Why the fuck isn't there a thread on this? The pigs ambushed /ourguys/ again.
>Spencer speaking at liberal college
>hundreds of antifa protesting
>roughly 50 of the speech attendees begin walking towards the hall led by Conte
>police refuse to protect them, fistfights ensue and antifa pelts them with rocks
>only rightwingers are arrested, none of them can enter the building and attend the speech
>Conte moves to speak with police commander
>officer attacks him and they throw him in jail
BREAKING: Spencer Lieutenant and Future Alt-Right Strongman Greg Conte Arrested
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Excellent digits
Bump for free speech
So once again nothing good for whites comes from Spencer's speech. Instead, white people are made to look like gun crazy violent assholes. This guy was prbly a Jew too. Watch.
I don’t get why the alt right is so small. They have ideals I’m sure many Americans share, is it stigma?
Kys shill.
>Why the fuck isn't there a thread on this?
because this isn't reddit, go LARP there. the alt-right isn't real
look at the response
Attending these events is essentially consent to be doxxed, fired, socially ostracized, and fought/arrested
We live in the dystopic hellscape we thought was only in books
>people actually think spencer has these events to show the power of the alt-right
Spencer has these events because it makes leftist chimp out.
cover blown bucko
no one cares about your honeypot, fuck off
>literally join the antifags
>get pelt by rocks
i hope it was worth it
White people do not organize. That is one thing jews are good at. That's how you know there is a jewish hand behind antifa. They are to well organized an active not to be jewish.
1- Because many keep sperging on about da joos and 1488, doing shit like saying anyone who's not racially white shouldn't be allowed to join them and whatnot. Even people who would qualify to join don't want to because of that, lesser of two evils, though it's a very hard distinction at this point.
2- Because the world is leftarded and thus if you associate with that shit in any way, you can kiss your livelihood goodbye forever.
White people organizing is some how racist.
Because every alt-right event gets violently disrupted (sometimes by the police) and getting photographed at one of them will get you fired from your job/blacklisted.
Tbh, as much as everyone shits on IE I understand their approach - it's impossible to build up social capital if everyone with our views gets doxxed and reduced to menial employment. That said, people are too hard on TWP and Patriot Front (which imo is the best group working today). The police don't give a fuck about us - we need brawler types to defend our normal supporters. The media will never portray us well, but at least antifa who decide to attack us will think twice the next time. I criticized Heimbach as much as anyone before today but I'm not going to take shots from the cheap seats at someone who is putting himself on the line to protect "normie" alt-right members.
I wish that leaders in the alt-right would accept that their groups aren't for everyone and not attack people for taking a variety of approaches. A working class guy from West Virginia with a criminal record and Nazi tats might not be a good fit for a normie-friendly group, but they can still help and we shouldn't stop them from helping. Our goal should be to totally desensitize the white public from the word "Nazi." They're going to call us it anyway. If a Nazi has my back, I'm going to have his.
The biggest thing to remember when viewing media coverage of us is that they will never portray us fairly. Most white men I talk to, even if they aren't far-right, are aware of this and the ridiculous coverage of events like Charlottesville only make them angry.
Should we start a kickstarter to pay his bail?
Looks like a decent lad desu.
Why the fuck does pol care about these idiots, anyone?
I dont. I just want to see Antifa get its shit pushed in again. The Battle of Berkely still brings joy to my withered husk of a heart.
Reminder: niggers and faggots do not get treated like this
>create controlled opposition
>tear down said opposition to in an attempt to demoralize whites
Silent Majority. how many white middle class people are willing to risk their careers by attending an event that is guaranteed to have the media and antifa attacking everyone attending?
This is good shit
Finally it will grind it into some of you moron's heads that the pigs are not your friends
Too many of you still operate with this Barney Fife mentality
Your first point is utter shite. The second is bang on.
it was a trap from the very begining.
Good post. I think a lot of people still hold the baggage from their Jewish programming. Sure leaders in the alt-right or far right aren't perfect, but they're what we have. Media coverage will always be negative no matter what.
False flag
>Conte and a group of agent provocateurs
False. These guys have CIA handlers. Its all a false flag. Get fucked OP. No one is falling for this shit.
Why won't someone protect these poor people who just want any non-white folks to die?!? I thought this was America?!?!
>I don’t get why the alt right is so small. They have ideals I’m sure many Americans share, is it stigma?
You look like a bunch of fucking clowns. Every alt-right event looks like a middle-management meeting.
>White people are not allowed to "organize" anymore
>it must be because jews actually were kangz and sheet fellow goyim never mind history
>That is one thing jews are good at.
