50 years ago, it was taboo to have pre-marital sex. Now, we have "proud sluts". 10 years ago, it was mainstream to be against gay marriage. Now it is taboo to be against it. Why are things speeding up?
Why is the rate of social change increasing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hmmm maybe something to do with crushing of the nuclear family, demonizing men,putting kids on a ton of mind altering drugs, and the general devaluation of human life that society has so happily embraced. Plebs
Things are speeding up because jews are getting scared. why do you think they staged a school shooting on the same day they staged a huge protest against guns at florida city hall?
trends, capitalism, interconnectivity, pop culture, media
{{{zog}}} of course. People are dumbed down by shit carb loaded food and fluoride water. Combined with mass media's stranglehold on culture, america is as you see it now. Also hormones and hormonal birth control in water causing girls to turn into thots at a young age and delaying mens physical development (of course diet and lack of outdoor activities is a huge factor). Also, the shift in cultural age of consent to 18+ is a huge culprit. Women should be married off by the age of 18 with the help of their parents to contributing men of society. Women should also not be incentivized to work, should not be given internet phones by their parents and should be married off before going to college.
It's just the nature of a feedback loop.
Because jews like Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, and Paul Goodman that despised the traditional family and started the sexual liberation movement.
Its not over yet, keep fit and our time will come.
maybe has something to do with OP's pic crushing my face with her thighs.
>ITT: Brainlets going "da joos" cause they're too brainlet to figure out that dramatic progress in means of communication = easier exchanging of ideas = faster social change
women are slutty because men are increasingly SOY and don't chase after pussy anymore
this is what collapse looks like.
You're on the tail end of the downward spire of western civilization.
>Fall of Rome 2.0
>the internet is to blame
>ITT: Brainlets going "da joos" cause they're too brainlet to figure out that dramatic progress in means of communication = easier exchanging of ideas = faster social change
>easier exchanging of ideas
Who created those ideas and caused them to spread faggot? feminisim, and sexual liberalism came long before the internet
Oh I guess its the faster communication paying the millions of dollars it takes to move entire countries of (((refugees))) to evil western countries. Yeah that must be it.
Sigmund Freud started it
basing your idea of what was normal back then on what post menopausal women are saying was normal back then today. they are lying because they no longer have a interest in sex.
things have not changed people have simply got older.
>Why are things speeding up?
The pendulum swings both ways
No. Amish girls are not acting this way. Why is that? It's because they are not going to ZOG schools of brainwashing and watching jew produced media and pop culture. Acting the way they are is not some random development. Woman are a PRODUCT of deliberate behavior modification, just as soyboys are. It's not some natural feedback bullshit.
Western society is in its death spiral.
Asians are remaining family orientated and moral. Jews are remaining family orientated and moral. Muslims are remaining family orientated and moral. Western whites, in the name of "progressiveness", has embraced total degeneracy and it is costing us our morality and our superior position in the world.
Thankfully some countries are calling a halt to the direction things are going, and I hope the pendulum swings harder than it ever has in history.
Look at the prominence of feminism pre and post the rise of the internet in the public and tell me that things like social media aren't partly responsible for radical feminism's spread. Think of the stereotypes we attribute to modern feminists and labels like SJW.
Without things like social media you wouldn't have people expressing support for immigration at such a huge scale.
Sluts and their dumb fucking phones trigger me so much. Wherever I go, every single cunt under 30 is glued to the screen, lost in an endless stream of likes and messages, they are training themselves to be social media junkies with 10 second attention spans. They will make horrible mothers and wives, if that's still on the table at all.
So it was the Jews.
Every fucking time.
Spiral Power
I seriously doubt you've read Reich OR Freud...
>"Started the sexual liberation movement".
Get fucked you absolute moron.
Yea, he did all the consumerism thing and "self serving" brainwashing.
>Torches of freedom
>initial inflation is the same as support of a past ideology.
Ok retard
You literally have not read a page of Freud, have you?
Hopefully full sexual freedom for all will be embraced soon, especially by right libertarians.
Fight back.
u mad leaf?
Nobody ever voted on gay marriage. That was a Supreme Court decision which decided that gays should be married. They could also do the same with pedophilia and make it legal overnight with a Supreme Court decision.
Liberals aren't born, they're made. Indoctrinated from childhood. Thry won't die off to low birth rates, they'll just steal your kids instead.
Here's her stupid head.
>Indoctrinated from childhood.
The internet is the new indoctrination machine, and its main engine is set on truth, destroying the left, 'memes' against communism, the next generation is far right.
>next gen is far right
Doesnt the pendulum swing, user?
it does, and always will.
