This is after a report last year claimed that movie box office had its worse record in 25 years.
How do we save the Academy Awards and more broadly the film industry from its rapid collapse?
This is after a report last year claimed that movie box office had its worse record in 25 years.
How do we save the Academy Awards and more broadly the film industry from its rapid collapse?
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Why would you even want to save them?
>All-time low
Thank God. Celebrities are society's lowest scum, as bad as drug dealers.
You dumb honkies do realize that hollywood was created because Jews were blacklisted from media outlets on the east coast?
Antisemite creates the Jew.
More live action anime movies
That's sure worked out well for Japan.
Now we go after the unions. Trade unions will support Trump then we ask "Why do government employees have unions?" Then we go after right to work
For decades upon decades, we've controlled how the American population and much of the world thought through entertainment, news media and other cultural institutions.
The "Holocaust", WW2 having a good outcome, "Nazis being evil", fascism and monarchies being bad, blondes being stupid, diversity and multiculturalism being a strength, blacks being friendly sidekicks and having big dicks, the Italian mafia being a big threat (this was to distract from the Eastern European mafia which we ran), female empowerment, white Christians being dumb and dangerous, nationalism being bad, communism not being a big concern, cultural/moral relativism, the White Helmets being good, individualism and consumerism..
We've been a guiding light for much of the West for all these decades, and we never needed to coerce people, they simply went to the movies and naturally their values began to reflect ours, or the ones we wanted them to imitate rather. We controlled the critics, the awards, and essentially told people what to like, what not to like, and people were happy. And while you were distracted by all this entertainment and "education" so to speak, even paying good money for it, we were getting more and more power over your countries and the world.
The collapse of the film industry is a threat to this entire model that has been successful ever since the end of WW1. You're essentially forcing our hands, and this is why we've started censoring social media more and more. We can't allow the next generations to be liberated from the reality we've created. Goebbels talked about how the lies would collapse under their own weight, and "the truth would again triumph", but that's false because we will never let it get to that point. The truth is what we say it is. It's either that, or we''ll have to implement more rigid speech control laws as we did in Europe.
You might think you're "rebelling" from our system but we'll just replace it with something else if you reject it.
>Antisemite creates the Jew.
You can't be antisemite is there are no jews.