>agitating poor retards and throwing pennies at them to make them chimp out in public and attack civilized humans and sow chaos
Did you not see the protest footage? There were three ANTIFA members dressed like actual circus clowns.
>I don’t get why the alt right is so small. They have ideals I’m sure many Americans share, is it stigma?
It's mostly because their leaders are so incredibly punchable.
>want any non-white folks to die
Yes, but that's still better than having less personality than stale bread. It's the eternal issue of white people trying to do anything. White people can't get over how absolutely fucking boring they are. That's why they're losing the culture war. You may as well rename the Alt-Right to be Grandma's Special Boys.
Spencer is a fucking fed and everyone knows it. Michigan has militias, we don't need faggot Alt Right celebs.
He is a Jew. They all are.
Do you like having a public life and a career? Only those who are brave or with nothing to lose attend these things.
Why no mass shootings at these events?
Technically this is a violation of the First Amendment. Exercising free speech and right to assemble should not result in a termination from employment.
I'd sue the shit out of the employer and the government if it happened to me.
>learned nothing from Charlottesville
Spencer is just doing this to be defiant at this point. If you're speaking in a liberal town, the police will do everything they can to make your visit hell. You don't get to cry about fairness. That era is over.
The police will beat you up and let antifa throw shit bottles at you and you'll be painted as the aggressor for the rest of history. And there will be no justice. No redemption will come. History will not vindicate you because no one will ever hear your side because we're in a post-fact era. Stop subjecting yourself to this and do something useful. You aren't Milo, normies aren't going to defend you.
michigander here
people may not like their message, but they have a right in this country to say their message without physical reprieval. Hell, antifa can protest it all they want, but the moment shit goes flying around and punches go, then someone is breaking the law.
Hell, the fucking Klan does a thing here every year, i never hear dick about it. But some guy wants to talk, OH SHIT NO CAN'T HAVE THAT!
Let this be a lesson to any bootlickers on here. The one thing blacks are right about is the cops.
>Technically this is a violation of the First Amendment.
Implying anyone cares about your amendments anymore in USA. I mean ok sure, YOU do. But people have shifted to a whole new level of ''If I don't agree with it I don't give a shit where it's written''.
Are you aware of this btw?
>Technically this is a violation of the First Amendment
You're one of those retards who thinks businesses can't ban you from their store either or refuse to stock your book on why Hitler was actually Jesus reborn.
The government isn't the one fucking up your career - random teens and college hipsters are. There is no such thing as a private citizen that can violate any of the constitution or it's amendments because they are all specifically about what the government can or cannot do. There is absolutely nothing you could sue someone over for "calling my work and saying I appeared at a racially charged event" unless your job fired you incorrectly in which case you still couldn't sue but would get severance. Maybe if you could prove you WERE NOT at the event then you could sue the person who claimed you were in order to ruin your employment, that's about it, and it would be small claims court.
Adolf Hitler Greater Israel Plan
>th-the federal government will protect us!
They only had to listen
Too extreme, most americans cant tell if the alt right are white nationalists or white supremacists but most people want nothing to do with that shit. White nationalists arent really bad people but they get grouped with white supremacists and skin heads and it fucks their reputation up.
We're it not for cops white people in their own countries could actually defend their homelands from racial aliens being forced on their communities by dealing with the traitorous politicians.
I wonder if they can plan more things like pic related other than events that end up like the next day of pic related
>So once again nothing good for whites comes from Spencer's speech.
The point is to show that Pro-whites have no free speech and freedom of assembly in the USA.
One example: Next time US diplomats complain about other countries, all the other countries now have to do, is point to how the USA are genociding white people, while they refuse Whitey the right to protest.
This a thousand times.
Yeah, businesses can do what they want - until a faggot walks through the door. Then you better bake that cake and do it with a smile on your face or else the government will ruin you.
You're just a coward.
I know, that's why it's sad.
Fear of doxing and social stigma. You can be a batshit crazy bug-eating freak who dresses as a clown and still not have the same level of social stigma as being branded a "racist".
because we aren't living in the Weimar republic yet where legitimate mass movements spring up
the us government is still too strong, the Weimar government is weak and in disarray
all you end up with antifa being used as an informal shock troops of local Democrat governments and anybody who dares to fight against them is locked up and arrested and ejected from society while antifa types burn entire towns the ground without stepping foot inside a jail cell
i give kudos to Spencer and twp and all other groups for willing to show up given the circumstances but unfortunately the conditions aren't right for this kind of mass organization, Greg Johnson writes about this
That was cringe as hell, though. They have no fucking idea how to organize or present themselves.
It annoys me. Because it would be so easy to win the fight they're stuck in. But I'm not going to help them, because if they can't figure it out for themselves they deserve what they'll get.
