In 2033 it will have been 2,000 years
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Tribulation is unfolding before our very eyes.
fuck off to /x/
Says the frog slowly boiling alive.
Yep. The world is gayer now.
2020 Trump nukes North Korea, staged war between US-China-Russia begins
I know what the rod and ring is neener-neener !
> I have three :3
I ended Christianity in my blood line, my children will follow the Hellenic religion.
There's a reason why the Greeks were the first to ditch that pagan pantheon, user.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11:
"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.."
And the Germanics the last (well it was the Lithuanians, technically)...
>"raitors and deserters are hanged on trees; the coward, the unwarlike, the man stained with abominable vices, is plunged into the mire of the morass, with a hurdle put over him. This distinction in punishment means that crime, they think, ought, in being punished, to be exposed, while infamy ought to be buried out of sight." (Tacitus "Germania", chapter XII)
That statue is depicting wrestling, though, if you notice. A lot of claims of homossexuality in greece are hyped up propaganda to justify their destruction, and later by modernists to push for mass homossexuality.
The very "pederasty" thing was an "educational" initiation type of thing, restricted to the elites, not sexual... Spartans were also not homossexuals, guess who told that... Their Athenian enemies, and they would slander others as "homossexuals" because they shunned it.
"It's just a meme, αδελφός!"
Given that it happened, it was shunned and it's occurence was overhyped later for political reasons.
Also, photoshopping pictures to defame """"your"""" ancestors is a very jewish thing to do...
The only portrait you should be sharing. Fake country
I don't think they had photoshop back then, user..
Spartans were seen as Jews by other JEWS
>Here is a copy of the letter Jonathan wrote to the Spartans:
>Jonathan the High Priest, the national council of leaders, the priests, and the rest of the people of Judea, to our brothers in Sparta, greetings.
>King Arius of Sparta to Onias the High Priest, greetings. We have found a document about the Spartans and the Jews indicating that we are related and that both of our nations are descended from Abraham.
THe Bible
Only a faggot could want to refute this
>Tips fedora
>Muh sacred trees
>Worshipping gods that are killed this easily
This is why the Norse left heathenry and neber looked back.
You do realize he was giving advice to fellow volkisch people, that such behavior was not practical politically? The Volkish pagan party having just merged with the NSDAP by 1925, the time when Hitler was writing Mein Kampf.
From the same chapter:
>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality.
The party was surrounded by non-christian symbolism and had many openly non-christian members like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on, while executing thousands of priests during "Kirchenkampf":
That picture you posted was indeed photoshopped, though, yid.
See: the germanics executed all homossexuals by drownign them in mud. To say the greeks were giant faggots is overhyped but not that far off, but to claim the vikings were like that, while using the claims of a jewish psychoanalist named (((Greenberg))) to justify that just show how much of a yid you are looking to shit upon europeans.
That same yid claimed several biblical figures were fags to justify his push for mass homossexuality...
First you have to address
Object 1
Roman and Greek pagans chopped off theri dicks for their masters/wives in the name of various gods
Obejct 2
Roman and greek pagans racemixed and there is no objection in Paganism to it
Object 3
There is moral Dogma in Paganism
Object 4
Odin slurped cum
Object 5
You're a cuck
Wrong on accounts of this
Stupid goyim
The jews also say the British Isles were colonized by jews, to justify their influence in the british empire and monarchs... Doesn't mean your average anglo is a yid, or that "king david was a red-haired anglosaxon" as retarded "british israelite" christians actually believe...
Of course it was. Who do you think the Romans had with them
Let's all just agree homosexuality is demonic cancer.
Not a problem Im a Roman Catholic
Hwere's the facts goyim
>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler: We will defend Christianity
>Hitler: We will never forsake God
>Hitler: God created our Volk
Executed and "catholic martyrs of the Third Reich"
It's a fucking statistic
Shill groups
>Worst of all, however, is the devastation wrought by the misuse of religious conviction for political ends. In truth, we cannot sharply enough attack those wretched crooks who would like to make religion an implement to perform political or rather business services for them. These insolent liars, it is true, proclaim their creed in a stentorian voice to the whole world for other sinners to hear; but their intention is not, if necessary, to die for it, but to live better. For a single-political swindle, provided it brings in enough, they are willing to sell the heart of a whole religion; for ten parliamentary mandates they would ally themselves with the Marxistic mortal enemies of all religions-and for a minister's chair they would even enter into marriage with the devil, unless the devil were deterred by a remnant of decency.
