I no longer care about the special set of issues that many black people hold so near and dear, and that seem to define them as a group…though thankfully, not as individuals.
I don’t care about black people’s problems anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
I’m simply worn out with them. Exhausted by their constant demands, their neediness, their helplessness, their hypocrisy, their never ending problems, their inability to take advantage of the myriad opportunities practically delivered to them, their ungratefulness, their refusal to take responsibility for their own lives or accept the consequences of their actions.
I’ve just thrown in the towel. I can’t keep caring about problems that I obviously can’t do anything about. Especially when they have brought at least some of it on themselves, or when they won’t make the lifestyle changes necessary to succeed or to overcome or avoid their problems.
There comes a point, where I just quit listening.
When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black person’s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. It’s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really don’t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they “discovered” some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribble “Trump ’16” and “Die niggers” on the wall. At this point, I’ll turn the channel.
I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they can’t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And I’m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. I’ll be polite, but I don’t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.
I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If you’re a thief who doesn’t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesn’t get you a pass from me. You’re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesn’t equality feel good?
Perhaps it’s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement.
Me too.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
When they say we, they don't mean us.
it's called "negro fatigue"
I've had it since at least high school
>negro fatigue
Not very catchy. How about blackie burnout?
Imagine knowing, deep down in your soul, that every biological indicator & every historical example points toward your ethnicity's genetics being inferior in a developing world.
Then imagine being assisted for generations by your genetic superiors out of their compassion & guilt. Imagine being used as a political weapon because your entire ethnicity lacks the self-awareness to logically participate in a democratic system that demands intellectual debate & long-term planning, both of which your genetics are disadvantaged towards.
God was an asshole for making blacks.
Okay racist shitlord
negro fatigue isn't something I made up. you can google it and get a bunch of hits
Why are you Canadians either shitskins posting anti white stuff or crazy people like you?
Justin Trudeau's poisoning the water with estrogen.
Gay people arent 'crazy' people
I didn't mean to imply that you had, I just don't like it. Oh well, if it's caught on already then there's no need to make it catchier
It's too late for this one. Press F.
Ya know, never in my life, either in person or online, have I actually seen a group of white people beating on a helpless black person.
I've never seen it. Not once.
I wonder why that is?
Because weak organisms use pack predation when they attempt to overpower a superior organism.
>that pic
>on a board where people blame jews, blacks, women, mexicans, irish, feminists, sjws, communists, anarchists, muslims, hillary clinton, koreans, iranians, italians, their parents, indians, the poor, boomers, bill nye, karl marx, stalin, democrats, angela merkel, israelis, turks and palestinians for the failures of their lifes
Because minorities huddle together naturally since they feel like well, a minority. Makes them feel more comfortable in a world where most people are not like them.
Damn son u smart!
If you’d also said something about k&r selection theory i’d Have started a slow clap
-lives in mom's basement in Nebraska
-neet pol poster
-never seen an actual black person much less talked to one
-"sick of them"
Log off the internet and live your life you faggott.
Reproductive strategies are a huge part of nigger propensities, but I believe instinctual psychology & sociological phenomena to be just as influential. Plus they've been so easily manipulated for so many generations by suprtior societies that even their psychological traits are probably fucked up.
I'd wager that the slave trade was just as much based on convenience as usefulness: Africans were perfect slaves not just because they had stone/bronze/iron weaponry & decentralized governments, but also because the slavers knew their separate tribal identities would never coalesce into a unified force to repel slave raids.
>live in state capital
>large city w/ majority black population
>bartender downtown, see all classes of blacks daily
Some of us have firsthand experience.
Give me your opinion on this
black people aren't sma--
>negro fatigue isn't something I made up. you can google it and get a bunch of hits
>lives in mom's basement in Nebraska
I don't think nearly as many blacks come here as anyone thinks. Sure, maybe the SJW college-nigs who want to troll, but to be quite honest, the majority of actual black Americans don't use the Internet for more than socializing & music. It's a white person's platform, and it's been shaped by white users & white creators for decades. Your average black will come on Sup Forums, get infuriated, try to argue, and give up & leave. It's a lot like how girls don't exist on Sup Forums; this isn't a place for them. It's a place for us.
I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If you’re a thief who doesn’t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesn’t get you a pass from me. You’re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesn’t equality feel good?
Perhaps it’s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.
I knew a cucked SJW Theatre classmate who came to Univ totally BLM-woke and anti-White.
