>Captain Jan Jordan
What a fucking surprise......
Captain Jan Jordan
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Kek has returned.
if true this goes to show the depths the republicans will go to twist a tragedy like this to blame cops, instead of facing reality, and blaming the easy access to assault weapons.
so this bull dag told everyone "stand down its that drip we were talking about.. they'll load up the empty stretcher momentarilly.
such courage
*drill we were...
>"women can be just as courageous as men"
female cop proves otherwise
oh I got you, didn't I? Fuck the NRA
go the fuck back queef
What? I love the NRA. They help protect our God given right to defend ourselves.
I hope an assault weapon rapes you faggot.
I never thought I'd see a leftist mad a cop didn't shoot a criminal
Oh right... pissed off leftists.
Not familiar with these terms. What did she tell them to do and what did it effectively cause?
Day of rope soon filth... Just wait.
>NRA funds the protection of the 2nd amendment
>bad goyim
>soros dumps in cash by the boatload into democrat pockets for god knows what
>good goyim!
Oh here it is. A steaming pile of SHIT found.
It's the Share Blue Pedo Diaper Sniper Patrol.
I didn't forget about you FAGGOTS.
We still have a date come that company Field Trip you faggots take.
WE will be there.
OH, NOW you remember.
I can't Waite.
The fuck is an assault weapon?
sheriiff israel had an extra-marital afair for a 15 year old girl, got her pregnant and then made sure there was an abortion to cover that shit up..
what a prestigious role model police force...
they are so.... competent...
An m16. Liberals think an A15 is an automatic. Theyre sobdesperate to win for good publicity. Exploting a tradegy, to bolster support for democratic voters. That and the DNC is broke. Its a hail marry pass
Is this true? Post details.
This right here might just be the best shillpost I've ever seen. It demonstrates the dark, ugly side of human nature with its callous disregard for truth and dedication to subversion. A true work of art. Also checked
holy shit
She dindu. She just followed her orders from Deep State.
Nice digitals faggggg.
something tells me she knew what she was doing. she is a cut and dry leftist and wanted as many kids dead as possible for political points later
Wrong. Also you're a massive faggot. Good day
she told them to surround the place, set up a staging area. like when the hostage negotiator in movies rolls up to the police line like "yo my man what's the situation?" those cops sitting there watching the building usually behind their cars or something are staging
I know this is bait, but I would still love to see your life slip away as the rope tightens around your neck.
Are we trying to outshitpost Canada and Australia
>Scott Israel was accused of statutory rape.
>It was investigated.
>Records were expunged.
Epstein was collecting his black mail in Florida, no?
There was video of columbine released but why no video of this shit
The ease of access of Americans to firearms has not changed significantly over the past decade, but the number of mass shootings has skyrocketed. Clearly, we cannot say that the number of mass shootings in a year is only a function of how easy it is for Americans to obtain firearms. Indeed, there must be at least one other independent variable. Why not focus on the other variables in play instead of focusing all of your energy exclusively on firearms?
that was a nice speech, hit a lot of good points.
Agreed. I wish I saw that passion coming from the federal government. The listening sessions with Trump were difficult to watch, all “pro 2A” attendees were too weak in their defense of our rights.
Hate to say it, but they didn't send their best when they absolutely needed to.
Well look at the bright side. If this dumb fucking bull dike got killed or "saved" anyone she'd be a hero. But instead we all get to see what a disgusting coward she is. This is truly great optics. A kike sheriff, coward dike cops, and a 56% school shooter. America the beautiful.
The bitch made that shit up because she was scared. There's no way around it. I've written active shooter procedures for certain areas of military bases. I consulted with military and civilian LEO and studied it myself. There is not a single law enforcement department in this country who does not get taught that the first thing you do in response to an active shooter is any and all personnel with a firearm to shoot back run to the sound of the shooting because it's universally accepted that the shooter is trying to kill as many as people as possible as quickly as possible. There is no "staging" bullshit like in the movies. You just go.
