So if I can but an AR-15, why can't I buy a nuke? Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons, right?
So if I can but an AR-15, why can't I buy a nuke...
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Oh shit, I didn't realise that the second amendment was the only piece of gun legislation that existed, everyone BTFO
>So if I can but an AR-15, why can't I buy a nuke?
Because you can't afford it.
>Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons, right?
I agree you should be able to buy nukes though. If I had the money I would build my own nukes.
Honestly, yes.
Nukes cause environmental damage.
Environmental damage is a violation of the NAP.
>Nukes cause environmental damage.
>Environmental damage is a violation of the NAP.
Bullets cause environmental damage.
Environmental damage is a violation of the NAP.
And Death Stars, we need to pass legislation preventing private ownership of Death Stars. Nothing stops them from owning one now.
america is not ancap bambino what are you even talking about
That's not what that means, user.
Right to bear arms. I don't think nukes counts as arms.
right to bare arms.
kinda implies if you cant hold it. You dont have a right to it.
I think everyone should be able to buy, own, and use any weapon available to the armed forces within the legal limitations of any war act. Nukes must be voted on by the whole nation before using.
>That's not what that means, user.
My point was that the gungrabbers can, have and will use "bullets poison the earth" as an excuse to ban firearms.
retarded argument. why cant you just be happy that nukes are banned and all we are allowed is man portable guns? piss off faggot, if you ban guns all we have left are blades
Buying a nuke. Dude do you actually think you can dig up some dirt full of Uranium atoms, install a factory that extracts an atom from the dirt and then lumps up pure U-235 that can explode buy accidently dropping it on the floor. You probably can own a "nuke" which is a tiny bullet of U-235 shooting in a huge chunk of U-235 covered in heavy metal. You can even work for the government and produce engineering blueprints on nukes and factories. The problem is that you're not very smart OP.
Arms = weapons
Nuclear warheads are weapons
What happens if time travel proves that the founding fathers just wanted people to wax their forearms?
>Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons, right?
Then they would have written "bare" arms.
>So if I can but an AR-15, why can't I buy a nuke?
because you can't afford to buy or maintain one
From the start the second amendment does not cover explosives. Explosives are not arms.
No, that is a destructive device with no real use to a civilian militia
So you can’t have it
You can have a tank, however
That's the point. Time travel proves that it was a dictation/transcription error.
explosives aren't inherently arms but a means to project them are
Where would you buy a nuclear weapons from in the first place?
You realize that every nuclear weapons is essentially a bespoke custom commissioned weapon right? Holland and Holland isn't obligated to create a 4bore elephant gun for you, why do you think the Department of Energy is obligated to build you a nuke?
My arm and a stick of tnt. Still not arms.
Certainly if you have the means to own and maintain it. Let alone detonate it.
Your analogy is pretty shit just because I have a gun doesn't mean I'll kill myself with it
It is illegal to own fission materials, like uranium and plutonium.
no, its not
Lots of paperwork and mandatory training and you too can own your own piece of radioactive material.
Radioactive materials are not illegal. Fissionable materials are like uranium 235. 238 is not illegal to own and is very common. Causes radon gas in basements.
Arms =/= ordinance
did you even read the link you posted idiot. totally legal to start your own private nuclear reactor if you can afford it. it just requires a license
again, it is legal to own fission materials, but it is regulated and requires a license.
a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority.
"a city ordinance banned smoking in nearly all types of restaurants"
yep, checks out
And scientists can also experiment. Maybe you should have lead with that instead of building a ridiculous billion dollar nuclear power plant. Still your point is dumb. In any case these people don't own the materials. They are overseen by the nrc.
Without being glib the point here is that relying on the word of the constitution is a fool’s errand. You can't really know what they intended and your opponents will misinterpret it for their own ends anyway.
If there is a good reason for the people to be armed, and I think defence against tyranny is a good reason, you shouldn't rely on the constitution and tradition to protect those rights the good argument is the argument that should be made. In addition, you avoid adopting ridiculous positions that defend personal nuclear weapons, laser weapons that shoot down satellites or more realistically auto targeting weapons.
Some restrictions are sensible, some are not. Unfortunately, I don't think you can trust the left to stop anywhere sensible but there are nutbags on the right for sure so maybe it balances out.
>Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons, right?
I do. You can't buy a nuke because our federal government has violated the second amendment, and also because they put insanely high taxes on them.
Needs an FFL.
What IF someone manages to buy a nuke legally?
Stop associating Hero Academicwitg yoyr stupid troll threads. Some autist is gonna cross the stream and ruin the BHA general over this shit.
Because you are poor, user.
Only if they don't end up inside some commie's body.
Ancap is bullshit
meme country
Got another one boys
oh look its the hero aca shill
all fields
Obviously meant to reply to 162896237 in 162896504 and in 162899157 drew my posts together by referencing them in 162899157.
Anyway, absolute freedom never works because there are too many crazy people. Also, you need to have discussions based on sound principles not just "sold ancient guys wrote that this is what we should do".
The second amendment makes sure that the people can stage an uprising if the government becomes tyrannical. Therefore, the minimum type of arms allowed by the second amendment are ones that can fend off the government and other armed threats, such as cartels.
The Iraq war and other conflicts in the middle east show that military grade semi or full automatic weapons are enough to resist the government.
I think that is an eminently sensible position but how do you define the upper limit? Technology might change so quickly that OP might actually need a nuke to generate the EMP to fry a tyrant’s robot army but does not have time to get one. Shouldn't he get one now just in case? When it gets to that point isn't it more sensible to just give up on an armed citizenry?
>"muh constitution" the post
Really who the fuck cares?
White people want guns for sporting and self-defense and we'll be damned if you fucking jews will take them from us.
Niggers and spics want guns for killing each other and for robbing Whites, and they'll be damned if you fucking jews will take them from them!
There are far too many guns already here for there to be any chance of getting them out of the hands of who has them, anyways. So it don't matter.
BTW this is perfect example of a losing lefty meme. Unfunny comics.
Also, gas and germ warfare don't work in terms of modern conflict, which is why no one uses them anymore, and hasn't, since WWI. They may be fine for terroristic use but outside of that, meh.
>Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons
>Bullets cause environmental damage.
How is shooting a commie and letting their blood leak out to fertilize the land considered environmental damage?
Can you afford it?
Probably not, I'm sure sheckleburg will give you a loan though.
Yes, the second amendment covers all weapons, war vehicles, and ordnance.
>So if I can but an AR-15, why can't I buy a nuke?
Nuclear weapons require extremely expensive, specific and complicated technical systems to maintain viability. If you, likely in the form a very large corporation, needed and could justify a nuclear device, the Feds would allow it with oversight.
Surely you guys believe that the Second Amendment covers ALL sorts of weapons, right?
It's my goddamn right to own any weapon the Feds own, if I can afford it. Thats anything from a camp knife to a Ford-class aircraft carrier.