What the fuck are you on about shart butt? Read kevin macdonald. White people are more individualistic and just want to be left the fuck alone. They don't want to have to be organizing and running around in the street. Jews are agitators and activists by nature for some reason, especially ashkenazi jews. Just about every god damn organization, no matter what the cause is, if you scratch around a bit you will find a jew at the head of it.
i would stand by you and defend their rights, but i'm pretty sure the alt-right wouldn't stand by me if the roles where reversed, so they can go fuck themself.
>We live in the dystopic hellscape we thought was only in books
Whitey need to see it with their own eyes to believe it.
Shutting down free speech tend to make people more interested in what they are forbidden to hear, so these events are a win-win for pro-whites.
You're crazy. The torch march was great. The next day was the shit show.
>White people are more individualistic and just want to be left the fuck alone.
Incorrect. Stop pushing this. Stop believing this. We just don't want to be drawn into your shitty political movements when all you do is yell and look retarded and get in fights with other people who are yelling and looking retarded.
Whites would've died out if they were individualistic. They're not individualistic. They individualism is due to society breaking down. It's a symptom of a sickness. Not a virtue.
>no one cares about your honeypot, fuck off
You don't know what a honeypot is, do you?
Spencer have no org you can be a member of, so where is the honey-pot?
Haha btfo nazis
>They have ideals I’m sure many Americans share
Yeah, your average American is a closeted gay atheist who likes to WE WUZ the Roman Empire and likes to hear someone talk like an overacting villain in a comic book movie. Real wholesome all American stuff there.
we already know that, but there's not really anything that can be done about it. can't even defend yourself once they set you up for attack.
Torch march was aesthetic as fuck, fun as fuck to watch, and had some great fights, the next day however, no one could of predicted.
Isn't Individualism safe inside a Collectivist bubble?
>it would be so easy to win
No it wouldn't retard. The enemy controls the media and Hollywood and all of American culture and government. They will go to any lengths to stop a legitimate movement from springing up.
spencer needs to be retired as a honeypot. he's not relatable, his faux elitist shtick is grating because he looks irish and talks like a fag, and his constant "calculated misjudging" of situations that turn into publicity storms is obnoxious. if white people want more institutional power, they need to game the system, not expose it and rail against it, and stop following these e-celeb phonies.
spencer is controlled by the jews and op is a shill
Sweet we should look forward to the free press
>Whitey need to see it with their own eyes to believe it.
You're wrong, they see it all day, every day. They just think it's justified, some will change their minds when it's too late, and most will continue to think the same way to the bitter end.
>how come a country founded on classical liberal principles and minarchism isn't too keen on the idea of supporting groups associated with totalitarian fascism???
>because we aren't living in the Weimar republic yet where legitimate mass movements spring up
Events like these delegitimizes the anti-white regime, as they are forced to show that free speech is nothing but a joke, if you oppose the planned genocide of White people.
About 1% of the population actually has and cares about ideas. Everyone else follows a socially acceptable herd mentality to get along. Most whites are, consciously or otherwise, choosing death over social shame. It's genetic.
>A working class guy from West Virginia with a criminal record and Nazi tats might not be a good fit for a normie-friendly group, but they can still help and we shouldn't stop them from helping.
This x1000. Supporters can help in a myriad of ways, not everybody is supposed to be transcendental leader. Everybody has their role to play.
I doubt the guys in RAM are going to be redpilling the masses, but if there's an event on the West Coast they'll be there take care of antifa
>No it wouldn't retard.
Have a barbecue/chili con carnival instead of an angry mob.
>Instead, white people are made to look like gun crazy violent assholes.
They get portrayed that way no matter what retard, stop buying into the kike media narraive
You are posting some stupid CIAnigger meme.
Not everything what Juri says is true, as it's meant to demoralize you.
>reddirt spacing
GTFO my pol, newfags
Who the fuck is that? Old fag reference or something?
kill yourself
Spencer needs to figure a way to give a whole bunch of these speeches in rapid succession. They're spaced far apart too much. I feel he'd generate a much larger buzz and draw much bigger crowds if he spoke at a dozen or so locations over the course of a month.
go home soiboi
I don't have a political movement asshole
>They individualism
Fuck of ebonics nigger
That's a problem, the universities and police make it as difficult as possible to attend these events. And Spencer's lawyer resigned recently.
>sucker punch someone giving an interview
>take THAT Nazi we're not scared of you!
>They get portrayed that way no matter what retard,
Yes, and getting the media to lie about us is all a part of the plan.
We started out with 0 credibility, and now pro-whites are gaining credibility, while the media and the left are rapidly losing theirs.