Pure Aryan

>Pure Aryan
>decide to get genetic test to prove I’m pure aryan to friends
>Go to 23andMe order DNA swab and send it back with DNA pay 99$.
>Wait weeks
>After a month and a half I get a call.
>”Hello my names Mike can I talk with anons caretaker?”
>This is user and I don’t have a caretaker.
>Guy starts speaking slowly.
>”Sorry Mr. user but I’m afraid you have 22 chromosomes and we cannot test your DNA we’ll send you a refund.”
>Hangs up
>They actually sent a refund
>I can never prove I’m pure aryan
>I have too few chromosomes to test.

Other urls found in this thread:


i hope this is true

but can you count to potato?

You need extra chromosomes to potato

Top kek, if true then you're a genetic rarity and have two of your chromosomes stuck to another. Go to a doctor they'd love to study your genome

>Go to a (((doctor))) they'd love to study your genome

Also, if you get your DNA tested, you aren’t white.

>Turner syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an abnormality on one of your sex chromosomes. It’s also called monosomy X, gonadal dysgenesis, and Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome. Only the female sex develops this condition.


He didn't say White, he said Aryan. There's a huge difference.


Jesus, having 45 chromosomes sounds hard enough but 22?


Google imaged born with 22 chromosomes. Your body would be so mongolated

Wanna buy a chromoshalom, Satan?

How come this wasn't picked up at birth?

Your sister did ancestry.com didn't she? The one where you have to spit into a tube. Turns out she's three african males

>voluntarily submitting your DNA to be stored into (((their DATABASE)))

of course satan doesn't have 23 chromes

woahhhh they have your DNA they're going to... do what with it exactly, retard?

Oh that's right, they can't do anything they couldn't already do.

Try a different company. The odds of you missing a chromosome and not knowing about it is extremely low.

>1.1% jewish
You better fear your lords, Ameripuppets

No thanks CIA nigger
I will not participate in your collection of my pure, being able to communicate with God, genes.

Your god is fake

Allah BTFO!!!

they can't do anything with them anyway
their magics are weak
they've been eating foreskins for thousands of years
still, they are rat people

That company and the parent company that owns all other dna testing for consumers is run by the sister of YouTube ceo, both of these women are Jewish and you are paying them to collect your dna and sell it off.

Wow, big damage
Literally no risks if you live in a civilized country (and maybe, /x/ proof) have some high confidence jewish drops

Absolute bullshit.
t. Science major


Fuck me I laughed hard

>80% polish
>10% "british"
>3 percent jew
am i safe?

You can't be 10% British tard

t. paki

You will always be safe if you get 0.00% SSA

why not

Welcome back, mutt. You belong to us.

Wrong. OP is a carrier if not larp. He shouldn't have kids.

I mean... I guess he could have a Robertsonian translocation, but I'm 99.9% sure that it wouldn't matter for the type of SNP array that 23andme uses and that OP is trolling.

>22 chromosomes
Don't lie, caretaker.

For everyone downplaying the effects of signing their genetic rights away. This agreement allows the company to patent your sequence. In the very near future, you may be able to buy a clone heart from your DNA and they could charge you for manufacturing a part of 23me's intellectual property.
Also, they are not bound by HIPPA so they can share your data with any third party. Life Insurance company, mortgage co, etc etc.
If you really want to know about yourself, the Mormon church has some of the most extensive records and many healthcare companies are offering sequencing that stays bound by HIPPA.

Sauce, faggat

Downies have extra not less my friend

That means you are retarded.

This would be cool if true. My sister studies this kind of thing except among non hominid mammals. You should talk to one of the genetics research depts. At a uni near u

Send extremely targeted ads to him. They know his health risk factors (send it to phizer), his hair color (gilette, Rogaine), etc

Google basically owns 23andme idiot

Why is it called 23and me? So they discriminate against down syndromers

how fucking ignorant...

Satan trips just make this better

this is impossible. If you were missing an entire pair of chromosomes you wouldn't have been born

Maybe but maybe not. Horses have different chromosome counts. It’s not unheard of. They also can produce viable offspring

>Extra or missing autosomal chromosomes usually result in miscarriage of the embryo. One exception to this is having an extra chromosome 21, known as trisomy 21. Although fetuses with trisomy 21 are often miscarried, a number survive, and they have the condition known as Down's syndrome.


46 and 2 bitches.

On what? It's in their agreement, lots have been publicly worrying about this and get are not flat earth types.



I would say the only true Whites are Aryan, but I know what you mean.

>22 chromosomes
>it's 23 pairs, not 23 chromosomes

fake but okay

Pick your poison OP
>22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
heart problems, a cleft palate, low levels of calcium, mental illness and characteristic facial features
>22q11.2 Duplication
developmental delay
>22q13.3 Deletion Syndrome
developmental delay, delayed speech and intellectual disability
>Emanuel Syndrome
Misc developmental issues
>Cat-Eye Syndrome
eye abnormality, small pits in the ear, heart problems, kidney defects, and delayed development

You are not familiar with the concept of a search engine huh?

Does it matter? if you were born past 1990 they have your DNA already.

Maybe the chromosome was lost in the mail