this is a Swedish prison cell
Nordic penitentiary system has the lower rate of recidivism in the world and best rehabilitation
really makes you think...
this is a Swedish prison cell
Nordic penitentiary system has the lower rate of recidivism in the world and best rehabilitation
really makes you think...
this one has not been decorated yet.
niggers would spread shit all over everything and start it on fire
I always figure Swedish prisons have low re-incarceration rates because their inmates have the tendency to blow themselves up in the name of Islam shortly after release
there are plenty of niggers in Sweden and you know that
wtf i love prison now. seriously though. we've got homeless folks committing petty crimes just to get INTO prison. we need a paradigm shift.
taxpayers' money
just send them back to africa
But it have the highest sucide rates cuz the isolation
WHOAH there, bathroom isn't a separate room?
0/10, wouldn't go to jail.
And it's on fire.
Sweden is having a problem with machine gun and grenade crime due to all the gang violence and gang controlled territories. Massive rape rates too.
where's the punishment? prison is about punishing those who break the law. this looks like a weekend getaway
Yeah, and it totally gives righteous justice to families of crime victims.
>"Ma'am, don't worry, we already got that sick bastard that repeatedly raped and then murdered your 13 yo daughter and we will put him in a hotel for 10 years, and then set him free, that will teach him!"
Sure it may work, but it has nothing to do with justice.
do they get internet?
What is with the purple lights? It looks like a shitty nightclub. But it’s a prison? I might just go to Sweden and get incarcerated for a few years. It would be nice to save on rent for a while.
Still our most dangerous city Malmö has a lower homicide rate than your national average. Hmm...
they usually have an xbox as well..
no they should resocialize so they won't commit crimes again in the futurel
if you hit a bad dog with a stick it will only become more angry
These are homogeneous society prisons. Once they start getting non-homogeneous prisoners I promise you this will all change. You dutch are about to find that out as well very soon.
Eurofags have never had to deal with that kind of situation beforehand, but I promise you things dont play out so easily in those kinds of situations.
>prison is about punishing those who break the law
This entire line of thinking is backwards and represents a major flaw in our justice system.
the reason why Swedish prisons have low recidivism rates is because they deport their prisoners before sending them to prison in the first place. you know how many people from Eastern Europe/Balkans go to Sweden, Norway, etc. to steal and rob shit, and when they get caught they get kicked out of the country, only to return a few months later. Many a times they won't even prosecute them because you need to hire a translator and provide them an attorney (if you speak the language you get a free attorney only for most serious cases or so I heard) essentially making it more costly to process them than to just let them loose
Noaw I get it. Swedes make all prisoners homos.
these people don't know about flatpack rights in Sweden
Comparing a place the size of my back yard to the us is really fucking retarded, but I'd like to think you know better and are playing dumb
> It looks like a shitty nightclub
You can rent out Alcatraz for private parties (for millionaires only) That's exactly what they turn it into. They put the bar in the shower room. It's kinda cool.
t. not a millionaire, just a lighting tech
For the most part, no, but Breivik has shit like gaming console, library and dedicated chess players to entartain him.
I bet recidivism was lower in the gulags.
That is where Sweden will keep all of its white males.
sho ne spavash braca
>Swedish jails
>picture of Denmark
gotta love that mutt education system
Give it some time to catch up with the rape rates, which are more than double America's.
Would let you fuck me in that faggy place tbqh
only possible with whites. who statisticly have the lowest re-incarceration rates anyway. Ferel criminal niggers would destroy that within minutes
Literally a feminist prison.
It actually makes sense, they'll never want to leave that room and they'll eventually become lazy NEETS too lazy to commit future crimes, you'll have to pay for their welfare when they get out though.
> No Internet
So no loli hentai? Sounds like shit
>machine guns and grenades
Found the old cold war caches?
>this is a swedish prison cell
no it isn't retard, that's literally Anders Breivik's cell.
is 15 seconds of googling too much for you to handle?
Could you imagine living in there for the rest of your life? It's fine coz you got a wooden shelf, an adjustable lamp and a guitar?
Your national average homicide rate is more than double that of Malmö. Do you even understand what I'm saying here? You say Sweden is on fire, well then your country is huge infernal firestorm.
>things are ideal in the aryan/nordic homeland
You don't say
It's a hotel, you retards. And it's in The Netherlands.
>Ferel criminal niggers would destroy that within minutes
Confirmed with the dubz, it's real.
They also get a TV. The bed does look a bit small though. At least you get two pillows.
Cuck prison
The point is they are tiny European countries that don't have to deal with same thing the US does, shit for brains. Odd i have explain this. Also, not an argument.
Does the hotel amenities include one of those cute blonde children with every stay?
So that pic is a shitty hotel LARPing as a prison, but OP is a prison right? I thought it was in Norway though.
>guy in next cell constantly playing (shitty) loud guitar
>fashion a shank from metal bolts in my deskchair
The main idiocy is that whoever made that picture literally called Denmark socialist. None of the Scandinavian countries have ever been socialist.
Well, few Danes I met claimed that they have Communism in their country, so...
So what you're saying is... Go to Sweden, Mass crime spree, get comfy neet life forever in 'prison'
>Same place that runs your economy
This can't be her child. As a parent I have never looked that happy around my daughter.
>white countires can rehabilitate offenders
>why cant america, bro?
This is something you rehab-fags never understand: I don't care if it works or not. If you commit a crime, you have negatively impacted society and I want society to negatively impact you. I'm not going to be so foolish as to pretend I'm above human traits like the desire for revenge.
Thought experiment. A man walks in on his wife cheating on him. He walks out of the room, buys a gun, and shoots her. It wasn't murder in a blind rage, it was long enough that it was premeditated. He had a completely clean criminal record, he's a productive member of society, and you're almost certain he would never do such a thing again. He's effectively rehabilitated without ever serving a day. Do you let him go, or do you punish him?
