what? i dont understand no one say anything here, whats wrong?
Brayden Cook
Who even is that and wtf is this even about?
Aiden Hughes
who cares what fragile niggers think?
Liam Barnes
She went on one of your variety shows and because she's a native English speaker they asked her to do westerner impersonations. She first did a basic bitch valley girl which no one cared about. Then she did a hoodrat babymama impersonation and the woke-o-sphere shit their pants and started flaming her on twitter, she probably has no idea the extent of the sperging.
Sebastian Hall
link ffs
Connor Brown
>extent of sperging no one has idea of this here because we dont give a shit about black opinion
Nicholas Hernandez
If theres anything I learned, its that gorls named wendy are redpilled wife material. Kthxbai
John Cook
I dont know if you know this, but if you think Trudeau is an accurate representation of Canadian people, you're mentally disabled. A huge amount of people in Canada are pretty racist. The ONLY reason Trudeau won is because of the peomise to legalize marijuana.
She's 1/5 of huge kpop girl group Red Velvet, they have many international fans, enough to watch all their tv appearances and when the woke sector of that following saw this they started the usual outrage drive and want her to be punished by the company - not likely lmao
John Stewart
too bad Wendy is like the least bangable one in the group. Joy and Seulgi are smokes. Irene is fine but she looks like the product of endless languishing in the bbcream mines and decades of perfecting the jaw shaving surgery
Ryder Hill
so you don't think SM will reprimand her at all?
Carson Jones
>Irene is fine but she looks like the product of endless languishing in the bbcream mines and decades of perfecting the jaw shaving surgery
Cameron Thompson
i'm glad you fags like K*rean girls so much, because that just means anons like me with patrician taste will have more Japanese girls to choose form
Ryder Ortiz
for real man she's like the perfect plastic idol - but like too perfect
Lucas Anderson
but there are literally japanese girls in kpop...
Ryan Johnson
damage control, leafs are an embarrassment to personkind
Joseph Reyes
she should be deported
Cameron Taylor
t. al sharpton
Brody Harris
Wow this truly shows how trump has made people in other countries think bigotry is acceptable in 2018. Gross
Ethan Brooks
you can't seriously be invoking le drumph here - you really think he's on people's minds around the world all the time?
i already posted a twitter link sorry I didn't have it when I made the original post
Chase Ramirez
K-Pop is nigger music. The white man follows Japanese alt-idols.
William Nelson
I mean this by the way, the only Americans who give a shit about k-pop are black chicks.
Joseph White
Based Korean Friend. Together, we will kill all niggers and brown subhumans.
Elijah Watson
the only whites who listen to jpop are newfags who got into jpop in the past couple years to be contrarian and "hip". any actual jpop fans who listened to jpop during the golden age of japanese music moved onto kpop.
Austin Gutierrez
then why do the best japanese girls join kpop groups
Luke Brown
senpai is most wise
Jason Hernandez
>all the best kpop idols are hapas and japs.
gooks on suicide watch
Sebastian Foster
>best japanese girls >vapid whores who get at most 2 lines
Jonathan Allen
I thought this incident happened years ago. This is old news
Aaron Young
or taiwanese
Jonathan Clark
oops she did it again, I guess that's why they're so assblasted this time
Samuel Gomez
>pic related I always laugh when I see the bixnood
Isaiah Martinez
>pic related God damn it.
Alexander Garcia
I'm a hapa and I'm depressed. I try to improve myself, getting good grades and money, talk to girls, hang out with friends and even immerse myself in my hobbies But can't help feeling like I'm a waste and that everything I do leads to failure.
Jaxson Cox
Yeah except K-pop jumped the shark around the time of AoA. Big Bang is gone. Epik High is gone. The new shit is fake, and the plastic chicks with constructed identity schtick is getting old.
David Harris
> implying "shy shy shy" was not the meme of the year and she is super popular
Noah Phillips
Didn't Taeyeon say something about niggers as well?
Michael Edwards
holy shit SM is like the racist agency, the head guy probably makes the starlets drop redpills
Christian Stewart
>based nice niggerspeak self-abasing faggots weebs get
Tyler King
don't be angry for no reason friend
Dylan Rodriguez
If you say so.
Michael Bailey
>hyoyeon's natural beauty im laffin
Evan Morales
/our idol/
Carter Gonzalez
>ywn have a redpilled asian qt >granted this is a shit-tier one >pic related
Alexander Smith
>makes fun of white girl talk >makes fun of black girl talk YOU CAN'T BE RACIST AGAINST WHITES
John Jones
>alt-idol >j-pop Most of the notable underground/alt groups tend to take idol vocals/performances mashed up with traditionally un-idol style of music. I wouldn't really consider groups like Migma Shelter, There There Theres, Oyasumi Hologram, Burst Girl (or their predecessor group Guso Drop) or ・・・・・・・・・ j-pop in any sort of traditional sense.
Leo Martinez
Koreans are racist as fuck like most orientals. Doesn't change the fact that k-pop music is largely of the booga beat variety.
Ryder Sanders
she's such a princess - that face of disdain - are you really forcing me to vidchat with swedeniggers?
Christian Roberts
even southeast asians
Liam Johnson
>Leafs how does it feel your only based compatriot is a Korean girl group member? quintessentially Canadian
Christian Hughes
that's a trap
Jacob Morris
Yes. She's trying to say that she's upset that she'd been forced to get surgery but Hyoyeon hadn't.
