Nuclear war

So, realistically who wins a full nuclear exchange with Russia? Do American submarine hunters, antiballistic missile shields, and space lasers to counter MIRV weapons give America an edge or not? Is this new nuclear threat from Russia real and credible because nobody talks about it...

>inb4 nukes don't exist
>inb4 blanda upp

Why would we go to war with our close ally?

The bio-weapons release is what will cause the real long term damage.

Those man made illnesses will literally stalk Humanity for centuries. The true legacy of a nuclear war.

only africa south america and aussie cunts will live on

Nobody wins. That's kind of the point.

I think the best nuclear deterrent is basically the Samson thing Israel is supposed to have basically you will nuke everyone around you willy nilly if you are attacked I am kind of surprised that Russia has put up with so much shit the US military was much more powerful in the Cold War than it is now and wouldn't dream of doing the shit we do today I guess that's a sign of how far Russia has fallen

Everybody wins when earth chan is bathed in nuclear fire.


History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of man

based BOC poster