The other way around, prison turned into a hotel. Then again, a prison kind of is a hotel, but with terrible standards.
>they are tiny European countries that don't have to deal with same thing the US does
>don't have to deal with same thing the US does
>same thing the US does
Oh you mean turn the judicial system into a prison-industrial complex where people are imprisoned for profit, coincidentally ending up with the largest inmate population in the entire world?
well you get plenty of neet bucks outside prison,so you can easily live a similar life, or even better
Prison is not to meant to reform, it is a storage facility for the state to store their asset. It is meant to make the offender face penitence for their crime whether they admit to the offence or not. Any reforming that takes place is in that prisoners mind, a shit stain can't clean itself off dirty undies.
>ending up with the largest inmate population in the entire world?
Well they refuse to go back to Africa do what is a nigger supposed to do?
>12% black compared to something like 2% black
I'd let him go, he deserved to get that shot in.
Besides, what kind of fucking moron wants to torture prisoners, make them more violent and more likely to offend, and then release them back into the same society you're a part of?
somalians in Sweden are classified as white for PC reasons.
only if you are like turbo black you are classified as such
As a fellow ameribo, we all can agree the prison system is fucked. They need to make the fuckers work. Have a collar out of the movie Saw and make them produce shit. If they try to act like a nigger, shock them. 3 strikes and the collar cuts their head off. Problem solved in about a year.
Oh, shut the fuck up with your whining.
Europeans are such bitchy faggots.
lmao it would be so easy to commit suicide in those
Getting sent to prison is the punishment.
Do you think that the high incidence of cucking in Sweden is what explains the low murder rates? Should we all embrace cucking more so as to reduce our aggressions?
This could all be solved by taking out violent criminals and sending them all to the middle east.
>He had a completely clean criminal record, he's a productive member of society, and you're almost certain he would never do such a thing again. He's effectively rehabilitated without ever serving a day. Do you let him go, or do you punish him?
By your own reasoning
>This is something you rehab-fags never understand: I don't care if it works or not. If you commit a crime, you have negatively impacted society and I want society to negatively impact you.
that's voluntary manslaughter, so he should end up with the "felon" label for the rest of his life and not being able to get a decent job ever. Welcome to America.
>Nordic penitentiary system has the lower rate of recidivism in the world and best rehabilitation
It's not because of the way your jails are. It's because Nordics are white and more receptive to rehabilitation.
finally user that gets it. it is not even about revenge, but about sense of moral justice. Someone commited a crime, you want him to pay equal price for the thing he done, not go on a fucking vacation and be told that it was not his fault, but the "muh society failed you" bullshit talk from psychoanalysist
The overwhelming majority of prisoners are not violent, though. Not when they go in, anyway.
>The American retard is immune to facts about his country
>a city has lower murder rate than an entire nation
WAOW swedish intellectuals guys
So I guess we just let a murderer get off scot free then.
>special pleading
The recidivism rate after execution is pretty much zero. (Just putting it out there.)
Did you have a stroke or something? You're not making any sense.
This has a lot to do with most prison systems being communal. You just can't put that many diverse people from so many different backgrounds in one spot. Cells need to be 1 person only, and everyone needs to be isolated as much as possible. Otherwise they bleed their lives and habits onto each other. Good people get ruined. Bad people just get worse.
You're the one who isn't making any sense.
>I pay $4000 a month for an apartment in New York City that doesn't even look as good as a Swedish Prison
Swedish prisons are much nicer
You aren't making sense
In fact you type like you have downs.
t. never had a bad dog
Looks better than my apartment.
I bet the square footage is better at $4k a month though. What are you doing in Jew York anyhow?
No meaning they don't deal with packs of nigger gang bangers... are you really not aware of this?
Sweden invites in record amounts of migrants tho, far more than the US proportional to their population. Your argument makes no sense, mutt.
>the European thinks he knows shit about shit
Kid, the reason Americans don't know about you is simple: You don't matter.
Get back to your impotent seething. I'm not going to waste any more time on you.
Saved that pic btw.
t. russian hacker
If I told you it would narrow my identity to a few hundred people which is a little too close for comfort. I can say I'm getting a masters in a useless field and racking up debts I'll never pay back.
I hate it here.
At least the yard is appropriately depressing.
I'm well aware of what happens when niggers are being niggers. It's just that blaming demographics alone is not exactly a smart approach as there are other blatantly obvious systemic issues at play as well.
> He had a completely clean criminal record, he's a productive member of society, and you're almost certain he would never do such a thing again.
none of these facts are congruent with someone committing pre-meditated murder. There is no way for us to know that he is only willing to kill his spouse for cheating on him and not another person who slighted him in some way, thus society has an interest in keeping this person inprison 1) to separate them from the rest of us for safety while 2) determining through psychological evaluation his mental state and capabilities and 3) either we find he was not insane which results in putting him in prison because we DON'T KNOW he won't again make the decision, of his own free will, to kill a person or we find out he was insane in which case he has no/little control over his actions and for his sake and the sake of the rest of us we remove him to prison. This all happens before rehabilitation is even considered.
>Kid, the reason Americans don't know about you is simple: You don't matter.
>Get back to your impotent seething. I'm not going to waste any more time on you.
>Saved that pic btw.
2001 Eurofag. Did you forget Frau Merkel flooded you Eurofags with migrants in the past few years? Did that airport bombing hurt your memory Dutchfag?
I dont necessarily hate you Eurofags, I wish you all the best. But you fuckers shat on America for years about crime etc., but you now are going to deal with the consequences of your actions.
And dont worry, because you know just as well as anyone that America will be the only country to help you Eurofags out when shit gets bad.