I was leaning towards the deputies who stayed outside being in on it but now I don't know. Now the simplest explanation is that it was just a woman being a woman.
Cops are almost always complete niggers.
>blame cops
>blame a woman
>pick only one
Hi Shareblue!
To, ahem, correct the record, the number of mass shootings in the US has actually gone down significantly in recent decades, and additionally, the US ranks outside of the top ten in terms of nations by mass shooting incidents and mass shooting deaths per capita. European nations like Serbia, Norway, France, Germany, etc. all have more once total population is adjusted for.
And total population has to be adjusted for, as the USA had more people than any three or so nations of Europe and the USA is, in fact, the THIRD LARGEST COUNTRY ON EARTH in terms of population.
them trying to pawn this off on procedure just makes them all look like pieces of shit, they should just cut the fat and burn the dike
this country is so fucked it's hilarious
You faggot. lol. Before we hang you, we are going to make you eat a steaming pile of your own mother's shit.
if only it was Jan Michael Vincent
man i hope shes not jewish
It really sucks more kids died because of these cunts but after a week of the left screaming for guns in a way that made it obvious it was planned in some capacity it's nice to that their argument that the police will protect us with their guns has been completely blown out of the water by the same incident.
My departments SOP is to wait until at least 3-4 personnel on scene then clear in diamond formation, with 1 EMS element if possible.
Well I *am* totally gay for assault weapons...
Yfw you find out she's going to be fucking promoted to police chief instead of being fired
Yeah, it does. The Secret Service was there just weeks beforehand teaching them how to respond. The Secret Service I can guarantee you never teaches this response in any sort of scenario under any circumstances. We taught guys in more populated, larger buildings with hallways long enough to actually give an advantage to a shooter with a rifle that even if they found themselves walking around with just their side arm for some reason on them and an active shooter appeared if they were the closer to the shooter than the guys with rifles/shotguns, well, sucks for you but you need to at least engage them and distract them.
It's all lies. Everything they are telling us. The whole sheriffs department needs to be fired at the least.
This is actually incredibly good.
Anons here are busy blaming cowardly police instead of the guns, while the media and dems blame the guns. The NRA always gives an average defense at times like these. Divide and conquer.
Sandy Hook, Ft. Lauderdale airport, Pulse, and Parkland, not to mention the mother of all 9-11, are false flag or hoax CIA operations.
This should be the focus of public outcry. A good reason to be armed is to defend oneself from the CIA imported MS-13 and muzzie terrorists it creates and funds, but wait, they stage school shootings to take away our natural right to self-defense.
This lesbian cop was a coward? She probably has an offshore bank acct now under an assumed name as a reward for her cooperation.
kek has spoken
Who taught you that? Because when I did it I got that same guidance from four different agencies, civilian and military. I believe you but this is counter to anything I've ever heard.
Fuck up, move up, "It's the American Way"
Lmao that channels name is VA HouseDems and yet this video of a republican defending the 2A and criticizing democrats for being hostile negotiators now has 95ish% of the total views on their channel.
Dike kike. Go figure
I don't give a fuck if some dyke cunt told the deputies on scene to not enter the school. Those cowardly fucks still deserve the rope for obeying.
"I would've entered the school and save children's lives, but I didn't want my boss to yell at me." Fuck those worthless pigs.
Checked and keked at this masterful shitpost. You really should just kill yourself now. you will never top this moment, kike.
'Sure mentally ill people make great leaders', xe said.
Anyone that would've entered, who wasn't in on it, would've had a similar experience as the female FBI agent in the movie "Sicario," when she split off from the diversion and went down the wrong drug tunnel.
Wow, great speech, thanks
Name: Jan Jordan
Occupation: Police officer
Hobbies: face sitting, school shootings
Hobbies should have been "scissoring"
Hahahahahha, it's gay!!
Ofc it's a fucking dyke looking cunt. I bet she pulled this shit on purpose knowing the bodies would pile up and then it could be used as a political stunt. How many wanna bet shes a libtard.
>Sheriff ISRAEL
>Captain JORDAN
Okay, when is Chief Egypt and Sgt Syria going to appear in this script?
ok so are they admitting that 4 officers did not go in?