So then wtf do we do? Our kids will be far right, our grandkids will be faggot?
Fuck she's hot.
She still won't sleep with any anons from here ever.
it's not always 1 generation, could be 10 generations in the pendulum swings back. Just keep spreading truth, the fight never ends
It really hasn’t, social change was massive from 1965-1980 and the. Stagnated
What we have now realistically is a very serious rightward change and extremist leftist nonsense as a reaction to the reaction.
You can tell the reality, despite the support for slutty women and that bullshit you see in colleges the actual numbers point to different stuff.
>lower sexual partner count
>age of virginity has gone up
>less teenage pregnancy
>less drug and alchohol abuse
>less crime
>less std’s
Etc etc, hard numbes show a society becoming more conservative while the arts are becoming more avant- gaurd and see how movies and traditional forms of art that are disjointed from the culture are failing.
Don’t let the acedemic and media convince you of things that aren’t happening, then people at slur walks and blue hairs dykes yelling at confederate statues are a tiny dying left wing gasp that has been collapsing for several years now
you wait watch learn and prepare
have white kids and teach them to be decent people, theyll figure the rest out
Once the dam bursts, all the water floods out.
>are a tiny dying left wing gasp that has been collapsing for several years now
it's what's happening out-of-frame that truely matters.
>lefty sluts wont fuck righty chads
Think again, lad.
Image name should be 'FutureSingleMom.jpg' js
You know, OP, they say "the devil is in the details," and I think they may be right. As we dig deeper into the quantum space we inhabit through scientific discovery, spiritual sojourn, and the accumulation of recorded and knowable human experience over linear time, we uncover the incredibly nuanced realities inherent in the first person experience. That which allows the the awareness to acknowledge the physical self and its relation to a fraction of available inputs, interpreted as senses.
Social change is accelerating because the internet is allowing people to vicariously experience the lives of near and distant others in near real time, permitting us to share and consume the individual experience in detail. New communities emerge, new spheres of influence circulate...quickly.
its simple
propaganda and subversion just works good
Technology. It's so easy now to spread information and reach millions at the click of a mouse.
The clothes make it look better than it actually is.
frankfurt school, social marxism women emancipation. When western states accepted to give freedom and emancipation to women they turned societies to homosexuality and forced effemination,
we are nearing the end of times
>propaganda and subversion just works good
it is working better and better. it took 50 years to normalize homos. It took
shes cute
Low self-esteem too, perfect
dude, there were proud sluts in the 50s. the 60s and 70s were the decades of orgies.
what past you referring too?
Read the KJV Bible, all you need to know is there.
Jews fully took over US media and academia by the 1960's, hence the "counter culture" revolution of the 60's and all the bullshit since.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
what the fuck. is this conspiracy nonsense or real?
Are all these girls under 18? WTF is wrong with you. Y'all are a hashtag on Sup Forums.
>50 years ago
Because prior to their victory in their WW1+WW2 the Zionists' target was the destruction of Europe.
Once (((they))) conquered Europe the Zionists could shift their battleground to the US. But the US couldn't be defeated militarily - so their attack became one of social subversion and demoralization.
The destruction of community caused by urbanisation. People moving into big cities where there is no communities, forgetting their roots and traditions. A city life style leads to normalization of social attitudes that would be impossible in rural parts. That's how secularization and counter-culture came abput, while rural areas are dying off due to the outsourcing of jobs.
>Woman are a PRODUCT of deliberate behavior modification
People should learn about how Hollywood's PR campaigns got generations of women addicted to cigarettes, and how that same cabal programmed women to believe receiving a gift of a lump of common carbon was a requirement for allowing a man reproductive rights.
Do an image search for "white couple" to see this same brainwashing in action, this time programming white girls to believe being a "white couple" means having a black father for her children.
This user understands.
>fat knees
Would not bang
They had premarital sex, they just didn't flaunt it like they do today.
Because people are getting more and more sheeplike from social media and pop CULTure. No one can form their own opinions with the jews telling them how to think.
Things are not speeding up, they never did, you're just solely paying attention to the Cartoon News Network and friends. I'll bet you think that Fox News is a good thing. It isn't, its still a bunch of globalist propaganda. about 99% of what you read is propaganda and I would imagine that even more than that is since OP is from Italy.
>tight clothes
my dick is confused
It seems theres more?
Gross legs. Looks likely to go to fat real soon. Stay away user.
How can there be any doubt.
Post the webm
she's really cute op. whats her ig
Same girl, different hair?
one more
This is my sister plz delete, she upset about them
it is true, I am sister. delet now
>tfw tolerance happens