>Italy is white

This is a leader of Italian far-right nationalist party. Meaning, he's not just Italian but supposedly a model of a "true European", prime ethnic stock.

Honest to God, I've seen Mexicans and pajeets who look more White than him.

Europe is truly fucked forever. Don't any of you cucks ever dare "53%" at me ever again.

Other urls found in this thread:


whiter then you pacotaco

And I'm an Iberian what is your point?

>This is a leader of Italian far-right nationalist party.
You are retarded, M5S is not far-right nor nationalist.

>5 star movement
>far right nationalist

>far-right nationalist party
M5S is left-wing you retarded Burger. It just so happens that they also hate the EU.

>when Italy’s Italian PM is darker than Ireland’s gay half-poo PM


what a dumb American thats the leader of the south Italian party M5s they literally want gibs from the north of Italy.

>Dark Souls character creation

>far-right nationalist party


Ok, he looks fairly white here.

no one give a fuck

Whiter than you, Schlomo.

>What is suntan
Oh right I forgot, meds aren't whites right? :DDD
t. Finngol with skin so bad he dies under sun

Sage all (((you are not white))) threads.




He has a tan.... sorry you would literally burn like wonder bread under the God-given sun.

I just want He to fix this hellhole of a country

>let me tell u who's white

not all europeans are pale northerners
but a lot of americans are mixed race / ethnicity

He's a politician I doubt he spends that much time in the sun. That's probably just his normal skin tone

how is it shameful it's a tactic against merkel's muslim quota
who is most afraid of muslims
Indians, gay indians
trust me we know what we're doing

>catalonia flag


Hes Italian, its his duty to tan.

Just because somebody is swarthy doesn't mean they're not white. They've tested people from Sicily (who have roughly the same skin tone as this guy) and found them to be over 95% European. That's what makes you white.

b8 fagget. show flag. that not even a good one.
Let me tell you something. Im tire of you fags posing as americans bitching about that euro amerimutt joke just so euro and american can call each other non white. Its a real kike move, you fucking nigoloid

he is italian, wishing to keep out non italians
does it matter it he is white? not in this context

>5% non-European

you're a fatty sticking your jar out and not fooling anyone.

At least ours isn't gay

Italia, Spain, Francais long long ago were conquered by African, this is already long settled debate, they are already interlopers, true roman extinct, true egyptian extinct, true greek extinct long time ago

Only people still remain are Iranian because islamic split, still persian by blood many many of us, islam is just a tool for control not truth

Persia won in the end

Silly Aussie we were never conquered by anyone

what the fuck is this meme? are you forreal? how do i see this stupid fucking picture every day?

No, they aren't lol
over 95% of all European Americans have no mixed ancestry


I seriously doubt modern day Italians share much in common besides a genetic link to ancient Romans, especially after 2,000 of post-Roman conquest, rape, population migration.


Fuck off, italianas are white

>M5S is far right

Jesus Christ man, how did you learn to operate a computer being so retarded?

modern Italians are faggots
can you imagine letting soros ngo's bring thousands of africans to your ports everyday
here in ireland we would bomb the ngo boat, sink it, game over
but italians and germans are walked all over

Worth it

he could at least remove his ear hair , EEEEEW!!!

Just cos italians are slightly darker, it does not mean that they aren't white.

Whiteness isn't always about the skin color. It's about what's on the inside. Italians are white. Black albinos are not. Is that so hard to understand?


Now you understand.

>right wing
Pick one
Pick one

>A fucking Napolitan will become a pm

I maintain that the mob was an overall good thing.

>far right nationalist

M5S is radical centrist; they lack leftist or rightist elements. They can only really be defined as extreme chaotic neutral populists.

He's not the leader of the far right nationalist party...

Your concept of white it's so literal that you are looking for albinos.

t. man from country about to be flooded by 1 million immigrants

I mean, Sicily and Southern Italy were definitely under violent Muslim occupation for nearly 3 centuries before the Crusades.
“Mafia” is literally a word with Arabic roots, just like the people who comprise it.
Rome and North still have untainted blood, though.

Two subclades of North African Y-chromosome haplogroup E3b (labeled E-M81 and E-M78β) have been given an estimated age of ~5000 years, making them useful in detecting historical admixture from Berbers. These markers exist at combined frequencies of 1.5% in Northern Italians, 2.2% in Central Italians, 0% in Southern Italians, 1.4% in Sardinians and 1.4% in Sicilians. Additionally, North African mtDNA haplogroup U6 occurs at a rate of 0.6% in Sicilians and is absent everywhere else in Italy (Plaza et al. 2003). This suggests that gene flow from Carthaginian and Moorish colonists was minimal.

Cruciani et al. 2004

He's more popular in the more mixed South, and Salvini is more popular in the whiter North.

it's almost like people like the guy that looks like they do.

>waa he always looks better than me and is smarter than me so imma make some albanian talmud o vision shows and call these inbreds some italians
t. kike
>dont look over here goy; it's these hospitable romans with their smaller noses oy vey we are white and you guys are not and stop cutting in on our fiat freedoms and so forth and so on muh rome is a city of fallen angels and REEEEEEEE and so forth and so on
the parade of gypsies

nobody. EVER. picks. Italy? tu, mi hai capito? stronzone di merda

Italians are the darkest skinned in Europe, lot's of Arab and Berber in them. More than Iberians

Are you retarded. Read this

>far-right nationalist
my fellow countrymen never cease to amaze me

>Far right

How much of a fag are you really, OP?