He changed his mind when he got robbed by MGDs, and they held him at gunpoint & told him "Haha, y'all faggots always got cash, yo. Easy marks."
i love living my life away from black people. self-segregation is amazing desu.
what is MGD
I just can’t bring myself to feel for the people who scrawl vulgar graffiti on the sides of stately brownstones, or who break the subtly rippled glass that a craftsman, white or black, had carefully glazed in an ornate linteled window a hundred thirty years ago. There’s no part of me that yearns to reach out to people throwing garbage onto what had been a tidy, manicured patch of decorative greenery flanking a grand marble entrance with exquisitely carved doors. I just don’t have it in me, anymore. I do wonder what has become of the respectable, genteel families who were displaced by the social engineering policies of the New Deal, leaving their architectural legacy to the ravages of neglect and deliberate defacement.
I’ve left the “dialogue”, which turned out to be nothing more than a one-sided, accusatory tirade, berating me for unspecified harm I am to bear responsibility for, and denying me the right to respond with my own, civil point of view. There’s simply no point having “the conversation” any longer. You smugly assert that I have no right to my views because I can’t possibly know what it’s like to be black. Yet you claim in the same breath, to be the arbiter, the expert on my own race, and therefore I have no right to speak for myself. So, have your own “dialogue” with yourself. I’m out.
Midtown Ganster Disciples. A local subset of the GD gang from Chicago.
They're a problem around here, especially near the college campus. My old neighbor had a house party during Frat Pledge Week and a couple MGDs walked in and started smacking white-girl asses, so he threw them out & they shot him dead on his stairwell.
Wtf is that one on the right holding?
Going off of the Sup Forums meetups and HWDU, Sup Forums is probably more nonwhite than white.
that's an interesting take, lombo
I don’t care about black people at all. I don’t even think about black people unless I’m going out of my way to avoid them.
Genetics evidence now proves that blacks are not even the same sub species as we are which is obvious. And nobody in the genetic science community is accurately presenting these facts for reasons that are not surprising. It’s sad that we now self censor rather than tell the truth and it does harm because or laws treat everybody as equals when clearly from an intellectual, cognitive, and psychology perspective we are not.
Aside from aggression and baseness, they don’t have the same kind of empathy or remorse that Europeans have. These traits are impaired to non-existent.
wait... you're a faggot?
>. It’s sad that we now self censor rather than tell the truth
fun game is watching how ridiculous google/youtube go out of their way to censor all negative black representations?
ever wonder why?
No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you say my whiteness makes me racist. So there is no longer any point in considering it. Fine, you say I’m “racist”. I don’t care anymore.
I’m sure there are those who will say in rebuttal that they are “tired of” being the victims of racism every walking minute of their lives. And to this, I say…”Ok, I am willing to accept that you are being victimized by the inherent racism absorbed by simply being in proximity to white people. But you must accept that my response will be to avoid you, and to decline to involve myself in your issues, lest my whiteness somehow damage you further.”
IRL meetups don't attract the best demographic. I'm a Scottish/Austrian chad and I'd never go to a meetup. The magic of Sup Forums is that everyone's anonymous, so all interaction is unshackled from social norms.
YouTube actually had to manipulate the Like/Dislike count on their Black History Month video. You could go back every few minutes and see that they'd deleted a few thousand dislikes.
>YouTube actually had to manipulate the Like/Dislike count on their Black History Month video.
its ridiculous
what benefit do they have behind this?
Its favorite dildo.
None. They're getting so desperate to control the Internet culture that they're doing things that are ineffective. Like a homeowner who's still tossing buckets of water on a house fire that's already too large to stop.
You guys are the ones who never let us do our own damn thing and have to keep stealing our shit and resources and constantly down trotting us so that we HAVE to be needy to you assholes. Just like you did to the native americans. I AM TRED of european shitposters like you going on here and saying the same shit over and over. Fuck you!
A sporterized .22LR semiauto rifle with a banana-mag that looks like it holds ~50 rounds, maybe 100 if it's a double-stack but I can't tell. But in true nigger style, they cut so much barrel off that it's almost useless & probably accurate at only 10ft.
>stealing our shit and resources
name one thing niggers "own" they didn't already steal themselves
We should've just listened to Marcus Garvey & we'd all be happy.
>We should've just listened to Darwin
Coca beans. Rubber. GOLD! Watermelon (West african based fruit) Diamonds, Silver, palm oil, Okra the list goes on. All being taken by the French, Germans, etc... then we have people on here saying we are just ooga booga. Its kinda pissing me off now. Yeah I know there are MANY problems with western blakcs hwo are not GIVEN the chance to educate themselves properly because you guys purposely put us in ghettos, but there are a lot of people like me who are really gettiing educated and providing for themselves. Have you yourself even hung out with a black person that didnt seem to be "a nigger" NO. You guys just think all of us are the same. WE are not.
