So tell me pol, arent the Asians our natural brothers since they have such a royal culture as we do, have such developed and crowded cities as we do in Europe, wouldn't it be cute to have our 5 natural European but then we would have 1 cutey Eurasian In our Glorious European families ?
Is breeding with Asians degenerate?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes, for Asians it is very degenerate.
Nah it's ok. It's about culture and morals not race.
Nah it's not at all, as long as their skin is not too dark.
don't post my waifu on this filth of a board
yes asians are our natural brothers.
no, mixing with them and destroying both of our heritages doesn't make sense at all.
>another episode of setting Sup Forums straight on the most simple of things
Back to Canada Chang.
The only argument for this on here is their appearance.
Redpill: some people from other races can be attractive. That doesn’t justify destroying your own.
who is best hapa? somi or nancy?
The two races that are on top breed into something even more stable. It works with dogs so why would it not work with humans.
race mixing is ok, IN MODERATION!
Have you ever heard of the Faroe Islands? They belong to Denmark, but they're between them and Iceland. The population is entirely white, carrying nothing but Scandinavian and Celt genes.
The population is small, only 50,000. The population has a problem with emigration since young people leave to study/work abroad, mainly in Denmark. Since women are far more likely to settle abroad, this has left a deficit of females. To make up for it, Faroese men bring in brides from Asia, mainly Thailand and the Philippines.
The Asian wives make up the largest ethnic minority on the Faroe Islands, there's over 300 of them.
Now, these white men could have chosen wives from anywhere in the world, but why did they choose Asia?
The asians assimilate in greater numbers than our very own homegrown blacks.
No, it's the best path forward.
Unless the white dude is a very conscious, successful person, I'd advise against it.
I'm Korean, and I have 4 cousins born to 2 WMAF. 1 Aunt from both my dad and mom side. Both military men. They are 'successful' in that they had stable jobs and made enough to provide for their families, but obviously failed in more ways than one because all the hafu male cousins (3/4) are total, absolutely dysfunctional fuck-ups.
Even the sons born to my favorite aunt, who's not crazy, who's traditional and church-going, and her husband who I know to be a good-hearted, Christian, white military man, produced 2 losers, although one is due to bad health issue, the other is a god damn weeb.
The ones born to crazy aunt and child-molesting white are even worse. Their son had a child out of wed-lock with a coal-burning whore at the age of 20, and wasted 15 years of his life chasing after this low-quality woman, and is diabetic at the age of 30 and is almost morbidly obese.
They had so much potential as they were all smart and inherited white physiques, but due to bad, and maybe unconscious parenting of not being able to guide the males through a half-identity by instilling them with the strengths of both cultures, they were literally left to muddle through without any help. Now, I don't think this is solely due to the biracial nature of their parents relationship, as I believe whoever these white uncles married, their sons would've been just around the same. But I do believe that the biracial nature (old Korean parenting only a step up from nigger-tier, except they make you feel both extremes of emotions of love and hate that you become even more attached) was an added hurdle to life growing up and exacerbated it.
tl;dr: you and your wife better have your shit together and instill a strong sense of identity and pride of one or both cultures and instill in them confidence... Or you'll get total trainwrecks as kids.
The other argument is how serious they take their relationships. Apparently they take dating as preparation for marriage instead of compatibility and hedonism. Personally, I blame feminism for destroying Western women. Despite the lack of success of Chinese men dating White women. It's actually a failure in only dating Western White women. Apparently, they have massive success with East European women likely due to the emphasis on tradition on both sides. For example, Ukrainian women seek Chinese guys, especially in night clubs. However, it makes sense since East European women tend to be pretty easy. These sort of things really emphasize the degeneracy of Western women and shows why white men are seeking the more traditional orientated Asian women.
It's only going to destroy Western heritage. They have too many people and too high reproduction capabilities based on strict traditional marriage guidelines for mixing to put a significant dent in their numbers.
