You no longer need first or last names. Just a workplace address business name and a home address. Ezpz
Other urls found in this thread:
>just look for the house with 5 white dodge caravans parked out front
The house I reported a few months back had a 2001 mustang, a 2011 dodge ram, a broken ram, a Honda and one more I can't remember. 2 illigals with illigal firearms and 2 dreamer kids with two legal wives. I took moonshine and beer up there one night and got my info lmao. They since left after my roommate said there were alot of police up there while I was at work and a nice white couple moved in. I don't know what happened to them
Or you could just check out which schools have 50%+ students with "English as a second language" and then check their parents for valid residency.
Too many illegals are getting away by using false identity's
Exactly why names don't matter and ICE no longer requires it
Ice Ice Baby
gods work user
(too cold too cold)
I live in a twin home neighborhood and the people across the street, who've been our neighbors the entire time we've lived here, bought out the other side after the white family moved out, connected the two sides with an entryway through the common wall, connected the backyards and turned it into a shack city for a dozen different people to live in, while simultaneously housing a dozen between both sides of the lot. ALL of this is illegal to do and especially without proper permits and whatnot. We spent at least $15,000 building an addition to our home. They own at least 10 vehicles between the two of them and they're now parking across the street infront of my house in my fucking spot because they'd rather not use the entire 500meter long stretch of road on their side and their fucking corner of the neighborhood.
100% true story...
My mother lives in a retirement community. I live in th same state but about dirty five minutes away. The lawn service people broke her main line to the sewer or water or whatever. I don't know what it's called. Anyways, he showers and toilets backed up, big issue. I called root rooter to come out and take care of it and so they did. Cool guy too, war vet. I called the lawn service th next day asking they reimburse me for the roto rooter call and to pay to fix the main line break. Argued with them for a couple days and they finally send one of their Mexicans out to fix it. They wouldn't reimburse me for the roto rooter though. Wtf, you're admitting it's your fault by fixing the damn thing. Ok, no problem. Hop online to ICE and out in a complaint. Sure as shit, They were raided and lost about half their work force from my understanding. I hope they figured out it was me. Now their lawn crew is mostly white lol
are the renovations unsafe? this has RWSS all over it and century21.whatever have the same thing. I'm sure the liberals would LOVE to take out this info but people want to know how shitty the schools near their neighborhood are (and why). FYI the 20% gap between hispanics and English proficiency are Arabs (who are counted as white). At least (most) of these Arabs are Christians.
I can't say if they're unsafe, but I can't imagine they got permits from the city to do everything they did. I'm pretty damn sure you're legally not allowed to connect a twin home with the intention of occupying both sides of the lot, let alone housing a dozen presumably illegal people in plywood shacks built in the backyard which protrude over the fence. Everything about it fucking pisses me off because my grandpa's company built this neighborhood and it fucking sucks seeing my home since birth go to absolute shit because of how god damned crowded and brown this place is. I can't even find a fucking parking spot infront of my own home a lot of the time. I want to report these people but idk how and I'd probably feel guilty as fuck because white altruism
Thank you user!
Just doing my civil duty :)
I actually have more I've deported so far. Even where I used to work it's totaled in 7
Just fucking report them you pussy.
I did the same thing where I work. Out on the floor (I'm in the office) there are tons and I mean fucking tons of Mexican women. I knew for a fact one of these had to be illigal. Called ICE and they shut down shop for the last half of the day, go back to work and find out 3 had been removed by ICE. Don't know what happens to em from there and don't care. A black dude and 2 white women took their place. I'm happy
I gave you the website. Report!
report to ICE and local gov for code violations. report to fire marshall as well with concerns that its a fire hazard for adjoining properties
>white altruism
the time of white altruism has passed user
You're just mad that brown people are more resourceful than you. Permits? Really? Get fucked.
>Permits? Really? Get fucked.
Fuck you nigger, the insurance companies told us we had to take down our fucking mint tree house and if we have to pay fifteen grand for the paperwork to build one additional room so two brothers wouldn't have to bunk, those filthy fucking mexicans should have to pay for every single thing they skipped on in their effort to drive down the property value of a neighborhood built by my fucking blood's hands.
That’s a good strategy
>more resourceful
That’s a funny way to spell “ignored by law enforcement”
Holy shit another el cajon user?? Where are you at my man?
>There is a 80 percent chance you are not white
Doesn't matter without a wall. A decade ago when I was an idiot who was like "fuck borders and shit" I made friends with this Hispanic woman who was interested in my church. One day she was mysteriously gone. She got caught at an ICE raid at her work. 3 weeks later she was back. I asked her how she got back and you know what her reply was? "the same way as everyone else" with a grin and a shrug.
I'm right next to that school, between the homeless shitheads from the Trolley Station, the white shitheads getting free food from the Methodist Church, and the nigger shitheads at Renette Park section 8 housing.
I'm half hispanic but grew up middle class. So I look white, think white, feel white and act white but not really "white". Still whiter than most Californians.
Oh damn you are in the terrible area. That's the places I hate going to and not including the areas around Main st.
>I'm half hispanic but grew up middle class. So I look white, think white, feel white and act white but not really "white". Still whiter than most Californians.
I can agree to this statement since I am too. I'm actually going to go pick up my new ar15 from AO sword and am going to drive by that area to relook it over again since I'm on my way to Chase anyways. You should buy some guns before it's too late. I'm surprised El Cajon hasn't been any victims of attacks but I feel some kind of sense of division rising.
el cajon a shit
My gf works at an elementary school in a 30% mexican county. Shes talked a lot about illegals having their kids at the school. Has anyone ever reported an elementry school before?
who hurt you OP?
Yes. It work's.
Without being too specific where u at user? I can help.
Lewis County, Washington
There needs to be an infographic or a meme on how to report these Illegals.
it sucks being the only white family in the hood because I feel like it would be obvious as fuck who tipped ICE
Thanks. That should work!
Doesn't matter. Get a gun if you don't have one and report anyway. Don't let these pricks make you afraid as an American on American soil!!
Dude. I'm down by the beach, too.
How many fucking San Diego county anons are there? We could form a Freikorps.
If I hear of anything happen I make a thread.
Good deal
LOL this is why the lefties hate the right wing safety squads
Post results when it happens!
Ok anons I got a big problem. I live in NYC (Queens) and there is a location a few minutes away (major intersection) where illegal day laborers hang out every single day and wait to get picked up. I have reported this to ICE several times but they're still there so I assume nothing has been done. One ICE raid in a nice Saturday morning could EASILY net 100 illegals at this location (about 10 block stretch). How do I go about dealing with this? I know NYPD won't do shit because we're a faggoty sanctuary city. So the only hope is ICE.
How do you get legal right but consistently misspell illegal? Your dumbass should be deported before any illigal.
>if we have to pay fifteen grand
You do not, and you should not be angry at them for their choice.
It is your choice as a landowner as to what risks to take with your assets.
People like you are why we let women and niggers vote.
pol is too busy jerking off to trany porn
^THIS^ was what Proposition 187 (1994) was about. People were tired of paying all the bills (including schooling) for the illegals. The employers get the cheap labor but the citizens get stuck with all their bills, (including uninsured drivers). It was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by a faggot lefty judge and thrown out after it was passed.
And they wonder why Trump won.
That's "Shit Cajon" to you buddy, "West of the 5" douche.
I made this pic after I called the police to say a nigger was running down the street with my shop-vac (me with no shoes + underwear). They said "Is it an emergency?", and I said "He's not shooting people while stealing my shit", and they are like "OK, thanks, whatever, bye."