This false flag set a record in NRA memberships. I donated to the NRA in David Hogg;s name.
no. An "assault weapon" is nothing. It's a nonsense word used to trick people into thinking you mean "assault rifle"
Now "assault rifle" is slang for a "select fire rifle" which is a rifle that fires in a semi-auto, full-auto, and burst fire modes. These guns are already illegal in the united states.
Both guns referred to as "assault weapons" or "assault rifles" or rarely used in crimes. Most criminals prefer to use hand guns because they are easy to conceal and semi-auto fire is more than enough for nearly all criminal assaults.
>the number of mass shootings has skyrocketed
this is a lie
all violent crime is on a downward trend, and has been for decades.
makes me wonder what their fall back will be or if the lesson really hasnt sunk in and they can still use it.
Ntm, the last "Assault Rifle" ban did absolutely nothing and crime actually went up. The facts are literally against them and they have no supporting evidence outside of REEEEEEEEEEE. Classic democraps, instead of fixing the problem, they'll just make it worse.
>and blaming the easy access to psychotropic medication
It's disappointing that the NRA doesn't call out these false flag and hoax shootings for what they are, put the conspirators under the spotlight, and take a hard-line approach against gun laws. Instead, they usually offer a watered-down, "conservative" defense of gun rights. Maybe NRA wants to neuter us while taking our money.
It hasn't really sunk in. It took me a five day conversation with the only liberal I could on social media I found who didn't just resort to calling me a Nazi to red pill her on guns. I showed her everything from gun bans having no effect on actual homicide rates, the way guns function and the legal definitions and the reason bump stocks are just cheap gimmicks being used as a boogeyman because the definition could apply to anything if they were regulated, actual crime rates with rifles, etc... And she got it. She didn't go full 2A but said she understands now and would rather search for other ways to solve violence problems because gun regs or bans won't help.
Every single ever idiot is so full of cognitive dissonance that no fact works. Nothing. I can't believe they seriously tried to argue that taking on an ar15 with a handgun is suicide because of the faster velocity and they don't blame the officers for not going in. They don't just wake up. They can't accept that there are bad people in this world and we have to figure out ways to defend ourselves sometimes. There's no magical "prevent all violence" option.
The govt criminal operatives don't give a shit about lowering crime. They arm ISIS, sell cocaine and heroin in the U.S., traffic kids. These psychopathic assholes want the populace disarmed, and they don't care about crime statistics or similar, just like they don't care about the Russia probe being a conspiracy.
Deep state agenda is disarming us. Meanwhile, we debate statistics with libshits and defend our right to use guns for self-defense after every false flag.
The 2nd Amendment exists to prevent govt tyranny, and the govt now wants to void it. Instead of mass public outrage against this, people are advocating arming teachers.
what is a faggot like you doing posting on Sup Forums anyways?
A waste of trips
Oldfag cop here. My first active shooter school was in 99. Columbine was a game changer. My depts SOP is: first one there is first inside. We dont wait.
How do you get the heavy ass doors open? In my old highschool they don't fucking open from the outside unless you shatter the glass or the mag locks are off
Preach brother.
Seeing as the measures they are taking lack any supporting evidence, I would certainly agree this is more about agenda than actually attempting to fix anything. Well said reddit patriot
Yeah... its tricky since they started locking all the exterior doors. We train to just go through the main entrance to whatever building.
the deep state is cancer and should have been removed decades ago
the CIA and FBI should have been disbanded after they killed JFK
As expected. Enjoy living, bitch.
>El Globlino Policia
On a very legit serious note, how did that pre-crown itself?
>The fuck is an assault weapon
Any weapon that makes a democrat bitch piss her pantsuit.
Calling a woman 'captain' is retarded in the first place.
what is that hairstyle called?
The Stand Down
Has any parent gone off on the Sheriffs Dept.? Entire thing is funny money
I hope some nigger breaks into your house and sodomizes you with an AR-15.
the dyke spike