So one of the Antifa has nail polish on. What other strange things can you spot ;)
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does anyone really believe they were genuine antifa? Why would they even care about sargon? Bet he payed a few assholes to get the publicity, they didnt even fight back.
Why would they care about the Proud Boys? They believe all right wingers are "Nazis".
>no true scotsman
>from a leaf no less
Virgin Antifa vs Soygon of Chhad.
You TRS shills are retarded. You're so far gone with the sargon character assassination plan that you're starting to actually believe he's on the same team as communists.
He might as well be, libertarian nonsense isn't going to stop the commies. We know what stops antifa, we've stopped them before.
That was a thorough routing. The liberalists were spoiling for a fight and the gigantic nigger security guards didn't even need the cops to get rid of the antifa fags. Well done.
>We know what stops antifa, we've stopped them before
Are you referring to Hilter who lost and now has antifa ruling over his country?
Sargon made an excellent video exposing Antifa and BAMN, which may explain why they're so salty.
>Antifa is a horde of degenerates.
Surprise Surprise.
That was when Jews ran the newspaper. Jews can't even run a single website anymore. Next Hitler is best Hitler.
They all have the beady eyes of the beady eyed anglo memes.
is sargon even right wing? He is civ nat + socialism no?
literally not what I said retard
Checked and kiked.
>literally not what I said retard
then what did you say?
this, them niggas didnt even tear it up, just sorta wandered around like geriatric ninjas or sumn lmao
Their behavior was absolutely not unusual for antifa. Anyone who says otherwise is simply uninformed.
I said he probably paid some people to dress up.
>those shit coloured soulless mutt eyes on all of them
Mr.Glasses is a mutt, maybe sort of pakistani but is light skinned
>I said he probably paid some people to dress up.
Do you say that because antifa didn't look imposing? These are soyboys after all.
I've got a spoiler for you: Antifa wear panties, they are weak test beta males.
I should know, I used to be one
This. Sargon gets the criticism he deserves, but let's give him and his stupid group credit where it is due they're still right on 80% of things and are somewhat open minded.
Nazis watch out!
dear god what a cringefest
makes me feel old
I can't believe so many people got this brainwashed so quickly. These fuckers need to be dealt with severely.
Yes antifa are dumb enough to think libertarians are fascist
We gather info, the one with a beanie and tied hoodie wears "workout brand" both of the 2/3 are potential whites with brown hair and the one mutt, that piercing is a dead give-away for someone who's a "tough guy"
>we are made boys by the soy, fear the old soy
No Eating!
then why tf is anyone scared of them
clearly they wouldnt even bust a ketchup packet
Why do you even care? Do you want to give them a price for punching that cuck?
Because even a pathetic cross dressing soy boy can be dangerous if he decides to use a weapon or attack in large numbers.
And I would use the word "concerned" rather than "scared". Anyone who values freedom should be concerned about violent, irrational mobs wanting to strip citizens of their rights.
It's just very convenient for sargon to have antifa show up and him to have a nice little victory over them.
they still would get their tray taken away at county
fuck yeah
who is afraid of these cumskins. Go be a badass in Detroit you huwhite commie niggers,
The sheet of paper shown in the video has UAL chants on it. Look for UAL protests and see if we can spot nail polish guy.
>It's just very convenient for sargon to have antifa show up and him to have a nice little victory over them.
Maybe antifa are just retarded and take the bait every damn time?
They are basically drooling dogs that chase after anything that looks like a bone.
What better way to make antifa look like the fascists that they truly are?
They're not fascists, they're communists.
Use this opportunity to get some of his liberal fanbase to start seeing the light. Plenty of moderates will feel alienated by this antifa move.
communism will win
How did you get involved? How did you get out? Greentext some stories about fags and degenerates.
you are nothing but a groopy
E-celeb cucks
the video to look at
>Elephant, elephant
>We're students, we're protesters, we are eloquent
Sargon's not a kike, he might be inadvertently supporting them, but he's done good things for the right.
Look at the fetishes... it's literally a mental illness.
The sheet of paper with UAL is University of the art London College of Communication located in Elephant & Castle london
There was something written on the back. The kid who found it said something about knocking out guards.
they are the hollywood caricature of a "fascist"
Looks like pug nose Antifa guy.
Not left at event had a ULA protest chant that links both events. pug nose has an antifa logo on his jacket. follow my previous posts
Political ideologies aren't defined by Hollywood caricatures.
I loved watching that guy get his shit pushed in
These stupid faggots are supposed to blend in with each other by wearing all black, but they just can't help bringing their own personal flair to their rallies.
that was extremely fast, this from today!?
yes but that's why everything hollywood suggested to us a fascist looks just like anti-fa
>strange nail polish
yeah, saw the sheet of paper and it was for a protest in elephant and castle. wasn't too hard to put together. look at my previous posts for links.
7 years old.. amazing.. I unironically love Richard Spencer, he's so likable :)
the protest event, now we have a face
facebook com/events/675199322869410
ah yes I see what you did, jolly good work detective, are there databases kept of these people in case shit ever goes down or someone needs a resource?
Kunoichi? Those are women.
This is the closest I got.
We need more info.
One down
>darker than soygoy
Wasn't it Winston Churchill who said "The fascists of tomorrow will call themselves anti-fascists"?
seriously why wouldn't you rip their masks off? it's the first thing I would do
I like the ones at 13:30 who forgot put on masks
Nice job. Do we have a name?
As soon as they walked in I instantly knew they were Antifa. Sup Forums has trained me to be able to spot these Red trash a mile away.
If you have a good sense of smell you can detect them even before they arrive.
No just a face linking the protest chant sheet to both events. The facebook event page may have some leads.
This board would be an empty place without you bastards.
Can we get a closeup on red hat's face as he walks out
It's too bad there were no death camps
some possible leads for faces