Trump:Slaves were just "bad negotiators"

Jesus fucking Christ why does this guy keep making things worse for himself? It's just scandal after scandal with this idiot and he keeps falling for it

During a rare interview with CNNs Don Lemon on Sunday evening where he was asked about his comments regarding Africa and Haiti as "shithole" nations Donald Trump after reaffirming he is the "least racist president America has ever known and extrapolating by saying that the Civil War might have been averted if he were president and that the African American slaves were just "bad negotiators."

The failed president said if slaves had skeletal intelligence, and proved as adept at negotiating as his hero "Andrew Jackson" - the American president who exterminated thousands of Native Americans - "then maybe the slaves wouldn't have needed the federal government to bail them out," he said. "I hate war and I hate black people."

Trump continued, saying that enslaved blacks did not need the 13th, 14th, or 15th amendments, but The Art of the Deal and is considering on abolishing all of those amendments and replacing food stamps with boxes of the aforementioned book

"Look, in every economy, there are winners and there are losers. Slave owners were just good capitalists! They knew how to negotiate! Our founding fathers were slave owners! Why was it that Europe released their slaves peacefully, but we had to kill 600,000 of our men? There was clearly a more ulterior agenda to the civil war than just slavery such as Northern industrial interests, believe me I would have dealt with the issues of slavery better than Lincoln, I like Lincoln, but he was too soft."

In a press release, President Hillary Rodham Clinton said Trump's views on slavery, " are incomprehensible, wicked, and cruel."

Can we just fucking impeach this mook already?.

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dump drupmf

el shaddai kek. should i just go travel outside and have fun

Didn't read. You won't be able to do anything about it

Death to traitors

Cool sage thread bro

Fake news
Suck a dick faggot
Saged and reported niggerloving ass-teared faggot

It was already reported dumbass

After reading Nietzsche beyond good and evil and watching hundreds of hours of JBP lectures, Trump is right. Slaves are bad negotiators. You are either a slave or a master. Slaves feel like there's no mobility up. That's not true. Slaves are merely oppressing themselves. Masters are truly free. Everyone can be a master if they want, but everyone wants to hate on corporations and the government as if they are forcing people to eat shit all day. People are destroying their own body and mind when they consume and consume. They are the enemies of themselves, the slaves.

Yes. Trump is heading for impeachment any day now and will not easily serve two terms in office while successfully implementing the vast majority of his agenda.

Remember the part of the US constitution that states "The President of the United States may be impeached if you just kind of don't like him and think he's dumb and stuff".

No it wasn't memeflag cocksucker.
Neck yourself nigger

Google it retard holy shit

Imagine being OP and thinking about trump the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to bed at night. Lmao.


>May 1st 2017
>Literally fake news by a propaganda website
Nice try faggot, tell your fat fuck cotton picking nigger Olvier to suck a bag of cocks while you are it, then slit your wrists

Fuck niggers

here you stupid motherfucker, more shit articles from the site you took this from, you fucking retard

btw, these little faggot shills pick flags they think make them "cool" and "like us" and then they do their little concern shilling/blatant lying to sow discord

you aren't fooling anyone you rotten little shit


Wow bro have you thought about writing for The Onion?! This is some of the funniest, most biting satire I have ever read.

The Onion also bites ass.

reddit was a mistake