My point with the Faroe Islands anecdote was that when white men can't find white women, they turn to Asian women. In the case of the Faroe Islands, there literally aren't enough women, they're physically not there, in the case of other Western countries, there are plenty of white women, but they're not "there" mentally because they're all awful.
No white women? Go Asian. No white women that are worth a shit? Go Asian.
if anyone is the "natural brothers" of whites it is arabs. they are basically tanned whites. chinks are a whole other breed not related to us at all.
Couldn’t be more wrong
Think again, faggot
have you guys ever bullied a hapa girl?
it looks fun...
Hapas are the best to breed with, children will be Caucasian at 3/4 at least, just look at Brandon Lee for example
sum ting wong here
Yes. That man settled for the only pussy he could find. Sad.
Why destory your bloodline for no fucking reason? Asian women have no advantages over white women other than "muh submissive" meme thats not even true. I can understand fucking black women since they have curves that 1% of white girls have but the yellow feaver meme makes no sense
it's called evolution, adapt to survive.
go back to china before i kill you ching chong
I'm White, Ahmed...
>children will be Caucasian at 3/4 at least
Brandon Lee was still visibly part Asian.
but what if I have opportunities to marry white women but find asian ones more attractive?
Not surprised she got bullied. /r/hapas says to raise your hapas in Asia, but based on how hapas get get harassed to no end over there one should wonder. Most of the bullying goes on in China, Korea, and Japan. Kids will call their mothers whore, say they are mutts, they will never be [Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.].
That being said, I don't think hapas come close to being as good looking as full bloods.
that's a tough one
it's fake
in moderation? like creating half a baby? STUPID
koreans are scum, they should be thankful they were blessed with white blood in a hapa girl. i dont see fit that we have to tolerate korean subhumans (because they are, Japan DEVELOPED EVERYTHING for them, the niggers of asia after the chinese... another subhuman race) everywhere around the world. do you know a single country without these filthy gooks?
everywhere they also demand tolerance, and they stink too. they arent any better than the other shitskin refugees, yet they have the nerve to reject superior blood when it goes into their country.
not that a girl with a bit of "whit" blood will make a difference in that shithole, but they should be honored to be able to breed with her
Dude you’re such a faggot haha
a show called SIXTEEN
This. Hating white women is a stale meme. Theres tons good white american women to meet if you're not an anti social shut in
Oy vey Hans. Better watch out. I hear the merkle copter coming to pick you up and put you in a gulag for your antisemitism.
Not whatever you just posted.
The West is infinitely better for raising halves, because even though they will be different, at least the West tries to treasure individuality, this way a half can craft an identity for themselves rather than be ostracized by default.
t. a half who went to Asia and nearly was murdered by chinks
On the one hand my waifu is a Jap cartoon but on the other hand chinks ruin everything.
Clearly the jews ruined Asia as well.
It is degenerate. Many niggas here are fucking weebs and they want wives that look like the chongers that they save on their computers. Or they think that their own women are sluts, 'blacked', or too uppity, so they go for Asians. Bunch of yellow fevered low self-esteem bitches. Also, Asians are not your brothers because of their similar culture. A bunch of African countries are similar in the ways you said about Asians and Europeans, but they're always in civil war with each other.
wonder what would happen if you included a half gf option
god that girl is actually really beautiful
t. roastie
if only all hapas would look like this
Better than not breeding at all, like 95% of Sup Forums posters.
lol this shit is a big circle. insecure white women are as mad as insecure white men because they both feel rejected by their own people. the fun never ends
Racemixing can work but only when combined with incest to balance out the genetic distances.
A Quapa daughter must be created from the Eurasian daughter
haha lol
the girl is cute though, I can see why the father could not resist the allure of his lost child
how romantic
From the racemixing perspective, the important aspect is that incest balances out the outbreeding depression
So you're saying it would be advantageous for fathers to bang their hot halfie daughters?
What about me, as a half who probably has outbreeding depression?