Ya cracker ass bitches been tryin' keep da niggas silent but ya'll fucked wif the wrong kinda nigga. I'm taking that knee for ya. I'm helping my brothas and sistas wif dis one. Ya'll can thank a nigga later. I'm a professional victim and it's a career that's getting a real nigga far. Ya fo fo ass white cis bitches be ass mad but ya'll know I'm a future American negro hero so ya'll can kiss my black ass. Take that knee boi. I'm takin' dat knee. Praise me boi because I'm fighting for negro rights like it be the 1960s boi. Keep a nigga at large.
Ya cracker ass bitches been tryin' keep da niggas silent but ya'll fucked wif the wrong kinda nigga...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Get a degree from a great school to be a doctor, probably didn't pay a cent
>Still find time to bitch about whitey
You know, I honestly feel the entire white race is going to get fed up with this bullshit and just stop capitulating to niggers. Even liberal ones, have to have a snapping point for the amount of bullshit they will put up with.
what exactly is a nigga? Define nigga for me if you can. It’s a positive term in the vernacular, correct?
Redpill: this is because they will suck at their jobs. The only reason health insurance exists, at the end of the day, is medical malpractice lawsuits.
(((They))) are trying to crash all markets to starve the population and then act as savior by allowing them to become slaves (no manual cars, taxes equivalent to wages earned)
This is why they are pushing diversity for low IQ races so hard in every country and occupation.
Even niggers don't want nigger doctors. Hence doctor's without borders
>White Graduates
"Alright we did it! Let's go make the world a better place!"
>Black Graduates
"We sure showed whitey! You mad white bois! LOL"
what is affirmative action
I'm sure they are aware that you have to graduate in-order to be a doctor.
where did they steal those matching jackets?
remember that whites were first to the moon nigger
Because a black persons put them there
If you go to a black doctor in the US your fucking dumb. Even my blue pilled ultra libshit bi sister in the medical field talks shit about affirmative action and specifically black doctors. Medicine is the ultimate red pill profession.
I do white doctors, orients that speak fluent English, spic doctors 50+ always seem to be pretty decent and funny. Poo doctors actually tend to be very good though.
you must be the same nigger who was hailing a fucking luxury mudhut while crackers were out there building global empires and digging canals in Panama and Suez
ABout to post this
Cunts actually believing this because of that shitfest fantasy film about the black women? Oh dear
Walks into new Doctors office. Sees doctor.
No thanks, I'll just die.
English Mother Fucker !!!
Do you speak it ?!!!
Boomers need to get off this board
>The absolute state of American medicine
Oh great 7 useless doctors
Sorry user, we need a population decline. These niggers are getting out of control.
These niggers didn't go through 8 years of medical school. You can tell by the attitude they have on life. A real doctor doesn't do this petty shit.
Africans cannot into society.
You can temporarily seize power from the male feminists of 2018, but you cannot improve or even maintain the stolen infrastructure.
Like Zimbabwe in decades past, like South Africa now and like America in the future, whatever you control will decay and fail, causing starvation and death among your people.
You need to be led - Otherwise you will perish.
watch this video, a black surgeon resident says "axe" instead of ask at around 17 seconds.
it doesn't matter how you dress up the monkey, he is still a monkey.