>If in Germany before the War religious life for many had an unpleasant aftertaste, this could be attributed to the abuse of Christianity on the-part of a so-called ' Christian ' party and the shameless way in which they attempted to identify the Catholic faith with a political party.This false association was a calamity which may have brought parliamentary mandates to a number of good-for-nothings but injury to the Church.The consequence, however, had to be borne by the whole nation, since the outcome of the resultant slackening of religious life occurred at a time when everyone was beginning to waver and vacillate anyway, and the traditional foundations of ethics and morality were threatening to collapse.This, too, created cracks and rifts in our nation which might present no danger as long as no special strain-arose, but which inevitably became catastrophic when by the force of great events the question of the inner solidity of the nation achieved decisive importance.
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Viking age Scandinavia had 250k people, yet it colonized christian Frankia which had 14 million, at it's peak. All while also founding Russia, colonizing america and so on...
>they lost every battle according to that handpicked list I made, but they were feared just because they wuz dumb lol
That's why christian greeks had to hire norseman all the way from Scandinavia to protect their city from being raped even more by arab TRIBES.
Butthurt at europeans of good stock.
Repeating the same out-of-context claims already debunked: You do realize he was giving advice to fellow volkisch people, that such behavior was not practical politically? The Volkish pagan party having just merged with the NSDAP by 1925, the time when Hitler was writing Mein Kampf.
From the same chapter:
>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality.
The party was surrounded by non-christian symbolism and had many openly non-christian members like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on, while executing thousands of priests during "Kirchenkampf":
St Irenaeus 4.12.3
>As in the law, therefore, and in the Gospel [likewise], the first and greatest commandment is, to love the Lord God with the whole heart, and then there follows a commandment like to it, to love one's neighbour as one's self; the author of the Law [Torah] and the Gospel is shown to be one and the same. For the precepts of an absolutely perfect life, since they are the same in each Testament, have pointed out [to us] the same God, who certainly has promulgated particular laws adapted for each
>Thinks pagans kept europe alive
I hate faggots like this. Sure they had achievements, but they still had their flaws. We accepted christianity, and shit hasn't changed. We probably even got less degenerate. Look at the progress we made with christianity vs paganism.
PS: Cease your heresy
It hasnt Glossa Ordinara
>But it should be known, that in the whole body of the Law it is no where written, Thou shalt hate thy enemy. But it is to be referred to the tradition of the Scribes, who thought good to add this to the Law, because the Lord bade the children of Israel pursue their enemies, and destroy Amalek from under heaven.
Saint Ambrose 1st Great Latin Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church who taught Saint Augustine. Who told the Roman Emperors what to do. Elected Bishop of Milan by the people from popular demand.
>I must no further detain your Majesty, in this season of preparation for war, and the achievement of victory over the Barbarians. Go forth, sheltered, indeed, under the shield of faith, and girt with the sword of the Spirit; go forth to the victory, promised of old time, and foretold in oracles given by God.
Exposition on the Christian Faith II,16,136
St. Jerome 2nd Great Latin Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church
>Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war.
Against Pelagians Prologue
Ancient Greece was full of faggotry and degeneracy
Also faggot ideology flag that pretty much destroyed europe more than anything else checks you out
Emperor Augstus and Julius Caesar hated Stoics and had stoic slaves and friends
>Murdering a man for chopping down a christmas tree
>morals from an antagonist
Are you stupid?
Also the quote is not real since you did not quote the entire passage so it failed to be
as plebbit putsit
And until you quote the whole thing it is nothing
Greeks are faggots
>Not worshipping the Trinity of Mars, Jupiter and the Emperor
Ancient Greece had only male-female marriage, faggots existed just as they existed throughout history, not every greek was inclined that way.
Yes. christianity built "muh western civilization", it was not european blood "in spite" of it... Just look at what thriving "western civilization" Ethiopia has, despite being christians for longer than europe...
