Was the show any good?
My dick said so, yes.
Sup Forums has shit taste these days. Asking if something is good here is pretty much the same as asking at ANN or Reddit.
Nah, it was trash, but if you're into femdom or like when half of your show is filled with decent action sequences then you can pick it up and see for yourself.
Yes, if you are 12.
It was okay. It wasn't anything special, but it was somewhat entertaining.
It was good at the start, but like most early adaptations, fucked up midway
Also the color palettes are atrocious.
God no. And neither is the source.
Hey let's make another edgy anime.
Also let's make every fight end with both characters dying.
Akame ga Kill is trash, the only thing worth about it is jerking your pole milk to Esdeath.
Fuck no
Kill yourselves
It exposed shounenfriends as lousy hypocrites they are so it gets my approval
It's a pretty fun trainwreck.
It was good till it went anime original.
Manga is dogshit from the start and so is the adaptation.
It was a fun ride to a point, then it just dragged it's way to the finish line with half the crowd leaving and the other half booing.
Was a terrible show
Manga was decent to good, anime was decent at the very best.
manga fucked up by following the anime but not killing Tatsumi or Mine like why the fuck would you not do the only things the anime did right?
Show starts off strong but ends with a whimper. Probably because it was mostly anime original towards the end.
More like the anime had to rush through the relationships and had no choice but to kill characters instead of giving them a proper development.