Reading list

Hey I’m looking for any Sup Forums approved books, post anything you have

Other urls found in this thread:

The Holy Bible.

Everything by Robert Greene for becoming a better man, I would especially recommend Mastery.

I personally haven't looked through this list yet, but here you have it


thanks ill give it a look over




Not just gonna spam with some jpg list I haven't read. This book I just finished reading, gave me a new perspective on pagan religions ( I'm not a pagan larp).

Also, the appearance of dionysus in myths parallels modern feminism.

Found another one, also I hear people are reading Culture of Critique


Greatest ideas of all time.

thanks for the lists, ill look em over
how does it make you appreciate pagan religions more?


If you want an introduction to political philosophy or economy or international relations, then for Gods sake do not try starting out by reading books that are hundreds of years old. Not only will you never read through a 1000 page book written in the 15th century, but you will also gain absolutely no perspective from reading it.

Read books with titles such as 'an introduction to' or 'foundations of' or 'theories of'. They will give a resume of the entire history of the field that you are seeking knowledge about. After you have read that, you can dive into the individual books if you want to and find something specific you are interested in.

People here always post an image with a million pages worth of books. Stuff like The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, The Republic by Plato or Reflections on the revolution in France. But you will gain almost nothing reading them. Especially not if you have no foundation to analyse them from.

Be aware that any books published after world war 2 will have a leftist bias. But you should be able to critically read them anyway.

I always thought they were just crazy people who prayed to a different god depending on the direction of the wind. Instead they took human nature/behavior, divided it into several categories and gave a different god reign over each category.

This book specifically is about dionysus, the God of wine, but more accurately the god of passion, chaos, and death. Anywhere he shows up, women abandon their homes, slaughter their young, abandon societal responsibilities in exchange for (((freedom))). In bacchae they run to the woods for drunken orgies, end up slaughtering their own king.

sartor resartus

I was here when that was made. the books were chosen by post number, fwiw

>old books are useless

A lot has changed, but there is a lot that hasnt. Not all old books lost their touch. Just because we have computers doesn't mean human nature has changed.

>also I hear people are reading Culture of Critique
are you this fucking new?



yea I’ll look around for those types of titles

however I do think some old books are good for starters out. reading the republic and history of the peloponnesian war is what inspired me to begin reading philosophy heavily (then again I did my research and got p good translations)

starting out* fuck my phone

>not "Resume with the Romans"