>implying it ended there
t. Thomas Aquinas
>If it is interpreted concerning righteous anger it is not simply permitted, like the first, but imperative. Be angry against your sins....Now, some are doubtless of the opinion that a man can be mad at himself for his own sins safely, but that this does not hold true concerning his neighbors and their sins. This is false; a man can be mad at himself for his own sins, and at his fellow man because of his sins. Therefore, zealously be angry at other people’s offenses. “Phinees hath turned away my wrath from the children of Israel because he was moved with my zeal against them” (Num. 25:11). And Elias said: ‘With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of Hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant” (3 Kg. 19:10). By following the dictates of reason, rather than acting before [reason has had time to reflect], you sin not. “Let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger” (Jas. 1:19).
Comm. on Ephs 4:26
St. Thomas Aquinas
>Augustine says (Confess. ii, 6) that "anger craves for revenge." But the desire for revenge is a desire for something good: since revenge belongs to justice. Therefore the object of anger is good. Moreover, anger is always accompanied by hope, wherefore it causes pleasure, as the Philosopher [Aristotle] says (Rhet. ii, 2). But the object of hope and of pleasure is good. Therefore good is also the object of anger.
Summa Theologicae 1st pt of 2nd pt Q46 A2
He didn't look like that. Post the real pic.
>implying it wasn't him backed by the frankish armies to destroy that cultic place and executing people who returned to it
And he got killed the moment he was off guard from the Frankish lords...
Read the whole chapter, or Mein Kampf fully to see what Hitler tought of christianity at that time, and how "political christianity" was FAR from out "greatest allies"...
>be white
>conquer the world
>force everyone to convert to your religion
>they do
>150 years later
>Pagan in his basement finds pictures of your conquest
They hired them after their kings had christianized, if you're talking about Kiev Rus.
Basically just a transaction of future christians, lmao.
>2000 years of christian ancestors mean you should be one, no matter how cucked it is
>what is that to say of 200.000+ years of pagan ancestors?
And most of Northern Europe wasn't converted by the year 1000...
Then you better quote it then
he best characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all manity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with heathenic Jewish parties-and this against their own nation.
Your nigger religion still died.
Hitler Mein Kampf
Jesus and crew
Born down the block
>Savages being savages
Thank God they were converted and civilized.
>forcing niggers to adopt your religion
>missions there by the church keep them alive and feed them, while importing them into europe
>good thing
"They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to degenerate to the proletarian level. Then they look on with amazement when they realize how small is the influence of the Christian Faith in their own country and how depraved and ungodly is this riff-raff which is physically degenerate and therefore morally degenerate also. To balance this state of affairs they try to convert the Hottentots and the Zulus and the Kaffirs and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church, while our European people, God be praised and thanked, are left to become the victims of moral depravity, the pious missionary goes out to Central Africa and establishes missionary stations for negroes. Finally, sound and healthy – though primitive and backward – people will be transformed, under the name of our 'higher civilization', into a motley of lazy and brutalized mongrels. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf"
>look goy, they were good fighter because they wuz christians
Yeah, because the Varangian guards were such devout people, they just went to Constantinople to start a mission, lol
Also Hitler calls himself a Chrisian and Mein Kampf in his speeches
Thank God we converted to the religion of a foreign people.
Their religion is the true one ours is false because they say so.
That's a pretty long time to keep a myth popular. Did the Greek's keep their myth longer? All Gods are man made.
>murdering someone who invades your lands and destroys your temples is "savagery"
The cuckoldry shows up again. If a muslim showed up to europe and killed a priest what would you do? Pray for him? Oh yeah, that's what you just did when they beheaded priests recently...
Yet christianity today is majority non-white and you call your own european faith a "nigger religion"... Black pope when?
>look goy, they were good fighter because they wuz christians
Yeah, because the Varangian guards were such devout people, they just went to Constantinople to start a mission, lol
it's a retarded argument in general, that's the point. But Christians are Christians because they believe it is the absolute truth, not because "muh ancestors".
>a shapeshifter version of satan, that was mostly limited to Iceland and other parts, changed his form to become a horse
>that means bestiality was the morals of a people who executed homossexuals
So much for "christian honesty"...
You can't even quote it?