Hi everyone! It's time for another week of Santa Stuff! In regards to e-mails, anybody over the 100 bracket that has yet to be properly confirmed will be confirmed soon (along with a few other e-mails below that range but don't worry about it!). It just needs a little bit of time. Also, Santa Elf will be helping with a lot of the e-mails, but I'll still be going by to read most of them especially the few who want cookies! You can kinda tell who answers the e-mail by how it looks. Other than that, here a few notices to repeat!
**Cards are being restricted to 5 maximum **Cards now have a shipping type **Grinching now has a price bracket **Changes should be sent as a REPLY and NOT AS A NEW E-MAIL
Also, there's no group for getting grinched for cards, sorry! Someone new will be helping me with threads as well, so you'll maybe get a reply from them instead of me!
E-mail - sweetsecretsanta2017@gmail.com Next two posts will be the FAQ and Application guide!
The deadline this year is OCTOBER 28TH, 12:00 A.M. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME!! Thanks!
Christian Martin
Simply fill out the below form **(COPY/PASTE)** and send to * sweetsecretsanta2017@gmail.com * The more specific you are, the better. (Yes, Name/Country/Address is purposely repeated for card wishlist.)
Name: Country: FULL Address (Please look up how to correctly do this or your gift will get lost): Wishlist (Don’t be afraid to post links like MAL, or say you like a character or series. You can be as specific or as vague as you want here, this is ultimately to help the other Sup Forumsnon in selecting a gift for you. Please don't just put "Surprise me."):
Card Wishlist (This is what will be sent to everyone who gets assigned to send a card to you. Try to keep it relatively short; A favorite character or waifu/husbando, a couple of your favorite shows, etc.):
Ship Internationally/Nationally/Continentally? (I/N/C): If we cannot do National/Continental Shipping, will you do International?: Price Range (Select one, Delete others): - $0/Cards - $10-25 - $25-50 - $50-75 - $75-100 - $100-150 - $150+ Number of cards you want to send (Up to 5): Ship cards Internationally/Nationally/Continentally? (I/N/C):
[Grinched]Will you send a gift to someone who doesn't receive one?: What price bracket will you do it at?:
If you have specific instructions/needs/inquiries or general questions, please specify here:
=====END COPY/PASTE===== [TO SEND MULTIPLE GIFTS PLEASE FOLLOW THIS FORMAT, IF SENDING ONE, DO NOT USE] Example - "I want to send 3 gifts and cards. Two of them in $25-50. One in $50-75." You would format it like this:
Price Range (Select one, Delete others): - $0/Cards - $25-50 - 2 - $50-75 - 1 Number of cards you want to send: 4
If you want multiple wishlists per price range, simply send a new e-mail with ALL OF THE SAME INFORMATION, but a different price range selected, and a different wishlist.
Brayden Long
And last but not least a short FAQ as always! FAQ: >Q: What is Secret S/a/nta? A chance to give and receive gifts from other Sup Forumsnons locally, nationally, or even globally with a bit of X-mas spirit! >Q: Who is hosting this event? Your friendly hosts are SantaLoli and 2 new members (to be announced). SantaLoli ran it last year with santafaggot who retired! >Q: How do I join? You'll need to fill out the form as specific as possible when it's posted, sending it as an e-mail to us! >Q: Deadline to join? OCTOBER 28TH 12:00 AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME!!! Why? Because we need to match which takes to at maximum 1 week, and then every user needs to buy gifts, make cards and whatever else in order to ensure everything arrives on time! >Q: Why should I trust this? It's up to you! In the past we have had multiple successful Secret S/a/nta events hosted by us the past few years. The average on people not receiving gifts is very very low. We even have the grinch protection program which lets people send gifts to those who didn't receive anything at all, even after X-mas! >Q: Can I give you guys stuff? SantaLoli will accept stuff this year! Await a PO Box! Please don't think you owe us anything. We do this solely because we want to, and for all of you, not for recognition. Thanks.
>I ALREADY JOINED, HOW DO I FIX SOMETHING? A: If you need to make changes to your wishlist or address, or anything else: please RE-SEND the application with the changes made as a REPLY to your first e-mail! This means send the whole application! It's almost the same process as last year! Let us know too what changes were made.
Jason Taylor
>October what timezone is the northpole in anyway?
Gabriel Bell
It's time.
Nicholas Green
Time to start penny pinching for the month so I can afford a higher gift bracket to brighten an user's holiday
Lincoln Campbell
I won't be participating this year but I'd just like to say thanks for the work you put in to make every user's Christmas special!
Gavin Phillips
A bit late this weekend aren't we?
Don't know if I'll participate this year.
Jason Diaz
Robert Phillips
There's only 3 of them now unfortunately, and santafaggot retired RIP.