faggot should be put down just because of his gay ears.
Repeat after me, OP IS A FAGGOT
did he just time travel from 1886
>jew ears, wavy hair etc
>everyone that makes white people look bad is jewish
t. Sup Forums
It's too bad he didn't kill more black people
Everyone was specifically told not to be armed.
Guy is a faggot and I'm glad he's in jail.
Holy shit this. Must’ve gotten lost.
His bail is only 3k
Not a big deal
>hey you know what would make my unpopular movement look good?
>pointing a gun at legal protesters
>yeah that'll get the public on my side
let me guess he was defending himself.
MSU is a gun free campus. alt-right and spencer himself respect the law. this dude should've left his gun in the glove box.
Crisis actor. And that isn't a male. Sup Forums has become quite bad at spotting traps
For a sec I misread it & thought that was a pic of Richard spencer
CNN is a terrorist organization
It's employees are terrorists
It's true though. And it's done deliberately.
>points gun at libtards
>doesn't shoot
>nobody got hurt but a few feefees
anti gun fags btfo
i mean you gotta admit its often true
again, it will turn out that he was surrounded by a hostile crowd and pulled the gun to demonstrate he would not tolerate having his admittedly fucked up face stomped on.
storm in a teacup.
those who make white people look bad tend to be journalists
journalists tend to be jewish.
the logic is airtight.
maybe the cops should've protected him so he didn't have to threaten to legally defend himself against a bloodthirsty mob. You know, it really hurts antifa's image when they yell "look who you're defending!" at the police; defending them from what? Your peaceful attitudes and love filled political slogans? Then they act surprised when they get run up on by pistol wielding autists.
It's not though
The guy from Charlotsville wasn't jewish and neither is the guy in the Op
you're just desperate because your worldview is being challenged
Good for that guy. bet that btfo those antifa fags.
the guy is clearly white
t. Shlomo Shekelberg
Mean while black man who says he wants to kill all white people isn't charged with a hate crime
No chance he would hear you coming
"Hate crimes" are for fags. I get it he is racist too but crimes are crimes even if darkies do them.
my worldview isnt challenge one bit because some retard chimped out
White male terrorists do exist. However, if you include 9/11, the Arab terrorists still have a bigger body count, at least in the U.S.
Obvious Jew shill.
>didn't actually kill anybody
I think your Nogs, Muslims, and Commies have a far higher body count
The guy from Charlottesville WAS jewish
must be evolutionary mr trips
Nah, I can show you countless exceptions.
I'm on his side until given reason to disagree with his actions. We should stand by our brothers who put their real lives at risk for the white race and western society.
If that was an animal it would have to be put out of its misery.
Jews are not white
>Don’t be prepared to defend yourself.
whats the whole story? did he have a conceal carry and they attacked him so he brandished his gun in self defence? if not fuck that faggot
also antifa have pointed guns at civilians many times
Most Jews are white regardless. Look at any vid of a Ashkenazi Jew doing a 23andme and it comes up 100% European or close to it every time
Well damn his mom must be so proud.
I heard antifa was throwing rocks and shit
Repeat after me: You ain't seen nothin' yet
>white guy arrested in Detroit
i can see why it made the news
>Spotting Traps
>brown eyes
It's always the mutts
Not Jewish
I heard that, too.
>Everyone and thing I dont like is a terrorist
Why was he pointing the gun? How and when did the police get involved? I feel like there's a lot of information being deliberately ignored.
t. nigger
If you have to draw your pistol, then shoot to kill. History is written by the victors. “They attacked me, I was afraid for my life, I acted in self defense”.
hate crimes attract a higher sentence. you kill a black man because he broke into your house not so bad. you kill a black man because you hate blacks and you dont care who knows it, it's a "hate cime" and is automagically more srs
he's a qt uwu
What happened to Paul Rudd?
>jews are somehow white
Ha. That guy looks like such a typical /pol user!
Can't be, he's not brown enough