.
Then by all means my family
Picture Sweden before the flood of niggers.
Completely ruled by freemasons, jews, crypto-jews and blackmailed pedophiles (big overlap there). The JEWlluminati "Leftwing vs Rightwing" dialectic system totally controls the ideological-political outlook. America is their God. Females stopped realizing that they are inferior to males and therefore should STFU...etc...etc...etc...again, Sweden before the flood.
BTW, their new president is already shilling for the diversity/refugees/we-need-them-because-of-aging/etc/etc.
I'm proud to be Estonian. And we welcome smart people. Retards who can not behave are not welcome. Come here if you want to build AI or such.
In what dimension of reality do you live in?
All outlanders and tourists who are staying over their welcome are secretly dying here due strong alcohol, swamp accidents, ice-road breakages and so on.
Everything else is a "cool story, bro!" for outsiders and media.
>dying population
The population is at maintenance level. Eesti has roughly had the same population numbers for 100 years. Granted a portion of the population is Russian and we are loosing white collar jobs due to brain drain but I wouldn't call it a dying population. You should remove your meme flag if you want a serious answer about staying here. If you're a nigger, kike, or any of the brown races I would refrain from coming here. You won't get overt racism but the bulk of Estonians don't really want that type of person here.
why would you go to estonia to study medicine? why dont you do it on your own country?
Also we are closely watching the experiment called Sweden. This will not happen here.
when will you be annexed by Russia?
I'm about to earn a Master's degree in Biology this year, that at least gives an idea that I'm not on jungle dweller IQ.
Doesn't help that the U.S. embassy was shilling for nigger diversity here. Honestly in Tartu it's only a matter of time before it turns into all out frothing dyed haired libtards.
Probably day before Poland.
same day as you.
Also we have bulk of crazy russians here. You have to be able to handle these guys as well.
what is affirmative action...seriously until you drop the meme flag I will assume you are a pajeet or nigger.
Hello to Liivimaa!
we don't have russian minority
roasted desu
The last part of my OP was meme, I know the population's been relatively stable but it's generally low for the land size I think
I'm a sand coon, the pale type though. Wouldn't be easily recognizable/differentiated from a typical European Mediterranean brownie.
Medic here. I wouldn't do that if I were you because medics who study abroad a heavily discriminated.
Idk how it is in Europe but here in Brazil there are many people who go to other S.A. countries to study medicine. Medics are the only thing that Brazil produces well and it is very hard to get into med school here, more than 100 people competing for a single place while you don't even have to take tests in other countries. Medics who graduated on other countries are often viewed as trash and will never get a good job. The same probably happens between european countries
just study lmao
why even? guess estonia has a decent quality life standard as of now.
You must've not gotten the memo that all Russian bydlo think everything east of Berlin is still "their" clay, Either way I'm cool with dying.
Y finlan always try to fuck estonia
People have gone to worse countries (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Putinland etc) and were able to get good jobs in the medical field in my country, so I have no worries about that.
>the experiment called sweden
my sides
yeah, at least we'll die together
Tartu has a lower percentage of Russians than the national number. I think I'll be fine if I kept away from bars and parties.
>pale though
>Mediterranean brownie
Yeah we call those gypsies.
>...and my axe
Wouldn't have it any other way
Is that so? How are you going to do that with Estonia fully inserted inside the JEWestern political-financial-security system?
The choice the Baltics have is the same choice all of Europe has...Russian protectorate or say hello to the nigger-flood.
By the way I can say to Americans - you have had absolutely worse history than us. History of Texas is like a horror story.
there are some pretty hot Finns...I'm cool with Finn ficki ficki
Any Estonian who thinks that God America will allow you to be an all-White nation is very mistaken. Same goes for Poland.
Let's all pretend now that Portugal, Spain (your bro nation), England (your oldest allied) and the rest of west europe is not being invaded by afrcans, muslims, asians and brzilian mutts
>This will not happen here.
Too late
Yeah...it's only a matter of years. Fortunately we are poor compared to Scandis and Germans so the shitskins leave soon after since we can't compete in the gibs department. This is how we win and keep Eesti free from vermin...through laziness and drunkeness on our part.
yes and no. no need to be a protectorate. just try to avoid nwo's instructions as much as possible.
That girl is Estonian-Russian
She's pretty hated here...definitely an outlier and not the norm.
It is. And this is why East Europe must react NOW while the nigger-flood is just about to start.
Russian protectorate is the only solution, anyone who thinks otherwise has a child-like understanding of the World.
You are acting as if Soviet Union did not flood the Western parts with their browns
>Is their dying population dire need for multicultural rejuvenation?
Oh you're a nazbol shill.
Jesus Christ that's one ugly baby.
Mine ja keppi ennast. Nad on täis, sõber.
they are so small that nobody cares, really. they are safe.
Why Russia? The way I understand US is not Obama-US any more.