LMAO heheheheh
could you provide a link to the "genetic evidence"
>You guys just think all of us are the same.
you are
Only faggots think like you; that people just roll out of bed into success. Go buy some more Jordans and rims, Tyrone
Sorry for not replying last time I went afk
Darwin didn't plan for the developed races to be manipulated by the very complex political power structures they created, or succumb to their own hyper-developed empathy and willfully blind themselves.
He expected us to get wiser, not smarter.
Expatriating all Africans upon emancipation would've been perfect. No social unrest, no need for legal changes, and an influx of Westernized Africans to revitalize their homelands.
But do you know why this idea never caught on, even with slaves?
>succumb to their own hyper-developed empathy and willfully blind themselves.
lol so fucking ungrateful
>Sup Forums creates value
Sorry mate stopped reading after the first sentence.
>Coca beans. Rubber. GOLD! Watermelon (West african based fruit) Diamonds, Silver, palm oil, Okra
lists NATURAL RESOURCES of the earth....but ZERO contributions to civilization.
Thanks for the peanut butter, nigger
When did i say that? I didnt say that at all. Thats why I mentioned people who are not given the chance to PROPERLY educate themselves. Also I dont need to buy more Jordans and stuff I dont need them and I am saving as much money as possilbe. Tsk, tyrone. I have a NAME and its not Tyrone.
The Muslim world has been woke to tons of harsh realities for a long time. They're much better at emotionless reasoning than Europeans, which is a double-edged sword that both helps them & hinders them.
Why weren't you properly educated? Was your teacher black? Now put 2 + 2 together, or is that too advanced for common core?
>But do you know why this idea never caught on, even with slaves?
Well... we're waiting...
ha, i am glad the message got through. i enjoy your posts. they are thoughtful and reasonable.
and, evidently, easy to recognize as you are one of the few rational german posters on here.
You took the extreme case of a bantu nig, they are indeed on the rare side and really easy to recognize usually the
>not all blacks are x
you you can’t deny that other shitskins use the nigger/white women posts to get back at wh*ty. And these other shitskins are really NUMEROUS my estimate goes as high up as 50% on certain hours of the day
Ungrateful for what?
>could you provide a link to the "genetic evidence"
These posts are great user.
>The Muslim world has been woke to tons of harsh realities for a long time.
Well, lets start with woven cloth, the concept of a written language, the fucking WHEEL....
But no, left to your own devices youd be all wakanda and sheeeit, right?
>Coca beans. Rubber. GOLD! Watermelon (West african based fruit) Diamonds, Silver, palm oil, Okra the list goes on.
You didn't have the infrastructure or technology to harvest any of that. And when the colonial powers pulled out, you let the machines fall into disrepair and continued to not harvest anything.
>Yeah I know there are MANY problems with western blakcs hwo are not GIVEN the chance to educate themselves properly because you guys purposely put us in ghettos
If you replace blacks with whites, this is literally how Australia was founded.
> You guys just think all of us are the same. WE are not.
You are on aggregate. If I take 50000 blacks and dump them in a city, you get Detroit. You get Chicago. You get Baltimore. If you dump them on land outside of America, you get Sierra Leone, you get Haiti, you get Liberia.
The individual is meaningless. When grouped you always form the same thing, without fail.
a cutoff ruger 10/22
No one would agree to repatriate all their fellow Africans, not even Garvey. They wanted their race to return home, but they wanted to leave all the dumb/lowIQ/undesirable Africans in America. Even the Black Repatriation movement was accepting of the fact that they couldn't take most of their own people.
Ok you guys have used these resources for hundreds of years to fuel your civilizations. Chocolate and tires and pots aren't made from magic you know.
That is only because Europe lost its Christian ways. There is nothing more "woke" in Islam than in Christianity.
Nah that's just leftypol raids. Niggers are too lazy to do anything like that.
>The individual is meaningless. When grouped you always form the same thing, without fail.
blame white people more; it's worked for your kind in the past.
Yeah I like you too even if we don’t agree on the best way forward, being good people for otherwise retarded nations makes unique.
Just today I was confronted by an openly gay leaf poster sometimes I silently hope you guys are tricksters and I simply don’t get the jokes
Also saw a weak willed betamale germanflag, so the national pol stereotypes just keep on repeating ad Infinitum
The "muh dik" argument is a laughably overused one. It's mostly a socially-indoctrinated colloquialism that isn't rooted in biology, and requires very little rational intellect to use in an argument. And most who fall back onto this argument fail to see the irony of using it.
Not really. most of the post here are bullshit. If anything it reminds me how racist whites are and to never forget it. You'll hate us regardless so what's the point?
It's still working. I love blaming white people. And just remember, just when it seems like it's dying down is when I'll be ready to pounce.
>implying the African colonies were the source of european wealth and power
That's why France and England, the two largest colonial empires, got 1v2 raped back to back by nocolonies Germany.
If you're educated then you're not a nigger anymore.