Yo wtf my dudes....
Is Toronto waking up?
This was on my walk home from work through downtown on Front street by the convention centre. This is a YUUGE location and will get all cityfolk and outta towners seeing this billboard on their way home.
Yo wtf my dudes....
Is Toronto waking up?
This was on my walk home from work through downtown on Front street by the convention centre. This is a YUUGE location and will get all cityfolk and outta towners seeing this billboard on their way home.
Fixed the lighting and rotation (hopefully)
Let me guess, the bitch is a Jew.
dont worry
the russians got this
Stop writing like you have enough melanin to rightfully be called a nigger......
Plus you fucked up the photo.
>OP is a faggot as usual
(((No))) way!
>wtf my dudes
The term you were looking for was
>white trash
awesome billboard desu.
Trudeau will win again
Nah, white trash have our own slang. OP is nigger tier.
Canadian politics is boring. Just tell me who to vote for and when, I want the borders closed to non-whites and as close to Trump in charge as we can get
No Gayronto is a shithole and always will be.
T. Torontofag
Canada has nothing close to Trump. Still, vote conservative.
No she's a lesbian who cucked her husband in the 70s
I was planning on posting right winged comics in heavy public areas for publicity any ideas
Don't remind me :( but I know friends etc here who are sick of Trudeau and are dying to vote for a Trump...alt right movement is having an effect on redpilling whites, they just won't say it out loud but we can see our communities getting taken over with burkas and the hate against us and shit.
We just need someone who steps up and can take the media/leftie attacks the way Trump can so we can throw our votes at them. We'll take literally anyone with a backbone against globalism.
My hope is that Trump fucking with our trade shit forces Trudeau to reveal what an incompetent negotiator and businessman he is and that wakes more people up.
So would posting rightwinged comics in areas like the subway contribute to that?
Is Pajeet or Trudeau going to win?
Anything helps just don't get caught. Comedy is a great way to get controversial ideas across. Just leave off the polarizing nigger Jew etc stuff. Focus on comics that expose the left's hypocrisy and anti-white bias and immigrant problems that we're all dealing with but won't say out loud. Exposing the left is just as good as promoting the right. But the normies will be scared off by too offensive a red pill. Gotta ease them into it
People like you are the reason Trudeau is in charge.
Exactly what I had planned in mind ty
I'm seeing Infowars stickers on newspaper dispensers and "It's okay to be white" posters on lights and electric poles all over the city, especially in downtown. What does the "alt right" mean by that?
t. immigrant fresh off Pearson
It means that it is okay to be white
I refuse to believe that this nation is as obsessed with race as its neighbor.
Well you will be shortly when your having your land and wealth redistributed to the fucking pakis.
I've been thinking of posters advertising a "Yazidi Sex Slave Auction, Saturday March xx. Location TBA by your local ISIS fighter. FREE PIZZA" or something similar. Start activating some almonds
That's the problem. Everyone here thinks they're the only ones. As gay as Spencer's little rallies are, they get enough public attention that Americans go "hey other people are thinking this stuff too hmmmm..." but Canada is still people thinking they're the only ones.
Just look at the number of views any episode of any show that hosts Jordan Peterson on it gets. They're consistently astronomically high view counts. But no one will say it in public yet because there's no Canadian trump to turn it into reality yet
well, she does look like orville redenbaucher's butch twin