First Russia is not the USSR. Second, the USSR never flooded East Europe with browns, that's BS sorry.
In fact the USSR had the policy of keeping the races as separated as possible while doing the "Friendship of the People's" LARPing.
Scandinavian women literally love brown dudes. If you're latino, middle eastern or African and 6ft tall you are basically guaranteed to get heaps of Scandinavian pussy in the chain of backpacker towns down the coast of Queensland.
Would you mind terribly if we just put one or two short range nuclear tipped missile's in the remote countryside (honest)? we will landscape them so they look like reindeer...just in case another asteroid or something hits and needs to be shot down...
No shill at all. I just understand that there is no such thing as "independence" anymore and there will never be. Choose your side...US-led JEWest or the Russian-Chinese axis. That's it.
I think you're mixing up Suomi with Viro.
Wrong. We have here people from different ex-USSR states, who came to work here back then with help of Russia.
Diversity is already being pushed there. (((They))) will never allow an all-White nation to exist in the middle of Europe. Except perhaps Monaco and the reasons for that are obvious...
I have seen enough gypsy looking people with full Russian names no know that Soviet Union was detrimental to our local population at best.
There were Norks working in our factories at some time.
The scale on which this happened is one thing, but it was there.
Please, stop pretending like you know what Russians and their rule is like.
Hottest women in the world are Estonian women.
Well this suddenly became geopolitical. Sasuga Sup Forums chan.
In all honesty they tried in 2016 and only thing they got was to make people who are usually pretty relaxed to lean surely to the right.
Serious question guys!
Im 100% German
Girl im dating is from Estonia
If we make a baby will it be fugged?
How close are german and estonia genetics?
Are they slavs or nordics?
It's fake actually
Well...if you have hope that the USA will invert demographics and that Trump will be successful that's your decision. Just don't let hope become a self-deception.
I thinks it's not a bad country, although his national football team is shit.
this is basically the same shit decision we had forced upon us in WWII. So it's not like we weren't expecting it. I hate kikes as much as the next goy but most Eesti's won't side with Russia. Might have something to do with how Eesti was raped post war. To be honest I really wish Patton would have taken the lead and steam rolled the gommies back to Siberia. Me personally, I don't have anything against Russians. I have more in common with them than kikes and niggers...but the wound is still there for most Estonians. The war for you guys ended in the 40's...for everything east of Berlin it ended in the 90's.
Spent a year working in Estonia, and the only good thing I can say is that the legal age of consent is 14.
Because you don't talk about Baltics on Sup Forums.
Because only ones who care about us are Russiaboos and its really tiring to argue with over the same points over and over again.
Or you get retards like this , who if he had any knowledge of his gfs origin(Shows how much he is invested in her he can not read a wikipedia about her homeland), would know that Estonians where under German rule for quite a while and some of them have G*rman admixture.
You sure she isn't a Russian anyway, Hans?
There are admixtures of German and Slav in Eesti but most Eesti's are Finno Ugric
Not slavs or nordics but finno-ugric. You'll be fine.
There's a girl in Ireland from Estonia, she's incredible, what should I know about Estonia that would impress her?
I just started dating her btw, She has all the features of a nord. Blue eyes, Very blonde hair, 5'10'. Skin is very light as well.
Doesn't seem like she has russian features.
Fuck, that's a deal breaker.
>4 Estonian 14 year old brides mashallah
But no I'm not planning on dating a snow nigress. I prefer to keep to my own kind.
you're both potato...just talk about potato.
Cmon' bruh, she's naturally Estonian, but has lived here for years so at least she doesn't sound too foreign.
Also thanks for the info.
Really no raindeer at all, Laplander?
>Scandinavian pussy
you could get her some black bread...true test to see if she gives a shit about her Eesti side.
The girls a fucken hot
>gadsden flag
>"im a sand coon"
The absolute state of meme flags.
You should look into the visegrad countries too. There are some pretty decent universities here + I think nowadays it is cheaper to study here. T: Finn studying medicine in hungary
He should her Teutonic White Knight is what you're saying
Godless, suicidal shithole, no thanks.
Latvia is objectively better anyway, if you want to be in the one of the Baltic states. But why would you not go to somewhere else?
>I prefer to keep to my own kind.
And yet you're still considering coming to our frozen wasteland to get a medical degree. You're not one of those sheiks that pays instahookers $10,000 to fly to Dubai so you can shit in their mouth are you?
Dude we're all suicidal around the Baltic.
From what I've seen, Estonia's easier to get into compared to Hungary (which requires some form of entrance examination. Estonia requires a subject SAT in biology, which I can do at my home country).
Don't come we are full.
Latvia's significantly more religious, but has a higher suicide rate? Cracks your nuts dunnit
Any insight as to why? From my perspective Estonia is kind of a paradise.
If the population is dying, they need medical attention. So better make up your mind soon.