How good is your geography, Sup Forums?

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Wtf are all these fake countries? Kosovo? Slovakia? You dumbos need to stop changing your map every 5 years Canada has been the same for over 100 years now, the united kingdoms borders haven't changed in over 600 years!
Seriously, why is Europe so unstable? They always get fucked up and have resolutions and civil wars


The Bulgarian Tsardom is a real country that has existed for almost a thousand years, too bad the commies put in a fake Republican government, once you guys stop being socialists and get a real government you'll be a fully real country again

>t. brainlet who doesn't know the Balkan nations

There's Yugoslavia and that's it, don't need to complicate things with all these fake countries

>t. brainlet who doesn't know history

Europe literally has no history, seriously New Zealand has a longer history than 90% of Europe
Germany literally didn't exist until the 1890's, same with Italy, Norway didn't exist until 1905! Ireland didn't exist until the 1940's

Just because you're a fucking dumb-ass North American doesn't make a country fake.

>Europe literally has no history