Many normies and bluepills say if they had a time machine they would kill hitler.
What if Sup Forums had a time machine?
Many normies and bluepills say if they had a time machine they would kill hitler.
What if Sup Forums had a time machine?
Warn him about Jews
Tell Caeser not to trust Brutus or Cicero
kill all niggers
Cya Marx.
I’m going back in time to fuck Jane Morris. Pic related.
Then I’ll do something serious.
Blow up Lenin’s train while you’re at it.
I'm gonna go see if King Arthur was real. Jews keep saying he wasn't.
Michel Foucault.
Kill Muhammad.
Aussie is always on point, also nice digits.
I ate a pretty terrible tuna sandwich yesterday, so i'd probably go back and change that
First save Caesar,then tell Ferdinand to stay in Austria and execute Princip and finally tell Hitler to focus on building nukes.
95% of Jewish superiority and accomplishments are gone
Go back in time and rape all the female niggers coming out of Africa, so the entire human race is related to me.
Churchill's fat pig head is getting mounted on my wall.
Kill, don’t fuck. It had AIDS and spread AIDS.
>What if Sup Forums had a time machine?
Kill Churchill in 1933
Stop Japan from bombing Pearl Harbor
I would warn Charlemagne. Hitler was too late. Romans too degenerates.
Do not split you heritage. Kill all jews . Start a waffen SS program. Kill all non whites. History fixed.
So he didn't knew that jews are the problem? I would tell Bourbons and Stuarts to eliminate Parliaments when they had a chance.
This is a kill bread, not fuck bread.
go back in time to run against Pierre Trudeau so we don't become the meme we are today
>also cuck the ever loving fuck out of pierre and impregnate Margret
Definitely kill Hitler. He was a terrible leader.
I'd stage it so it looked like commies, that would give impetus for the west to look the other way or help Germany. Focus on fucking the USSR and with a real leader at the helm who didn't fire the greatest generals of the war because they told him things he didn't want to hear, Germany would steamroll the Soviets without wasting resources elsewhere. Hopefully this would also embolden the commies in France so they would rise up and then the UK and US would have to support Germany's purge of communism.
the French were always cucks
Yes lactatia. Yes.
If I had a time machine I would tell the founding fathers what happened and hope they could make the constitution more iron clad against legal bullshit.
Though I have to admit that my secret sin is that I am drawn to the NAZI iconography and pageantry. I wonder what it would be like to see NAZI Germany at it peak to experience it for real. I would totally be into checking out those castles that Himmler and Heydrich did all their secret shit in.
I would never admit this IRL, not to anyone.
stop the germans from unrestricted sub warfare in ww1
So who would be in charge of Germany then? If Strasser of Rohm, then they would crash the economy like soviets did, and purge old officer corpus for being reactionary, to the point that Germany would be defeted by Poland. Not a bad outcome btw.
Somebody already did that, he didn't listen
give him a book about ww2 and some tips and tricks.
and i would show him the "mein kampf" i have from my pawpaw and ask for a signature.
also tell him that stauffenberg should be shot immedialtly
I would prevent American intervention in ww1 so that Germany can actually win a war
kill engels before he meets marx
marx then wouldnt had money to publish his book and his idea would have been forgotten and he himself would end on the street and hate his life until he an heros.
La creaturá
actually not a bad plan. Could save alot of lives and bring about prosperity for Europe.
Kek. Preventing a nothingburger to happen ? What battle did they won that changed the war ? None.
No ww1 this way. One reich, one Emperor.
kill churchill during the second buren-war.
easier to cover up
Hello my distant relative.
I‘d steal all the gas masks after 1914.
Better off killingn that Rousseau faggot that started all of it
I would just find a way to tell hitler to not stop the armored assault on dunkirk. He would wipe out the majority of the british army and hopefully be able to divert troop to defend against commies on the east. Endgame is that nazi germany actually survives and becomes the last bastion of hope for the west.
I would be a time tourist. No need to kill people. Just chilling with the old folks
Go back to 0CE and start hunting christians down, they will know me as the Christian slayer.
I'd go back in time and kill the guy that invented time machines so no one else would come back and mess with me while I take over the world with my historical knowledge of financial markets and such.
i miss him so much bros
But then you wouldn't have a time machine.
but smart plan with the markets
travel to 1000000 years i to the future, steal a phone device and return to the present using the apps to conquer the world. Then establish a tecnochracy amd I would just watch.
kill Hitler, so that some other less extreme right wing party takes power in the 30s and doesn't ruin white nationalism for the next 70 years, maybe in could be a vanguard against the soviets and work with Poland, ww2 doesn't devastate Britain, we keep our empire
yous future medical technology to save Frederick III, he liberalises Germany and forums an alliance with Britain, they dominate Europe, we rule the waves and keep our empire.
This also inform him to go head and start killing them because they’re going to propgandize the whole situation anyways might as well roast some kikes while you’re at it.
I go tell myself how to not lose my fiance.