>here in ireland we would bomb the ngo boat, sink it, game over
*elects party that eventually elects a gay half-indian as PM*

He is Italian and he wants to keep Italy for the Italians. 'White' is not what matters, he is protecting his ethnic group.

Justin Castro can learn from this guy.

>The Mediterranean individual is not white


Fuck me it gets worse with every passing day


Latin Americans and South Italians are white, period.

You guys had a literal negro as your president.


This really only applies to Sicilians.

Except it doesn't apply to them either. See

>thread started by meme flag

jews are always sticking their nose trying to divide and conquer. they started the we wuz meme. nobody sees nogs in ancient rome anytime theyre depicted. and just because rome conquered everybody and used lots of people. and is brilliant. doesnt mean it's half brown. who needs to look at half the country that are what. pretty much germans? didnt germany get in there at one point? olive skin is just fine. there's lots of white af italians. and nobody picks on an ugly animal. people only ever cage the nice and beautiful things. italians have an eye for detail and wit and class. to call them nogs is just to go fucking around. stupid kikes

agreed. fucking kikes are jealous of Italians

Need a "We Wuz Romans" meme with a mutt in the picture.

kys kike

>this guy got 32% of all votes and might become the next prime minister

Hold me Sup Forums I don't like this...

M5S isn't far-right and it, mostly, isn't nationalist. They have a specific set of goals and, aside from those, the members have views across the political spectrum.

Closest comparison to the US would be like if Trump and Bernie supporters joined forces over common interests.


We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People

Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities
We Want Full Employment For Our People

Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings

Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All

We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex

We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions

Growing up I always saw Italians and Spanish as not really white, but a darker race of people. This is from a child's non-political perspective. They looked certainly different from Western and Northern Europeans.

I think that's not too far from what a lot of Europeans thought and do think, the people that don't seem to see European countries having different "white" groups are Americans as they are a mixture of European groups and see them all as 1 single entity.

My thoughts as a child align perfectly with 19th century racial thoughts too. The classification of "white" meant Northern and Western Europe. Eastern Europe Slavs and South Mediterraneans. Europe was never classed as 1 single white group.

Italians definitely have Turk or other mixtures in a lot of them, the "Romans" as far as I am aware, were originally a tribe and people in Italy and not the whole of Italians. Romans do not mean all Italians, at least not in the beginning.

Anyway, that's OK, Italy for the Italians. We don't all have to look the same in Europe or be the same, we simply don't want to mix into 1 big great state and 1 culture. This is what nationalism is.

He's Neapolitan lmao

>from Campania

We are shudding dhis dhread down undil dhe bosders of /bol/ adresses dhe following

we wand an immediade end do bolige brudalidy and dhe murder of blagg, brown & all obbressed :DD beoble

every 28 hours a blagg berson in dhe unided :DD sdades is gilled :DD by someone embloyed :DD or brodegded :DD by dhe governmend of dhe unided :DD sdades. Odher gommunidies are also griminalised, dargeded, addagged :DD and brudalised :DD. We wand an immediade end do sdade sangdioned :DD violenge againsd our gommunidies
we wand full embloymend for our beoble

every individual has dhe human righd do embloymend and a living wage. Inabilidy do aggess embloymend and fair bay gondinues do marginalise our gommunidies, ready us for imbrisonmend, and deny us of our righd do a life widh dignidy
we wand degend housing fid for dhe shelder of human beings

our gommunidies have a human righd do aggess qualidy housing dhad brodegds our families and allows for our ghildren do be free from harm.
we wand an end do dhe sghool do brison bibeline & qualidy edugadion for all

we wand an end do boligies dhad griminalise our young beoble as well as disgriminadory disgibline bragdiges dhad bar aggess do qualidy edugadion. Furdhermore, we wand all ghildren do be able do aggess free, qualidy edugadion. Ingluding free or affordable bublig universidy.
we wand freedom from mass ingargeradion and an end do dhe brison indusdrial gomblegs

we wand an end do dhe over boliging and surveillange of our gommunidies. Dhis will hasden an end do dhe griminalisadion of blagg and brown beoble and hyber ingargeradion everywhere. sdades has hisdorigally helbed do enforge ragisd laws, boligies and norms. Dhe massive brison indusdrial gomblegs build on dhe warehousing of blagg beoble. We gall for dhe gessadion of mass ingargeradion and dhe eradigadion of dhe brison indusdrial gomblegs all dogedher. In ids blage we will address harm and gonfligd in our gommunidies dhrough gommunidy based, resdoradive soludions

how likely is it that this is just a case of seeing how being extremely anti-EU really fucked le pen in the final weeks of her campaign and they're consequently being pragmatic by paying lip service?

fug yu, nigger
wide bride woldweid

> nearly 3 centuries
Fuck off you disinfo well poisoning jew
It was less than 70 years, and only the faggy west end of the island
Keep trying to divide the whites. If we ever unite youll never be able to talk this shit again, you should be trying harder, like your future depends on it

I-I-I can't refute this

>user is too thin-skinned to tolerate people poking fun at his country

Holy fuck Italians are not white as fuck

It's more like they're retarded and think voters will forget it.

>tfw the memes are real

Has any Italian taken a genetic DNA test with results showing they are 100% of the land area known as Italy?
I know there are question marks around the accuracy and veracity of these (((genetic tests))), but I've seen plenty of videos where anglos do the test and their results show them as 99.9% or 100% from the British Isles.

White is inferior to Med

The discourse doesn't matter because everything

He's Mediterranean.
Mexican isn't even an ethnicity.
Keep being retarded.

100% of Americans are mixed European ethnicities beyond all arguable data regarding how many of their ancestors ended up nigger lovers.