For the record, I think Hayoyeon looked great, but I get why people think she looked weird.
Kayden Young
Red-pilled... More like coke-pilled or meth-pilled.
Evan Nelson
well she is thai...
Jayden Barnes
I can't wait to go back to Asia hahaha
Kayden Ross
They cake make up on her to make her skin lighter than it is. Don't get me wrong, I would bang her brains out, but she is a SEA monkey.
Leo Jenkins
she's groce tho - pls don't associate her with these gorgeous and pure kpop qts that are actually doing a subversively effective job of trolling the dindus
Luis Morgan
AHAHA I can't wait to go back to Asia
Brody Campbell
Dylan Cooper
southeast asians do not do it for me - japanese korean and in rare instances chinese are the only acceptable.
Elijah Hall
Checked. Maybe so but what does that say when a shitskinned drug addict is able to name the jew but we can't get a handful of our own women to do the same. I don't racemix but it really makes me wonder.
She is. Hence shit-tier. I was happy on how mad the kikes were with her. She named the jews behind the adult film business. I can respect that more than the kike/nigger worshipping average white woman.
Daniel Smith
Jordan Brown
i prefer brown asians, i must confess.
James Bell
she's thinking yikes
Ayden Edwards
Never compare Tzuyu to a subhuman again.
Dominic Perry
maybe viet - find phillippines groce
James Turner
this - she's an anti-commie chinese not a jungle creature
Ian Perez
It's amazing how much blacks love Koreans and Japs despite those groups pretty openly disdaining them as anything beyond sideshosw circus acts. MMA might've gotten Bob Sapp popular but shuckin' and jivin' was what brought in the big yen.
Cooper Murphy
she's literally from a chinese family. if that poster said she was a jap instead of a SEA you'd be gushing over her because, let's face it, you can't tell the difference between any of them
Ryder Morales
dude you're retarded if you can't tell a jap apart from a filipino - huge racial difference there
This is her with make up on before they decided to lighten her look. Are you telling me she isn't thai at all?
Noah Evans
lol its creepy you actually have that photo - what did you stalk her pre-debut
John Morgan
she's not filipino...she's thai and her family is chinese. you idiots really can't tell the difference and it's hilarious to see you try.
t. chinese american
Charles Richardson
I hope once we are gone. The Asians genocide every single sub human on the planet.
If not Asians then some Robotic AI force.
David Allen
Alexander Collins
yes, you retard. She's teochew. I know because my family comes from the same fucking part of china as hers did.
Aiden White
you're seriously telling me its hard to tell the difference between a thai that lives in the tropics and the japanese? dude i don't care that you're chinese all that means is you're probably butthurt at japanese beauty cause they kicked your ancestor's ass 8 ways to sunday. just admit japs are different and usually better looking than southeast asians - at least taking their celebs v. celebs like kpop/jpop whatever - dumbass
Juan Barnes
>you're seriously telling me its hard to tell the difference between a thai that lives in the tropics and the japanese? not for me, for you. I just pointed out that that chick is not even genetically SEA. I knew beforehand but I could pick it out regardless. You clearly can't. White people are not as good as that shit as you like to think. Hell even asians have trouble sometimes, at least when it comes to regions.
Isaiah Ward
How can an Asian be racist against a nigger? According to niggers, racism is about power, and last I checked Asians don't have any power over niggers.
Ryan Robinson
Well I apologize for calling her a Sea Monkey. Did the light skinned Han look down on you as a group?
Cooper Parker
>light skin han no such thing. if a chinese (or hell any asian, including japs/koreans) doesn't keep out of the sun or apply sunscreen religiously they get just as brown as any flip you might see.
Robert Gonzalez
sure I'll admit chinks are closer to SEA than japanese and koreans - japanese and koreans have their own distinct and usually better looking features - maybe some of that is the wealth but in my experience it's absolutely true. it's even easier because chinks dress like shit and chain smoke while speaking extremely loudly while koreans are well-dressed and like having fun drinking and can actually socialize with non-koreans
Lincoln Stewart
So do Germans. That is called tanning.
Jaxson Rogers
there are definitely light skinned han - usually with manchu admixture - sorry you're jungle tier
Cameron Gonzalez
Here is a Han girl. She looks different both in skin tone and facial structure. Do these Han discriminate against people like Lisa?
Ian Howard
> china owns africa - but wendy is korean not like dindus would know or care about the difference
Dominic Rodriguez
*googles 'lisa predebut'* Oh no no no no
Evan Nelson
Why does almost every single thread about Asians devolve into shitting on SEA? Are you guys that insecure?
you guys look down on SEA all the time but the fact is that your precious beloved japs, gooks, and chinks all have some "jungle Asian" admixture in them. Japan has the Jomon who were basically maritime SEA travelers. Korea has dravidian influence in their language and southern population. China, basically the entire southern one-third of China are heavily mixed with SEA.
Second, Lisa is not fucking Chinese or Teochew or whatever. Where's your fucking source?
Wyatt Sullivan
Nathan Allen
lmao your bullshit sounds like straight up we wuz kangz tier historical revisionism
Jackson Martin
not shitting on SEA because insecure, but korean women have better pussy, facts only