You Rage You Lose
Also Sup Forums do you have that one webm where Nazi Germany is falling and degeneracy begins?
You Rage You Lose
Also Sup Forums do you have that one webm where Nazi Germany is falling and degeneracy begins?
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disgusting piercing slut btfo
asking for it baka
I used to feel bad for swedes and other euros getting enriched, but now I just feel lulz because chances are these people voted for this shit to happen.
Says the fucking leaf
Even french people mock you, and your shitty accent
French """people""" are swarthy mutts, get your head out of your ass
Look, another leaf
You fucking vegetal scum
>she voted for this
We use swarthy french fucks here to pick tobacco with the niggers
Subhuman frog
>I only know one english insult even though I'm a royal arse-licker for the Commonwealth
Top zozzle
lol what a guy. almost makes you think this is a world wide practical joke.
This is real
While our president calls out the jew, your PM has a curry-flavoured wankfest in the designated shitting street, and he's autistic enough to make INDIANS, pardon my french, cringe.
What a pathetic excuse for a country
Don't. They chose this fate, they deserve nothing less. Every and each one of them.
Watch out for that truck.
They dont miss a beat
the right one is a fake article, but it's very funny nonetheless
>mocked by the French
Oh my how will we ever recover D:
In Europe is it true that the court of law over there is ' guilty until proven innocent' unlike America where it's the opposite
I've heard that 2nd one is fake. But to lazy to check.
Arn't you people french too?
They're to french people as amerimutts are to pureblood europeans
>la créature...
Burn the coal
I'm glad macron had bigger balls than he let on
>brought to you by our alpha patrons
I made it this far. The hell I would bring to these people and their communities if anything like this happened to my child would scare even the devil.
In northern Europe they give lolis away for free
Why would I be mad? Guarantee she voted for this
How far can you get
Portland fag here. This is untrue. I'm not saying I mind but almost all gangs here are white supremacist or at least mongols. Portland is a garbage city that deserves no respect, but it is not because of organized racial minorities.
Long distance calling cost a fortune. Phone lines cost a fortune. How was that better?
Thanks, good to know
But that's right
You dumbfuck
> implying there was a vote
this is fake
but what isn't fake is, that he went to prison for only 4 years.
this is a joke
2 is fake
This can't be real
>pardon my french
Nice sensible chuckle there before I go to sleep. Thanks fellow Euro cuck.
I would be more outraged if I wasn't 100% certain she was an aid worker who was helping Syrian migrants and had previously expressed pro-immigrant sentiment.
>asian men
Th-this is fake. this must be fake
there's no way
No, it's
>Nazis: Let's create a homeland.
>Antifa: No, we're genociding you.
>Centrist: I'm better than you are!
that's a good thing. more gay cars, less mudslimes policing the streets
How do men allow this to happen to their children? My father would never have allowed it to happen to us and I certainly wouldn't allow it to happen to my children.
Come on burger Canadian history/geography isn't hard
I fixed that for you
The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.
According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.
There were 27 lightning deaths in 2015.
So tell me another one, faggot
I make sure to go up to every non white person I meet and ask if they're the help.
>bull of three years
For some reason, this part always kills me.
honestly do Swedish police even track kidnappings anymore?
America with it's perfect civil law system. fuck off.
Except we've managed to keep a more pure French. My father speaks a 17th century dialect that you've lost.
Jesus Christ this going to be very difficult.
Hopefully the faggots who voted for Justin Castro suffer the same fate as eurocucks
ever heard of single mothers?
They keep claiming the right one is fake, but they never present any evidence.
Well, they are somewhat in the right track but lack focus. Just think about this: what if in most basic industries (like the ones that make medicines so people don't die and stuff) no one was made rich? Not saying that it should be free, but just that no motherfucker gets filthy rich with things like food or medicine. Can you really imagine what it would be like?
you're calling yourself more French than... actual French people? I wouldn't call amish people German. cultures change with time people change with time. Amerimutts stay amerimutts
So, an inferior tainted dialect
She probably killed herself when she remembered sitting on the streets with a welcome refugees sign with her girls and discussing which migrants have the big dicks as they walked down the streets 2 years ago
I always loose this.
But you know what, Finland? You've just lost The Game