Literally the most disgusting thing of Summer 2017

I enjoyed her somewhat in the manga, the anime just fucked up any plot and character development there was.

will Ogura get more titty monsters in the future?

I liked the rest of the show, but damn Nene's tits are disgusting.

I would impregnate Nene so hard.

>not Astolfo

I dropped the anime because of his asshole friends, despite reading and liking the manga. They're barely in the latter and are pretty much relegated to background characters, so I've no idea why they gave them so much screen time in the anime.

>not liking boobs that are literally bigger than her body means you are gay

You know how having a little bit of salt makes food good? You know how having the right amount of sugar makes thing sweet?. Well this is adding a handful of salt or a bagful of sugar. It's too much. It's disgusting. It's gross.

That's shopped isn't it? This looks fucking retarded.

Nope, her tits really are that huge.

>And those annoying "friend" dudes shouldn't have been in the cast at all.
Yeah I agree. Mainly just the friend who likes loli. Objectively awful character.
If I wanted to watch a piece of shit around lolis I'd watch hentai.