Well, we already know what happens if Hitler loses.... so let’s see what would happen if he won.
I'd tell him to actually have a Holocaust since he was going to be blamed for anyway
Convince Churchill to turn fascist / kill the Jewish puppeteers of Churchill.
You better be working out lonely user
I would go back and buy a shit ton of bitcoin in 2011.
Hodl that shit then sell it around Christmas 2017.
Really the only way I can see to get ahead without fucking up history back to the future II style.
Travel to the future
Travel back and give Octavius eternal life, then tell him to genocide the Hebrews to rule the new eternal Roman Empire
why not caesar?
Stop my parents from race mixing.
Find all the jews wandering in the desert and murder every last one of them
Because everyone hated him so it'd be harder to pull off
not bad
impregnating Hitler mother
She kinda looks like a tranny
Then northern italians would be new jews
I would go further back than Hitler.
Back to the Cretaceous Period right before le asteroid destroys dinosaurs and kidnap 1,000 baby T-rex's, 500 Spinosaurus's and 2,500 velociraptors give a taste for nigger blood then release them in Africa in 500 AD.
Come back to modern day and see if the dinosaurs were able to eat all the niggers. if it's not enough I'd go back in time and grab more dinosaurs.
Tell the first World Jewish Congress to to do the conspiracy for real, and not just become successful due to hard work.
If my plan works the dinosaurs will get rid of the niggers and also dinosaurs will exist in modern day! sure it may fuck up the ecosystem in Africa, but I'm willing to take the risk.
Oh gawd that IS a tranny
We'd probably just get a continent of lazy, useless dinosaurs with sting insisting we send cows over to help their famine
Let's see.
9th post best post
Each of those may prevent the others from ever happening.
Give Patton a copy of The Patton Papers and a copy of The International Jew well before the start of world war 2.
I would do something small...I would stop John Wilks Booth. So that after the civil war Lincoln would send most of the slaves back to Africa...
Can i bring back a history book and modern firearms? Maybe plans for modern-day circuit boards and my cellphone?
Or a niggerless land that is more of a challenge to conquer with the dinosaurs and no nogs to complain about le colonialism.
>What if Sup Forums had a time machine?
I'd kill Rothschild.
Then I'd go even further back and kill Adam & Eve.
"When this baby hits're gonna see some serious shit."
nuke the uk in the past
Why would killing dinosaurs be a challenge?
How would Patton been able to prevent anything?
It would be more challenging than killing niggers. a gun that can kill a nog might not have to power to penetrate the hide of a dinosaur.
You aren't exactly going to survive a velociraptor ambush with a muzzle loaded musket.
Would kill the divorcee cunt this lad married before he met her.
Just fly an A-10 over and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
Meet with the first Americans, give them scientific historical and technical knowledge, and squeeze my DNA up every corner of their genome, and when the white men show up they'll be taken down with artillery.
Tell him he's doing a good job.
...and give him a bunch of internet advice on how not to lose the war.
He'll kill himself before you even finish talking.
>implying hippies wouldn't. Dinosaur lives matter
>flying A-10
>in the 1800s colonial times
Then the colonial era would only begin in the modern day.
kill cromwell
Veloceraptors worked in small units. T-rex was largely solo. A company strength of men with cannon and muskets would have prevailed.
So you still think a nigger would be tougher to kill than a dinosaur?
Hate to break it you Hans, but you were losing irrespective of American intervention or not.
> be poltard
> get a time machine
> travel back to 1945 (exactly the moment that hitler cunt killed his doggo blondie)
> kick in his front butt for killing such a lovely doggo
> fuck eva braun
> get back in time machine before ss hangs you
> travela few hours more back (before the first meeting)
> take hitler with you (that entity doesn't know you fucked his gf)
> travel further back (maybe 1933)
> bring both hitler entities together and make sure the older one can teach the younger one everything he needs to know to win ww2
> kill old but gold hitler
> tell junior hitler there's no future for him if he makes the same mistakes again
> travel back in time to post on pol what you achieved for the white race
> you can't because you were gassed years before cause you're human trash posting on a vitnamese image board and your life never had any value
Yes, even niggers can form militias.
What if it just selected all the smart niggers who could hide from dinosaurs?
Now I can imagine them building dino resistant forts in the middle of the rainforest.
Now that I think of it, colonialism would be much more thrilling with carnivorous dinosaurs prowling through the land.
Fascism/Nazism is a closeted homosex acceptance movement.
Look at this picture. What feelings does it evoke in you? If it gives you feelings of "strength" then congrats, you are a fascist homosex with submissive tendencies akin to that of a woman who feels secure around a strong man.
All fascists are submissive and yearn to worship a strong man, they believe that worshipping this man and allowing him to shape their will gives their lives meaning and purpose -- this is inherently homosexual.
To the homosex'd pozzed fascist sympathizer, they can only derive their identity from worship of a man stronger than them.
Notice how gays love to LARP as Nazis? There is a reason for that.
The only heterosexual ideology on Sup Forums is LIBERTARIANISM